Chapter 11 - Craftsmutation

One of the talents a Witch possessed was the ability to make the craft items into a skill.

This ability is called Craftsmutation.

This talent was a hidden passive skill of Witch Craft. But it was slightly different from the term 'passive skill' since a certain condition was needed to trigger it.

Craftsmutation was in the branch of transmutation magic.

Definitely, the definition of transmutation magic was fairly simple—it can change the physical properties of some creature, things, or any matter into something else.

For instance, turning a person into a chicken is transmutation magic.

Craftsmutation on the other hand, though it was in the category of 'Transmutation', it was entirely different.

The said ability doesn't 'transform' the physical properties of the item as the usual transmutation magic does. Instead, it 'converts' the item into a skill.

Cool and powerful as it seems, it was quite a picky ability.

"Yeah, totally choosy," Ethan grumbled, recalling the weeping of his guild members who chose the Witch profession.

After all, even after the first three years of the game passed by, there's only a shortlist of craft items that were suitable for Craftsmutation.

There is no definite list provided by the admin or even in the system.

Thus, a Witch can only rely on thorough and arduous research.

HP or MP potion? Nah, it can't be converted into a skill. Actually, scratch all the items that were in normal NPC shops.

Those items were not suitable for Craftsmutation.


[Craftsmutation complete!]

[You have successfully learned the Advance Spell, level 1 Doll Momoko]

[Congratulations! You are the first Witch in Utopia to perform Craftsmutation. Obtained the item Witch Monocle.]

"Huh...Witch Monocle?"

Ethan mused. He never expected there was a reward for a first player who performed craftsmutation.

"Hmm... it's no use, I can't remember at all."

Ethan tried to remember where did he saw this item but give up in the end.

He tap the item and a panel projected on his front.

[Witch Monocle] (Unique Accessory)

Level 1

Requirement(s): none

Effect(s): PRC +5, DEX +5, INT +5

Unique Effect(s): Growth-type Accessory.

• A monocle invented by the greatest Witch Crafter of Utopia.

• Allow the user to detect raw materials for the item eligible in craftsmutation.

• Other hidden effects would be unlocked upon growth.

Class Limitation: Witch

"A growth-type accessory, eh? And it was Unique at that!" Ethan exclaimed.

Unique items are items not included in the system rating. It was being their usage was very dependent on the user.

Moreover, Unique items were often not reproducible since either they were invented by an already dead master artisan or was generated naturally in the game.

If he were to consider the first description, Ethan can assume this item might be the only one in the whole Utopia.

He scanned the monocle. It has a simple silver color, but the intricate designs on every edge made it clear that it was truly a valuable item.

Since it was a growth-type accessory, it wouldn't be outdated in the later stages of the game like most of the low-level items.

Not knowing the real function of the monocle, Ethan equipped it in his left eye.


As if a cue, the edges of the monocle lighted up like a circuit light of machines.

The monocle mechanically spin then with another click, it was back again to idle as if nothing happened.

But when he looks at the reminder items huddled on the table, his vision has a subtle change.

The scene was the same as the synergy menu of the crafting room he uses a while ago.

But all of the items have no percentage or anything like that. It just basks with the color red.

'What does this tell?'

Ethan thought as he continue to scan his surroundings.

Since he already finished crafting, the only materials left on the table were the San flask and the several tools he uses a while ago.

All of it has a red color.

After thinking deeply, he forms a conclusion.

"So does this mean this monocle can function as this room's synergy chance menu? But instead of synergy, it was more inclined to Craftsmutation..."

Ethan pondered, hands in his chins. Eventually, he nodded his head as he come to conclusion.

"Well, it's no use analyzing it all at once, might as well keep the exciting things in moderation,"

Ethan grins as he set the monocle and equips it as an accessory. He was like some magician thief.

After that, he opens his right palm.

"Doll Momoko," he chanted shortly.


A doll with a size of 25 cm was now sitting at the table.

The doll blink its eyes at him and tilted its head then blinks again.

Above its head was a small number counter.

Since becoming a skill, summoning doll Momoko has a set of 25 seconds before it expired.

The system also granted a 3 minutes cooldown to the skill.

It was a quite long cooldown but considering the destructive damage the spell can inflict, it was a befitting restriction.

The game was still balanced, after all.

Anyhow, Ethan was done with all of his crafting business and now, it's time to start his next plan.

He immediately left the artisan association and went to a good-sized building.

Above it was a signboard etched with a crossed sword, staff, and shield.

This place was the Adventurer's Guild in the city. And no, the guild was not promoting prejudice against the other profession because of the limited signboard.

It's just that the first profession in Utopia was only Swordsman, Mage, and Shield Warrior... according to the history book.

People are milling around the building, coming and leaving the place. They're all players.

He took a step inside. Although the environment is busy, it can still be described as organized.

At the counter table, there is a long line. Each person in line had a piece of paper in their hands.

That is the quest note.

A player can obtain a quest from the bulletin board in the building's right corner.

Even so, the majority of the quests were normal. Other people would not choose to waste their time in this location, especially given the long queue.

Ethan also doesn't want to step into this place if not for the real purpose of why he was here.

Walking casually like he usually does, he proceeded to the counter table.

"Hey, you little shit! Why are you butting in the line? Are you blind or something?"

"That guy with the fancy hat, what do you think you're trying to do? Do you know how many people are queuing up behind?"

The players in the queue became enraged and started criticizing when they saw Ethan cutting the line, walking directly towards the counter.

They would've long since smacked this person were it not for the fact that they could be apprehended for attacking another player inside the city.

"Oh? There's no rule stating that one would need to line up, am I right?" Ethan ribbed, a grin plastered on his face.

He was correct. There is no rule pasted in the building that one would need to line up to get a quest.

However, even there is none, it becomes a silent agreement for players to queue, especially on this occasion. That's why Ethan's doing would most likely cause an outrage.

The players got irritated by his playful response and they started to curse at him. However, he didn't seem to pay mind and continue to walk forward.

"Hello, miss. I would like to talk to the master of this guild."

Ethan addresses the woman over the counter. There was an employee badge on her chest, the name "Mikala" can be read.

"The guild master, Sir? Do you have an appointment?" the receptionist asked.

"Actually, no. But please kindly tell him I can help to retrieve something valuable to him."

Ethan requested.

He didn't need to line up since his purpose was different. It was related to the guild master of this guild.

The woman's face was surprised for a second then changed into a delighted expression.

"Very well, sir. I would escort you to the master's office," Mikala stands and called the other employee of the guild to fill her position at the counter.

Ethan grinned after receiving the response. Everyone else in the queue looked at him, utterly confused and unable to grasp what had just happened.

This is the first time they saw the receptionist acts like that. Usually, they treated these kinds of NPC as a robot because of their monotonous job in handling a quest.

Now, however, it's different.

Based on the words from the receptionist, all of them could surmise that it was a hidden quest line or something like that.

Who'd have guessed that the scumbag from a while ago would set off a mysterious event? Unfortunately, they were only onlookers and could only watch Ethan ascend the stairs.

Silently walking on the second floor, the both of them stopped at one of the doors. Mikala knocks on it twice.

"Guild master, I've brought someone who claims to be able to assist you with your problems."

"Come in," a voice answered from within.

"Excuse me," Mikala said as she opened the door and ushered Ethan inside.

He entered as Mikala closed the door behind him.

Ethan notices that the room was designed to be spacious, with a large desk and a table flanked by a pair of sofas.

Behind the desk sat a man in his early fifties.

After seeing the person who entered his office, the old man scoffed.

"I can't believe the one who claims to help me is just a young lad."