With the limited amount of space inside the midget sub, Selena and Candi could not run away from each other very effectively or very far, and with Zeph having the ability to lock the two of them out of the midget sub's control except for in an emergency, there was no escape.
Not that they wanted to when Zeph could not easily escape their clutches just Brandon Cocks planned. Being a prideful possessive hen worked against them, even if neither of them had any real claim to Zeph.
Brandon Cocks was banking on Zeph's ability to navigate the pitfalls associated with having multiple wives that those who fantasize about things never think of, to help him navigate the treacherous waters of the rivalry that had him at its very core.
Three wives, three, pets, and daughters/lovers/ mothers of his children, plus whatever all the others could be considered, Brandon Cocks wasn't envious of Zeph, he was amazed at how he pulled it off.