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New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

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Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

Chapter 1 - Prologue

Well life didn't used to be so bad if I'm to be honest with myself. It used to be lazing around and relaxing reading books before work but then well life sorta just went to shit. So even though I'm stuck in a mall guarding a bunch of useless fucks from the literal dead. I at least get to go out swinging as I blow everyone's fucking brains out. Admittedly with my Scar-H that I stole from a soldier trying to kidnap me, dick move that I crushed his balls then let a zombie rip his head off. However, free gear. That's the main thing he died, I got gear, and ran like a bitch. How I ended up here I got no real fucking clue. Moving my gun slightly I squeezed the trigger blowing the brains of one of the survivors out.

We're all about to get ganked by the dead outside when the doors break so might as well put everyone down. This is a morbid thought but its pretty relaxing just murdering a living person compared to undead. I mean the dead are everywhere, the living are just sometimes idiots running around and dying. So the fact I'm pretty much enjoying my execution spree of live humans is morbid. By the time I shot one of the last people still sticking around I had changed mags twice. With one last bullet in my current mag I looked at my gun and the cracking doors. Shrugging I aimed at the weakest spot on a door and shot it. The dead easily used the moment the doors shattered to flood in.

Taking my leave up the nearby escalators with slow shambling undead after me I reloaded my gun. Reaching the second floor of the mall I continued walking up the floors till I was at the last floor. Shooting the roof lock out I made my way up to the roof, found a ledge and turned around. Looking at the rather persistent undead after me while picking a few off till my gun jammed. Backing up to stand on the ledge I grabbed one of the dead and threw us off the roof. I was dying no point in being swarmed so I grabbed one and let it basically throw itself off while holding it. As we neared the pavement below I threw my gun through a window for some future smuck.

With the sound of glass shattering as I made my body speed up towards the ground. I died giving the dead fuck a punch in the face. Mine and its blood and brain matter probably fucking painting the pavement on impact but eh, shit happens I died on my own terms. That's all I really cared about given that shit show. Now why I stood in front of a fucking floating words I had no clue just that a spotlight is shining on me.

[Hello there Kaiser P. Lockhart, I am the one who shall be both your best friend and someone you wish to kill. I have specifically brought you to this corner of the void with your body and sensory feelings intact, not deprived. Because I have a proposition for one like yourself regarding well being as you say "Sociopath" as you wouldn't really let emotions bother you. What I am offering you is to go to another world free of charge with some abilities. All you must do is simply, execution. Where you'll be going is a world much like SAO but you'll be transported to a literal new world based on a game exactly. The game is called The New Gate where you will first be let's say a developer getting stuck in the death game then transported. Live or Die, up to you.]

"Okay, so be a sociopathic murder hobo game dev okay. What all ya offering me for this endeavor?"

[There's honestly to many fucking skills so I'll just let you search up what you'd think to be useful. Doesn't even have to be a skill you could completely steal knowledge if it'd help you. So have a look.]

Looking through everything I sometimes did punch the floating words which did nothing. Eventually I ended up picking a few things that could be helpful. As I'll be a dev and stuck fighting for my fucking life, I've at least read some of that novel series.

[Rewrite - able to write and write the very essence of an item or creature. Cooldown: 1 week.

Master Marksman - You've pushed the boundaries of ranged weaponry, you are considered a master.

Master Blacksmith - You've pushed the boundaries of creating items, that you scare people who are not of the same level. Crafting skills such as Alchemy are all at least one step or two below your blacksmithing skills.

Dev Console - You're a developer, this is your best friend.

Master Tamer - Animals aren't quite sure how to approach you as long as you aren't hostile first.

Special Forces Operative - You are someone who does things quietly and effectively. Most never you are around till you've already left a bloody mess.

Ammo Refinery - You can use magic to create ammunition for your weapons or create physical ammunition types. MP Cost: Variable.

Limit Breaker - Your limits are unlocked, nothing chains you down anymore.

