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Phantom X

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17 year old Arnold Jay is set on a journey to become a phantom X member .a elite team of courageous individuals put together to counter the war between the spirit realm and the human realm now he deliberately joins the phantom X to seek revenge for the death of his parents having to do with the spirits. Will he become a great phantom X member and revenge his parents or would he end up dying In his chase for vengeance

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Quarter 609

Episode 1 ❄️

The trees danced to the wave of wind

As the rains splashes into cars and other surface areas

roofs could be seen

uprooting as the wind became even more intense,

cars drove past the road splashing water on bill boards and pedestrians who ran roughly through the wet road.some got a cool doze with the splash,

more raindrops kissed the ground causing a smooth endless amount of


Portholes were filled up with water and the raindrops filled the empty gutters with waters causing dirt to float on top

a boy trips over the slippery floor groaning holding his hand tightly to the position of his sprinted ankle.

a man walking by with a black umbrella glanced at him and walked towards him giving him a helping hand. The boy whose back pack was slung tightly to his shoulder quickly stood up from the wet floor and with a soaked uniform held the man and took a safe spot away from the rain under the mans umbrella and both started walking into the distance


The scene opens to 18 year old Arnold laying helplessly on his white colored bed

He awakens due to the loud alarm clock that rang across the room.he swiftly hits the snooze button

he shut his eyes for a little while


the table beside his bed vibrated

"God damn it"he groaned sluggishly moving his hands towards the table turning his face from the left side of the bed to the right to stare at the contact displaying on the screen of his phone

"Oh my God! I'm late for work!"he yelled jumping at of the bed like someone who almost got shot in the head with a sniper

He rushed into the bathroom 30 minutes he was ready.he walked downstairs with his green T-shirt with a white labeled 'X' on the front also had on some blue khaki shorts.

walking to the kitchen he opened the refrigerator taking out the content of boxed milk and holding it up to the height of his nose

His eyes widened"yuck! This milk is spoiled "he exclaimed heading to the kitchen sink and pouring the content into the sink "when are we going to start having light in this country sef ?"he asked himself after disposing the carton into a trashcan by the side of the sink

He opened the pot on the cooker and turned on the cooker letting the content in the pot boil.he takes a plate and distribute some left over rice on the plate for him self .he walked up to the dinning table having a seat and immediately gulping in some amount of rice into his big wide mouth

He gave a quick glare on the watch in his hand

He quickly let the spoon slide on the plate taking out a napkin to wipe his mouth.he got on his feet and went to the refrigerator to get a canned water

"Hey X 23!"he said guzzling in some amount of water and closing the top and retreating it into the fridge

"Yes mister A!"a voice replied from his watch

"Take me to headquarters"he said abandoning the plate on the table

" you need to take care of that!she replied back

"Take care of what?"

"The food you abandoned on the table"she replied back immediately

"Since when did you start telling me to clean up"he muttered

"Since you joined tech Corp "she replied softly printing a smile on the screen of the watch

"Fine!! I would Clear the table,"he said taking the plate to the kitchen "now can we go?"


"Oghene!!what again"he scoffed

" you have to wash the plate and pick up the particles of rice on the rug" x23 replied

"What sort of rubbish is this!"

" it's not rubbish mister A,I'm designed to follow protocols when you're ready and give you ways to live a better life only when you follow my rules then I can follow your command"

"Abeg I don hear!"he said walking towards the kitchen switching on the tap also washing the plate then arranging it on the plate rack also sweeping off the particle of food left on the floor and disposing them "please can we go,please". he pleaded with empathy

"Yes mister A.just call it!"

"Analyze protocol 201 "

"Access granted"

The young boy transformed into blue dust and disappeared into thin air

Unknown location ♦️♦️♦️♦️

A huge underground headquarters could be seen

agents on tech outfits consisting of a white and blue metallic armor and a huge gauntlet which covers the whole of the there elbow down to there hand.

transparent glasses and earplugs with a long metallic antenna sticking out of it and a tiny straight micro hearing aid attached to it

Blue rays of light flashed down revealing Arnold on the tech outfit only this out fit has only blue on it

He landed on a huge metallic circular board attached to the ground it was marked X.right beside the X marked spot other metallic boards were visible but with different labels.he walked smiling and checking the environment out.

He was amazed by the surrounding. Tech equipments could be seen.vehicles,planes,and some other cool stuffs.they were holographic sections in every quarters.different tech agents took few glances at Arnold before resuming with there various activities.Arnold walks faster not knowing where he was headed

"So hey X23!" Arnold called

"Yes mister A"

"where I'm I headed now"Arnold ask

"With the map and appointment shown here on your configuration you're headed to quarters 609"

" where is quarters 609?"

