Chapter 576 - Prove it

"So what is going on exactly? Why is she crying?" Lulu asked, her mouth annoyingly full as she chewed.

"She just lost her brother." Benjamin replied, his eyes glued to the tv. "You would know that if you were actually paying attention instead of talking on and on." he added attentively staring at the tv.

"Oh I see, and you just relax, that's not true, I am paying attention." she replied.

"This whole show is just very confusing, every time I watch it, it doesn't make any sense." she complained.

"That's because you don't watch the episodes back to back. Every time you come here you want to watch this show without knowing what happened in the last episode." he argued.

"Hey, can you chill out, you're just so defensive because you love this show that is clearly easily predictable, cheesy and all round filled with poor acting." Lulu scoffed.

Benjamin gasped and turned to look at her slowly, he picked up the remote and paused the show.

"Say that again, I dare you." he said narrowing his eyes at her.

"It's cheesy, predictable and filled with poor acting." she repeated again, her eyes unwavering. She did not look like she was going to back down.

"How dare you say that! This is the greatest show to ever grace tv." Benjamin exclaimed. He heard Lulu let out a mocking cackle.

"My gosh Ben, forgive me, but if this is the greatest show to ever grace tv in your eyes, then you definitely have poor taste in shows, clothes and women." she said.

"There you go again, not everyone dresses as lousy as you do!" he replied.

"Firstly, I don't dress lousy, secondly, you do have poor taste in clothes, and thirdly, now I know why you're alone, because you're watching this trash." said Lulu as she scoffed.

"Let me save you the utter waste of your time. Her mother in the hospital dies, her fiancé cheated on her, and she ends up becoming a nun, the end!" Lulu declared.

She heard Benjamin gasp, his mouth agape. He could not believe she just ruined the show for him.

"How could you do that to me!!!" he shouted as she only laughed.

"You're lying to me, there's no way that's the ending, you just want to spite me." he concluded.

"Nope, sorry to burst your bubble love, but that's the ending. I was starting to get suspicious, so I crossed checked my suspicions and yes, that's the ending, you're welcome." she smiled.

Benjamin just sat there silent looking at her. Lulu was starting to worry that maybe she had broke him. She was about to poke his nose when it appeared he suddenly rose up from the dead.

"You're one to talk about me being alone. Meanwhile, you've never had a single boyfriend." he replied. Now it was Lulu's turn to gasp. She looked at him as if he had killed someone.

"You have no right to tell me that..." she said.

"Well you started it by insulting my show and ruining the ending, so if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen." he smiled happily, satisfied that he had hurt Lulu as much as she had hurt him.

"Firstly, it's my choice not to have a boyfriend, I can't say the same for you, you just can't get a girlfriend." she replied.

"Oh please, I could get one if I tried to." he replied.

"Then prove it, get a girlfriend." she dared her eyes full of mischief.

Benjamin felt like he was going to prove her wrong, he was about to refute her when suddenly he came back to his senses realizing that this was something really silly for them to be arguing about.

"Oh please, stop this childishness Louise, there's no way I'm making a bet with you to get a girlfriend." he sighed. "There's no way I'm going to bet with another person's life and feelings." he said.

"Now I get you don't understand that since you're a child, but we adults actually have to care for other people's feelings." he said as she scoffed.

"Oh please, you're just three years older than me, don't act like you're ancient." she rolled her eyes.

"In mind I am certainly more ancient than you are." he smiled, he heard Lulu scoff as he chuckled. There was just something about Lulu that brought out the child in him. With her he could find himself arguing about useless things with her, with anyone else, he would be on his best behaviour.

He did not know if it was a good thing that she brought out the 'not so best' in him, but one thing was sure, he was never going to let her stupid arguments lead him into something that would ruin his life.

"Sure grandpa, you're right oh ancient one. If you're so ancient how come you're not married yet? It's the end of the century, you should at least have a wife and some children." she joked.

"Stop it Louise, I'm not going to continue doing this with you." he frowned.

"You're right, fine I'll stop." she smiled.

"Thank you." he said unpausing the show as he continued to watch.

"There's no way you're still watching it." she gasped.

"Oh that I am, the show is just too good for me to stop watching because you ruined it." he replied.

"You are so annoying, why can't we watch any of my shows?" groaned Lulu.

"Because this isn't your house, it's mine." he replied.

"Technically, this is my brother's house, which means it's my house." said Lulu.

"Ahhh technically, it was your grandfather who bought this house and hired me." he replied.

"Just dial it back over there Ben. Next time we're watching my show." she concluded.


Benjamin just sighed and shook his head, there was never winning an argument with Lulu.

Benjamin continued watching his show and Lulu stood up to get some more snacks.

"What are you doing in my kitchen?" he called.

"Getting snacks, relax, what do you want popcorn or pretzels?" she asked.

"Popcorn." he replied as mere moments later he felt a bag of popcorn land on his head followed by Lulu's laughs.

"Can you be serious for once?" he sighed as she sat down with her own bag of popcorn.

"No, being serious all the time is annoying." she replied smiling picking out a piece of popcorn in his hair.

"You had popcorn in your hair." she smiled.

"I wonder why." he scoffed returning his attention back to the screen.

"Hey, when did you get that cut on your chin?" she asked turning his chin to face her.

"Yesterday, I accidentally walked into the door." he replied.

"Silly you, how could you accidentally walk into the door?" she asked looking at the bruise.

"The same reason why you hate my show." he replied.

"Because it's terrible?" she laughed.

"No, because we're human." he replied as their eyes met each other.

Lulu did not know how she had not realized that Benjamin had really cute eyes. Hos brown eyes were so enchanting and big, she found herself staring more and more at them.

"*Ahem* are you done staring?" he cleared his throat and Lulu let go of his chin.

"Please don't flatter yourself, if anyone was staring it would be you, and that's because I am extremely pretty." she smiled.

"Could you be any more egoistic?" he asked.

"Could you be any more serious?" she replied.

"I don't even know why we're friends." he muttered.

"Because opposites attract." she smiled.

"Isn't that in love?" he asked.

"Nope, it also works for a bunch of other things my dear Ben." she smiled.

"And don't pretend, you know you enjoy my company." she smiled as he rolled his eyes and he heard her giggle.


"Aunt Lulu!!!" Joy shouted as Lulu walked through the front door.

"Joy my lovely niece!" she replied happily as she carried Joy.

"I haven't seen you in two days." she frowned.

"I know my lovely niece, I just had to leave for work early, but now I'm back to being the lovely aunt you love, how was your day?" Lulu smiled.

"Fine, I was outside playing with Maggie." she replied.

"How is my favourite chicken in the entire world?" asked Lulu.

"She's fine." Joy giggled.

"That's great, so you're finally on summer break! Any plans for the summer?" asked Lulu.

"I don't know aunt, we can't go anywhere, my mommy and daddy are both busy." frowned Joy.

"Aww, that's sad, but luckily your aunt isn't busy, don't worry, I'll make sure to take you out during the weekends, you can go shopping with me, after I ask for permission first from your mommy because I don't want either of us to get in trouble." Lulu smiled.

"Yayyyyyyy." Joy replied happily. She definitely looked excited to go shopping with Lulu. After all anything was better than being stuck in the house all day.