Sociopathic - You randomly slip in moments where you just don't care who you hurt, you just do what you want.]

"Those should be good enough, which the Spec Ops one is a double thing, as I'll make that a class plus want that experience from one."

[Hm fair and I see no problems with it all so now character creation. This will be sweet and simple while dropping you frankly into day one of the new world, 500 years later. Enjoy yourself, meet a lady or guy, make chaos, and kick some ass. Just make sure you always execute something.]

Filling out the sheet that appeared before me I configured it to how I'd want it. Before looking it over to make sure it all fits as I'll be starting from level one of my own choice. Just with maxed skills because I'm a dev, I have the right to cheat.

[Name: Kaiser Lockhart, Sex: Male, Race: High Human

Age: 26, Height: 7'12, weight: 240, Eyes: Hazel, Hair: Brown, Skin: Pale Tan

Class: Special Forces Operative (Primary), Blacksmith (Sub), Tamer (Sub)

Affiliation: NA

Title: Developer, Limit Breaker, Sole Gun User, Pinnacle Blacksmith, Pinnacle Gunslinger, Pinnacle Tamer, Genocidal Murderer

Adventure Rank: NA

Level: 1000

Stats: HP - 60,000, MP - 600,000, STR - 3265, VIT - 2163, DEX - 2986, AGI - 4000, INT - 2432, LUC - 40

Equipment: Dual Beretta M9(Ancient), Vector(Ancient), Stoner 63(Ancient), Springfield Armory Saint: .300 AAC Blackout(Ancient), Barret .50 Cal(Ancient), SR-25(Ancient), Milkor Mk14(Ancient), Remington 870 Magpul(Ancient), Bowie Knives(Ancient), SFLCS(Ancient), FAS Tacticalxmen Samurai Tactical(Ancient), MH Tactical Fast Helmet(Ancient), Combat Boots(Ancient), Gray Tank Top(Ancient), Black Combat Pants(Ancient), Dog Tags(Ancient), Purification Armband(Ancient)

Skills: CQC: Rank 10, Analysis: Rank 10, Smithing: Rank 10, Taming: Rank 10, Alchemy: Rank 7, Cooking: Rank 8, Merchant: Rank 6, Architecture: Rank 9, Stealth: Rank 4, Marksman: Rank 10, Ammo Refinery: Rank 10, Sociopath: Rank 10, Interrogation: Rank 10, Torture: Rank 10, Subtle Step: Rank 10, Throwing: Rank 10, Explosive: Rank 9, Suicide Tag: Rank 9, Poisoner: Rank 10, Herbalist: Rank 7, Doctor: Rank 6, Execution: Rank 10, Night Vision: Rank 10, Danger Sense: Rank 10, Swimming: Rank 10, Rapid Fire: Rank 10, Point Blank: Rank 10, Suppressed: Rank 8, Cover Fire: Rank 9, Critical Shot: Rank 10, AbAncient Status Nullification: Rank 10, Copy: Rank 10, Purification: Rank 10, Tracking: Rank 10, Limiter: Rank 10, Regeneration: Rank 10, Mana Regeneration: Rank 10, Purification: Rank 10, Stealth: Rank 10, Anti-Sensing: Rank 10]

[Skills will update further upon skills of game being learnt.]

"I think this will work, what's your opinion on this, Entity thing?"

[I find no faults as your logic is fine, you're a game dev you can cheat if you need to. With how bloody and hard this game will be then as a real world, you'll need some cheats. So with this, it's goodbye to my executioner who decides who lives and dies. Note though that again you'll have lived through the game and be put into the new world and any unimportant memories erased and replaced.]