"Take the lobby on the left and a elevator must be up ahead"X23 directed Arnold

Eventually getting to the elevator

To his surprise the lobby was quiet and no sign of tech Corp agents

He walked slowly to the elevator

"Ahhhhhhh!" Arnold exclaimed in fear as he stumbles across a white girl as the door opens.she was Standing inside the elevator gawking

Both the girl and Arnold yelled at same time indicating fear and surprise

"You scared me !"the girl finally said after a moment of silence

"Sorry wasn't expecting any one in the elevator" Arnold said as the elevator door closes

"Yeah me my name is cupcake valentines "she said introducing herself with a soft and beautiful smile

"Cupcake!!"arnold was skeptical and almost laughs but held his laughter "my name is Arnold Jay"

"Nice,I'm from Connecticut" she replied staring on the floor


A crash of silence hit the elevator for a while but was broken when Arnold gazed on the wall they was no sign of any button

"No button how are we getting to quarter 609"Arnold asked in silence to the hearing of cupcakes

"X23 where are the buttons"Arnold asked but got no reply he held his wrist up to the length of his forehead


he called out but no reply Arnold was cut short

" don't bother already asked my tech watch got no reply either

yeah why did you think you saw me here just standing."she muttered

"So...."Arnold spoke

"First day on the job huh!"he asked

"Yeah."she paused "you?"she continued fixing her gaze on the floor

"She looks rather shy"Arnold thought

"Yeah"Arnold replied "maybe the elevator is automated!"he added

"Maybe!"she said looking around

It was getting weird

"Please hold on tight comrades.the ride would begin shortly"a voice came piercing through the intercom on the wall upwards

"Told you it was automated"Arnold boasted

Immediately the elevator flew down in lightning speed

Arnold and cupcake held tightly to each other yelling extensively Setting off in fear and trepidation.a dribble could be seen running down Arnold's chin. They both screamed non stop hoping for it to stop.

The elevator came to its test.A cool sigh of relief came from both cupcake and Arnold as they let go of each other timidly

"Sorry"both apologize simultaneously

"This elevator needs adjusting🥵"Arnold said wanting to throw up

"Please don't do it here"cupcake replied looking away as he threw up on the floor

"Yuck!!!!!!!"she scorned in disgust

The elevator door opened and face to face with a door labeled '609' Arnold in silence still shocked with the speed of the elevator

stepped out of the elevator quickly cupcake follows behind

Both looks at the door in shock it was huge.a face recognition censor lighted red and scanned both faces.sooner they realized it was a face recognition and the door was automated also with just a little feet close to the door the door would slide open

They walked Into quarter 609 to there surprise a lot of tech agents were sitted on floating chairs .a man with a full general tech Corp outfit which consisted of purple metallic suit with no difference with the other tech agents just color if compared and size difference

He stood in front of a holographic screen and spoke directly to both cupcake and Arnold

"You're both late!take a seat"the general said in a deep voice waving his hand as two floating chairs swipe both cupcake and Arnold of there feet's allowing them to sit comfortably

"Thank you!" The general said as he started

"Well my name is general stone as you can see this is quarter 609 of the organization tech Corp founded in the year 2006.this was put together to eradicate evil considering anything to do with any super natural beings

well quarter 609 is a quarter put together to eradicate spirits and ghosts.each one of you was asked to join our forces and swore a oath of allegiance to us to fight by our side even with your last weren't forced here it was done with free will and you don't get In So get through a lot of training and which could lead to death

we know must of you here must have gone through a lot all because of supernaturals -he paused then continues-i'm a victim of so called super natural brutality so I know how you must feel

well with that vengeance comes a series of test which would test your faith against real spirits and ghost

You would be sent on a mission with each a team member of 5 with at-least ten missions to go with that "

They was a loud sigh around

The general continued "the team which survives the test gets to join the quarter 609,well before you ask yes you would be given equipments and weapons all real 609 agents have had through out the years.

those would be found in your tech guys must be wondering why your tech watches were disabled.well it was for a specific reason

your watches are under upgrade once it's upgraded your missions would be sent to you and your team of five dashboard would display on the watches take care and good luck on your journey

Minutes later

Arnold stares at different quarters door as he walked across the lobby with everywhere labeled in tech Corp.they are almost 800 sections evaluated in tech Corp.Arnold walks swiftly.trying to locate the bathroom

he bumps into a red hair dude coming the opposite direction as Arnold

He was too busy concentrating his eyes on all the amazing things that he obviously forgot he was walking

