The platform is full of rushing people, constantly moving from one location to another. A tall dark haired boy in a hoodie has earbuds in to drown out all the noise. Another male stands next to him, grinning wide.
"Guess what Void?" The blond male asked, "I talked to Uncle Alfonse and he says you can stay with him while Mother calms down!" Void sighed. "I appreciate everything you and your family have done for me, but it's long past time for me to leave.
Every time I get ready to leave, some excuse is made to get me to stay. I've been in California for five years now, when originally I was planning on staying two to get the degrees I needed and get out of here. Then your Mother gave me the security job, suggested I get a few more degrees, and before I know it she's telling me to move in after my apartment gets broken into."
Void pinches the bridge of his nose. Waving his hand he says, "Your family is lovely, but I don't want to be adopted. I just want to go back to my hometown, confront my demons, and live my life. Thank you for everything." The blond man looks on the verge of tears.
The train pulls in, sleek metal screeching to a stop. Void waves at the other man as he boards. He watches as the train pulls away, his friend (reluctant as that admission once was to pass his lips) fading in the distance. He settles in for a long ride.
The rusted sign swings on the gate to an old mansion, the yard long overtaken by weeds. Void trudges along a path so neglected, only his memories allow him the knowledge of where to step. "I should hire a few servants. Grandpa would be rolling in his grave if he could see his garden like this." Void murmured softly.
Rolling up his sleeves, Void got to work. He began by airing out the rooms, followed by clearing the last decade of dust. He removed the plastic from the furniture and scrubbed every inch of the entry hall and sitting room. "Good enough for tonight. I'll post an ad for servants tomorrow and start clearing the kitchen. Aaand I'm talking to myself again."
The doorbell rang.
Void grumbled about bad habits reviving from the dead as he answered the door. "Hello, Void Havoc?" A nervous looking man stood on the porch. "This is he." Void tilted his head forward in a shallow nod. "Ah, yes. we've brought your car from the dealership. Apologies for the delay."
The keys were passed over and pleasantries exchanged. Once the door was closed, Void sagged against it. "Social interaction is so draining. I need something sweet to recharge my willpower before I go shopping...pancakes it is." Chocolate chips and flour soon covered his foldable table while his griddle fried the sweet deliciousness.
After his meal, he pulled his sleeping bag out of the car and set up in the sitting room, still smelling like pine and lemon. "So much to do tomorrow. So much to buy, interviews, paperwork. Getting the utilities turned..." And thus, Void proceeded to have a nightmare about paperwork monsters.