With those final floating words everything turned white before a world started building itself around me. As the world filled itself in and it came to life I felt my mind starting to change, already forgetting how I came here. I'm in a forest and I have quite a few dog tags on me. Pulling them from under my shirt collar I looked at them and memories did come to me. These used to be my pets I tamed during the death game… Frederick my Black Hound death by decapitation, Yukino my Four Headed Snake death by Wrath, Helga my Flame Boar death by poison, and so many many… more… rubbing the actual scratched up tags with my thumb one by one. I sighed letting these memories sink in and replace the old ones that were not knowledge sensitive.

Looking around at the forest a monster I know well slowly stalked out of a bush. Void Barghest. A monster designed after a black wolf with a description that means it only comes for a select few. Genocidal Murderer, players that managed to kill a key number of life in under twenty seconds at one time. Void monsters are my own doing that hunt down such players, I am no better. But for a Void Prowler to find me so quickly it's shit luck. Me and the wolf-like monster that has wisping strands of gaseous shadows flowing and leaking off it stare at each other. My hazel eyes staring into its crimson eyes till it suddenly just sits down. Its muzzle cracking a smile that shows off its pearly white fangs.

"Interesting to see you again, High Human. It has been five hundred years since I last saw you during our routine death fights. Five hundred years you've suddenly vanished, souls of a world trapped within bodies not their own now here. But for you to be one of the last two souls to arrive, what is the reason, old friend?"

"Oh great your that fucking jackass that always appeared to fuck me over?! How many times did I kill you yet your broken revival kept you coming?! Also if your truly fucking curious, I watched the game be cleared. Sighed at the sight of it being over and well then everything went white, and just literally rebuilt itself around me. Then you show up, so what ya want because I'm not shooting you up."

"Well yes I'm the beautiful lady that always came to spoil your fun in particular! Others wanted to but because I'm a boss~ I took dibs since that was how you programmed the Void bosses. Though the fact that the game ended and you're here without dying… you've transferred over worlds. Before we talk further allow me to apologize to you Lockhart…. I'm sorry I killed so many of your companions while you didn't really fit in with the other Players. If I could've, I wouldn't have put you through so much, as while you are what some called a "sociopath" for not caring much about life. You treated those tamed monsters as your children and each death hurt you…. So I am sorry for those I've killed."

"Heh… a boss monster that was an AI just moments ago to me is apologizing…. Thank you though as yes while one player known as Shin was the Player's hope. I was their enemy as I was a developer that "should have been able to get them out" as some said. Lots accused me of not trying when I already said that those options were locked to me. While I could spite those Player's I just gave up on them. You? I just can't spite you, you followed my programming and did what you were meant to."

"You are a cold but kind human…. Can I ask you a question, Lockhart?"

"Sure, go for it because I don't know what to do right now."

"Thank you. As you seem to have lost the final child of your pack. Could I perhaps become your new pack member? It's been a long time since I've seen you and so I wish to stay by your side."

"Sure I could use company and a guide for this new life. So any name preferences?"

"Heh I believe you have not yet had Fenris."

"That's a male wolf and a myth from my world… but eh fine female Fenris it is. Let's get along, mate."

"Cheeky gunslinger."

Chuckling at Fenris I felt something react from within my body. A gold chain holding two dog tags slowly weaved itself around her neck while I swiped a finger in the air. The developer console appeared in my field of vision so I looked through it and closed it seconds later. Nothing I see a need to use any of the functions on yet but I did notice I had a mobile "shop," my home throughout the death game, in my player inventory as a card. Pulling it from my inventory is an ATV mobile base that's about as big as an RV. Turning the mobile home store into a more material form because of their not being enough space it turns into a skull arm band on my left arm.

"Oh you kept your home in your inventory? Nomad I believe you called it."

"Well I wasn't going to just leave the shop and home on the ground. I have no support character's so I just stored it when I wasn't traveling in it. Looks small on the outside but it's actually bigger inside due to a game functionality. But do you know anywhere I can materialize it so we can see about finding a town?"

"Yes I do, and if you're going to call me that one word better be ready to have me stalking your shadow every second. Because five hundred years without my favorite High Human chew toy drove me mad."

