"Gee, thanks Natasha for totally not mocking me." replied Dom with a definitely offended tone as Natasha and Lulu paid him no attention at all.
"Anyway, I'm so glad that you're here and you decided to come." said Lulu happily.
"Why won't I when my little darling here was too excited to come." said Natasha as she pinched Joy's cheeks and Joy giggled.
"I am really, really happy that you did." replied Lulu.
"I must admit Lulu, you did a very good job, this place looks great." said Dom as he looked around remembering how a once empty hall had now been filled, decorated and lively.
Everywhere was shinning, the colour scheme was impeccable, the soft glowing lights that changed colours were soothing and calming, the seaweed and coral patterns hung on the celling made them feel like they were truly underwater.
The live band and DJ set the mood vividly and the buffet table looked really good all the way from over here where he was standing. He had to hand it to his sister, she was very determined when she wanted to accomplish something,
"I have to agree with your brother here, he's right, Lulu you did such a good job congratulations!" said Natasha as she smiled truly happy for Lulu's success, they all knew just how much hard work she put into this. She did not even stop when she went through that near death experience, she just kept on going and Natasha admired her for her determination.
"Oh thank you, you guys, but the night is not over yet and my job as host is still not done." said Lulu as she smiled.
"I have to make sure that everything runs smoothly and no hiccups occur." said Lulu
"Well I am sure that everything will go smoothly." said Natasha as she smiled and Dom nodded agreeing with her a hundred percent, he was really proud of his sister and he was sure that nothing could happen to spoil this important evening for their family and the company.
"Thank you guys." said Lulu as she smiled noticing her little lovely niece was looking around in boredom, luckily, she had prepared for this inevitable possibility, and now it was time to reveal the mini-project that she was most proud of herself for.
"Joy my darling niece, I can see that you are bored." said Lulu as Joy nodded and smiled, there was really nothing much to do here than look around and eat and she wasn't hungry yet.
"Well you're in luck because I prepared for this exact same possibility!" declared Lulu proudly.
"Really??" asked Joy in a mix of confusion and excitement.
"How do you mean Lulu?" asked Dom as Natasha was about to ask the same thing.
"Well I knew that there would be lots of children here. Children of the employees and the guests and personally my own niece and I also knew that it would be really boring being a child here while the adults are busy eating, drinking, socializing and making small talk so I came prepared." said Lulu with a smug look on her face.
"Prepared how?" asked Natasha as Lulu smiled sweetly.
"I asked Charlie and Michael to quickly help me build an indoor playground where all the children can enjoy themselves and play while we adults enjoy ourselves as well." said Lulu happily.
"Really?!?" asked Joy in nothing but pure excitement as her eyes lit up at the mention of the word play.
"Yes really my love, now come on le me show you where it is and we can have some quick fun together before I have to return back here." said Lulu as she held Jy's hand and Joy nodded her head excitedly.
"See you later mommy, see you later daddy." she said as she turned around to wave at her parents.
"Bye." replied Natasha and Dom as they smiled.
"Oh before I forget, Grandfather, mom and dad are already here, they were looking for you both, and Nine isn't here yet, good luck and I'll see you guys soon." said Lulu as she walked away with Joy happily.
"Alright then." said Dom as Lulu quickly disappeared with Joy into the crowd that was quickly forming.
"Should we go and see Grandfather together?" asked Dom as he turned to Natasha.
"Well we came here together so it would be odd if we saw him at different times so yes, let's go see him together, and your parents as well." she replied not sounding annoyed at all.
"You're right, after you." said Dom as he gestured that she go first as she did.
"Grandfather." called Natasha happily as she caught sight of Ernest and he turned around quickly as soon as he heard her call his name.
"Oh my dear Natasha, is that you??" called Ernest back in shock as soon as he laid his eyes on her.
"Of course it's me grandfather, I've missed you so much." she said as she gave him a quick, tight hug.
"Oh my dear I have missed you more, just hearing your voice on the phone was not enough, how have you been doing?" he asked as he hugged her.
"Good grandfather, I have been good, and how have you been doing? You certainly look happier, and your skin in lighter." said Natasha as she broke the hug.
"Oh my dear, you are just saying that to flatter me." said Ernest as he chuckled.
"I still feel as old as ever." said Ernest.
"Don't say that grandfather, we all know you're the youngest in mind of all of us." said Natasha causing Ernest to laugh as he poked her nose which was something he liked doing with Joy but he just felt like doing it right now.
"And you my dear, you look simply stunning, I don't think that I have ever seen you as charming as you are now." said Ernest.
"Oh thank you grandfather, I could say the same for you, I love your green suit." said Natasha as she smiled meanwhile Dom who had literally been shut out of the conversation suddenly cleared his throat calling their attention to him.
"Wow, I still exist grandfather, it's me, your real grandson." he declared in sarcasm causing both Natasha and Ernest to laugh.
"Looks like someone is jealous." said Natasha proudly causing Ernest to laugh.
"Well he should be, who wouldn't be jealous when they have to contend with such a worthy opponent." said Ernest as Natasha laughed.
"Besides, don't be silly Dominic, of course Natasha is my real granddaughter, she has always been family, always have, always will." said Ernest as he caressed the right side of Natasha's face as she smiled.
"Thank you Grandfather." she said as he did not know how much it meant to her for him to say that she still had a family.
"Anyway, now to you my jealous grandson. Dominic, why are you jealous of poor Natasha your wife?" asked Ernest as he walked closer to Dom.
"I am not jealous, you just ignored me for a whole five minutes." said Dom.
"I am sure that I did not ignore you, and I am also sure that it was not up to five minutes." said Ernest as he chuckled and Dom frowned.
"But, I am happy to see you as well my boy, why so much yellow on you?" asked Ernest as he hugged Dom and Natasha shot him a look saying 'I told you so'
"Can everyone stop complaining about what I am wearing. You are also wearing a lot of green grandfather, but I don't see anyone complaining." said Dom.
"Well that's because I'm old, I get to wear whatever I want. When you get to my age people care less and less about how you look. So I guess what I am trying to say is that when you're an old man you can dress as crazy as you want, but for now you are young, you don't need to look like a banana." said Ernest as Natasha laughed at his words.
"Wow, thanks, that's the third time today, remind me never to borrow something from Charlie." said Dom.
"Definitely." replied Natasha as she laughed.
"So where is my lovely great granddaughter?" asked Ernest as he looked around for Joy, but he could not see her anywhere.
"Oh she was bored so Lulu took her to an indoor playground that she made for the children." said Natasha with a smile.
"That sounds nice, but what a shame, I wanted to see my great granddaughter, it's been too long since I've seen her." said Ernest sadly.
"Don't worry grandfather, she will be back and you will see her soon." said Natasha as she smiled and Ernest smiled.
"So how have you been grandfather?" asked Dom.
"I should be the one asking you that, how have you two been? How is everything between you?" asked Ernest as he looked at the both of them and they looked at each other.
"Everything is fine grandfather." they both replied.
"Are you sure? Please do not lie to me, I am really concerned about the both of you." said Ernest in worry.
"There is no need for you to be concerned grandfather, we are both fine, we are adults after all." said Natasha as Dom agreed with her.
"Yes grandfather, you do not need to worry, things are fine between us, I promise you." said Dom as he smiled.
"Really?" asked Ernest as he looked at Natasha waiting for her to confirm the truth in his words.
"Yes really grandfather, we are being civil with each other." she replied with a sweet smile as she tried to comfort him, he really did not need to start worrying about this right now.