"Hey watch it princess!!"the boy scorned

"Sorry I was...who are you calling princess?"arnold asked now annoyed

"Well next time while walking you won't forget to concentrate on one direction!"the boy teased walking into the distance

"Idiot!"arnold muttered

Arnold accidentally steps into the demon quarter assuming it was the bathroom.well this didn't need a face recognition for some reason

Two men one in his late 60's and another way younger about Arnold's age

12 holographic monitor screen could be seen plasted on the wall displaying different images.the first mature man was on a black metallic armor who sat and directed his whole attention on the screen while the younger one had on a orange metallic suit.

he operated swiftly with his finger moving like a pro behind the keyboard .both concentrated not aware of the presence of Arnold

"Sir we just picked up an unknown alert signal of a demon aura in Ocean bay .!"the man in a orange metallic tech Corp suit informed the middle age man seated on a floating chair.(well the floating chair is enabled with electrical magnetic fields put in mind)

"What part of ocean bay?"the man said snatching a cup of soda softly from the table

"Pearl eyes .!"he said purely concentrated on the screen

"No worries.just send down the strike force to investigate the area of the crime"he said taking a sip from the soda cup

"wow good soda"he complimented

"Okay sir.send down in strike 7 to the exact co-ordinates "the young boy said into a intercom

"Now work on that project!!"the man commanded

"Yes Sargent Dan !"

Arnold felt a sharp pain in his head

"Ah"he exclaimed

"Well who do we have here?!"Sargent Dan turned swiftly catching the presence of Arnold through the little exclamation

"What are you doing here boy?"the Sargent asked

"Sir his a recruit member,you can clearly see through the armor"the younger agent who was know to be Jason responded

"I can see that Jason,what sector are you boy"Sargent Dan asked now fixing all his attention on Arnold

"Hmmm....sector 609"Arnold replied

"So you're one of general stones crew?"sargent Dan said with a smirk

"So what are you doing here in sector 5?"the Sargent added

"Sorry sir I was trying to find the bathroom"

"It's opposite sector 1"Jason replied directing his attention to that of the huge monitor in front of him

"Okay thanks "Arnold replied turning back and walking out of the room as the door automatically closes

Minutes later

Arnold walked from the bathroom door

"Upgrade complete!"X23 said immediately

"Huh!"arnold moves his attention to X23

"Hello mister A"

"Oh X23 you're back"

"Yes mister A.your team dash board has been posted

"So who are my team mates?" Arnold feeling unease

"Dashboard compromise of location co-ordinates,mission updated and accumulated."

"X23 can you please speak human words"arnold said walking

"Teleportation is needed"

"Needed for what "Arnold asked inpatients

"Give command and start your team mission"

" how can I start my team mission without a team...geez This must be broken or something"Arnold said hitting it

"It's not broken princess"the red hair dude said leaning on the wall close to the bathroom

"Please stop calling me princess.and why are you following me around.are you stalking me ??"Arnold retaliated

"Well I was here before you so shut your pipe hole.Your Tech X wants you to give commands for teleportation"

"But why??and I didn't ask you for any help red hair jerk!!!"Arnold asked "now that was stupid"arnold thought

"Well you want your team mates and get into phantom X then teleport"the red hair dude said staring on the floor with hands folded

"And why are you telling me all this "Arnold asked being suspicious

"Just helping a fellow mate"

"You're a recruit like me aren't you??"Scoffed Arnold

"Not every one here is a recruit princess "he said walking away

Arnold was skeptical.he just raised an eyebrow and glanced into his watch

"Weirdo,well let's see,hope red hair here is right "Arnold closed one eye and looked into the watch "

"X23 analyze protocol 201"


Arnold was engulfed by a blue ray of light

Unknown location 🕋🕋

Arnold appeared directly in an unknown location

looking around he was surprised to recognize the place it was 'Paris Arnold quickly gazed at the beautiful view the best part of being a tech Corp is traveling around the cool is that

Ray of lights appeared one by one revealing Arnold's team members

'beep'Arnold watch vibrated and stared on the screen his dash board was posted on the screen of his watch

"Arnold Oj. —X23

Jenny Davis—X24

Golden carrell—X25

Lake Sylvester—X26

Clinton ajekpo —X27

Mission-: find the nun spirit and trap her.

Info on nun spirit-very dangerous proceed with caution can posses and create hallucination.can kill about 20 people in about seconds .powerless unless in a host

Location -Paris

Location in danger-local Paris John embers museum "

"Now this gives me the chills "Arnold said taking his glance away from X23

And fixing his gaze on an exploding building

To be continued...

If you comment "next please"just forget it I'm gonna end the story