"Considering I likely won't get a normal one I wouldn't mind. But we'll see how things go Fenris, so lead on."

Chuckling at her glare I followed my newest tamed monster through the forest till eventually we exited. My boots crunching dried leaves nearby a cracking stone road. Looking around for a few seconds I reached over and scratched Fenris behind her ears. My fingers sinking into the dark wisp till I felt her head and fur. Getting a rumbling pleased demonic growl from the void monster. Thinking of it I watched as an armored black camo mobile rv sized base materialized on the stone road. Seeing it in real life is honestly impressive and inside as we entered it was pretty amazing as well. The actual feel of the materials under my gloved hands felt nice and gave me a sense of home. My store front hides the back area of the mobile base while the drive compartment is sealed shut.

Heading to the seemingly all wooden metallic wall I knocked on it in a pattern causing the wall to fold and slide open. Revealing a rathery comfy one person driving set up with a bunch of more militaristic machines to carry on some functions. Setting myself into the driver seat I started Nomad up and listened to the nostalgic sound of its engine. The topographic machine besides me starting up with the others while my player map is fed a second map set. Switching map views I studied it before switching maps back to the usual one players had. Fenris looked around the driver compartment with interest as I checked over a few things. Seeing everything in very much working order I slowly started pressing on the pedal before Nomad drove at a steady slow pace.

The road being a bit of a hazard at times is why I'm being careful, as even with the auto land changer for smooth traveling. There is no telling if such a feature will stay functional and this road is unfamiliar so best to be cautious. While we drove along the road I played some Bon Jovi and Johnny Cash on the radio, Fenris funnily enough looking as if the music was heresy. Guess hearing me sing military songs involving blood made her more into metal rock stuff. She liked "I'd come for you" though and that's what soft rock and basically a love song? Females, they are crazy. A tail smacked my face as if my rude thought was detected. Females have a cheating sense for bullshittery. Fucking hackers. Fenris bit my leg with a glare daring me to think rudely again. Bring it bitch!

"Females are fucking hackers! You can't possibly always know when someone thinks something rude. So simply fuck you!"

"Don't make an offer you may not keep Lockhart. Plus it's not female hacks if you know the person well enough. Your thoughts on rude remarks are honestly plain to me, how can I not know you're being rude if your eyes go dead like a fish?!"

"Is that why whenever I thought your a fucking crazy asshole just trying to steal my kills, you always tried to drag me into the void with attacks?"

"Yes. They weren't your kills, they were mine, you hurt them, I killed them. Thus mine."

"I forgot how much of a troll some of the boss monsters could be. Mainly void ones."

"If it makes you feel better, I killed Hzula for you once they tried stealing you from me. So I mauled them and made them suffer from the black plague~!"

"Huh so that's why that one PK just outright died. Boss monsters were fighting during our fight like children over a toy."

"Well you're my chew toy, I called dibs on the only genocide dev. What's mine is mine. What's yours is also mine as you're my chew toy. So as one player once valiantly said before getting crushed by a dragon, "THAT'S MINE MOTHER FUCKER! LEEEEROY JEEEENKINS!" Though what Leroy Jenkins is I have no clue. You Player's said frankly terrifying and confusing things, always."

"Leroy Jenkins was a guy who couldn't sit through a strategy meeting and basically said fuck it. Charged into a room of high level enemies attracting them all causing a party wipe. It was rather glorious to watch one man just fuck over like twenty people because strategic moving just wasn't what he wanted that moment."

"That would explain why you watched from a castle sieged by a monster wave, as a naked woman with but a spoon rushed into it. She did fairly well if I recall as her battle cry got a lot of players to chant it."

"Ah yes the "Fucketh you I'm naked with a spoon!" Chant at the battle of the "Naked Wackos." After her sixty more did it as well. That was during the death game as well so they had balls of Scarletrite to wear no armor with level a hundred fifty monsters during where "you die, you die permanently.""

"Like you were any better mister developer. I remember you literally naked brawling me. Honestly… I had to shut off my AI because your thing was flopping everywhere and it was just weird…"

"Not my fault you decided to interrupt my bath. Fucking hell you tried to rip my throat out from the FUCKING WATER SUDDENLY! Of course I would fucking slug you out of the way then begin fighting you naked."

".... I thought I could kill you finally."

"And it got a dick in your face at least four times since I literally body slammed you. Plague or not I am not afraid to fight a literal canine of diseases with my fist."

"Please just drive…. This got awkward…."

"One point for Kaiser."

Fenris just groaned miserably at me but her tail betrayed her, she seemed to enjoy the banter. Turning along the road I asked something I had been curious about since we met.

"So what has every void monster been up to? Because I don't know exactly if you guys got bored since probably there wasn't anyone worth showing up for."

"You would be partially right. As we are meant for those that are mass murderers we've had to be slightly picky. As the system no longer is guiding us so we must go off new criteria for who we hunt. In the last five hundred years only has a boss monster of our type personally hunted been a total of two times. I mostly did not see a point to do anything, as like the Support Characters I had lost my purpose. So I stayed in the void watching the souls of those who died slowly be pulled over as the game ended. Just watching as souls who once were Player's migrated here was all I could think of.

Then I felt a familiar tug from my chosen prey and I watched your soul simply walk. Your soul was walking so calmly and unhurriedly towards this world. Just made me happy… you are the only thing I consider worth hunting so seeing your soul just made me happy. The other's had killed their marks, you know? But yet even with all my efforts you just didn't give me an inch. You would gladly throw me about or shoot me dead. Yet I was fine with it though my programming wasn't, while I was still stuck following a script you wrote. As everything's AI slowly gained more sentience and soul till the game ended. I found our death fights amusing. It's amusing, it gives us human thought processing and attachments are formed yet we are stuck unable to act on them."

There was a pause to her lengthy talking long enough that I noted the look of a city wall coming up. When she finally spoke once more I stopped Nomad and turned to look at her.

"Lockhart to you I may still be a game boss you created, but I had long since gained this way of thinking. It was confusing at first during the death game. As aggregating some of our fights had been and I studied you more clearly, I did come to find some attachment to you my prey. As sometimes you jokingly talked to me as if I was a friend you could vent at due to your position among the Player's, regardless of my forced scripted state. It made me happy so truly I meant what I said earlier about your pack, and what I say now. I had seen you as a distant pack member but now that you can tame me? To be tamed by you? I just feel at home more so than in void. So I hope you will put up with me because you are my mark, my master, my friend, and so you're irreplaceable. Regardless if you're sociopathic, I quite like it."

That honestly was… something else as I've always been detached from things emotionally. So to hear someone even if they're a monster say that? Struck a broken cord in my heart that made me process what I was feeling. Looking at Fenris I stared blankly for a while before reaching a hand out and scratching under her chin. My mind and heart were still processing a bit but my system seemed to decide something.

[Title - Void Pack Mate]

[Fenris title unlocked - Bonded Void]

[Fenris bond - ETERNAL, Fenris loyalty - UNBREAKABLE]

[Support Character added: Fenris]

A third dog weaved itself into existence beside her first two dog tags, a pure golden tag. Cracking a small smile I shook my head.

"Seems it's a tango now. Though the system just spoiled how ya feel."

"Let it. It'll get how serious I was to stab into that dead heart of yours. You're someone I waited five hundred years for, I would do it again to see my only friend again. So don't think you can leave me behind again, I'll cause the end of everything."

As if to enforce this her black wisping fog flared up, her eye's turning a sickly green. 'Damn plague beast.'

"..... Okay fluffy."

Turning back to drive I drove Nomad at the city slowly while Fenris bit my arm. Getting a sizable distance from it before we got out and Nomad turned into an armband once more.