"Thank you." he replied as he was busy unloading everything he had bought from the grocery store as Lulu helped him.
"What's the matter with you?" he asked noticing the small frown present on her face.
"You don't look too happy." he said as her frown deepened.
"Is it that obvious?" she asked as she brought out a box of wheat cereal from the shopping bag.
"Well you don't usually look like someone has just scolded you, so yes, it's obvious." he replied as she scowled.
"What are you fifty four? Why are you buying wheat cereal?" she asked scanning the contents of the cereal box.
"It's not your business to know what kind of cereal I eat." he responded annoyed as he took the cereal box away from her as he placed it in the top cabinet as she scoffed.
"That settles it, you have the taste buds of a grandpa. That's something my Grandfather would eat no lie." said Lulu as now it was Benjamin's turn to scowl.
"Great minds taste alike." he replied as Lulu scoffed and laughed.
"Now on to why you're upset, leave my taste buds alone." said Benjamin as he quickly put away his groceries, he did not need Lulu judging the things he bought and used.
"Well I just finished calling my mom and telling her about the whole divorce thing, and she sides with Dom and even told me to stay out of it! Can you imagine that??!" asked Lulu as Benjamin frowned as he was finally done putting away all the groceries.
"Well, I don't know, I kind of agree with your mom." he said causing Lulu to frown.
"Aww what??! Not you too Ben, it's unfair everyone's siding with Dom, no one seems to see my point of view!" she said as Benjamin walked her to the living room before she destroyed his kitchen while she was upset.
"It's not that we don't see your side as well, but at the end of the day, it's his life, and Natasha's, and all we want is for them to be happy, and if that means them going their separate ways, then so be it." said Benjamin, he had unwillingly been dragged into a family problem, and he was well informed to come to his conclusion of his.
"That's exactly what my mom said, but I really don't want our family to be broken." said Lulu as she sighed.
"And it won't be... Louise, there are lots of families that are still happy even though they are divorced, they find a way to make it work." said Benjamin as he smiled.
"Right, now look me in my eyes and tell me that the many happy divorcees don't outweigh the many unhappy ones." she said as Benjamin sighed avoiding her eyes.
"Alright fine, you got me, but just because some divorcees are unhappy doesn't mean the same will happen to your brother and Natasha." said Benjamin.
"You don't know that for sure, but I do, and my poor niece Joy would be devastated. I can't see this bringing anything but disaster." said Lulu.
"What are you planning Louise? I can see that crazy look in your eye and I don't like it." said Benjamin in worry.
"Don't worry about it Ben, don't you worry. Everything will solve itself soon." said Lulu as she laughed.
"Alright, you know what... I don't want to know. Excuse me, I'm going to get started on dinner." said Benjamin as he walked to the kitchen and Lulu sat down on the couch and switched on her laptop.
"Make it enough for two. I'm staying for dinner." she replied as Benjamin frowned.
"Don't you want to have dinner with your family?" asked Benjamin.
"Nope, Natasha just sent me a text, she and Dom went out to dinner with Joy, so I'm free all night, besides, I was going to stay here for dinner regardless of if they went out or not." smiled Lulu charmingly as Benjamin shook his head.
"If I didn't know any better I would think that you were just here to eat all my food and freeload in my house." said Benjamin.
"No, no, Benny, it's the other way around. This is my brother's house, you don't pay any rent so me staying here is the fee of your rent." said Lulu smugly as Benjamin felt his eye twitching.
"Are you sure you want someone with the taste buds of a grandpa to cook dinner for you?" he asked as Lulu scoffed.
"Well this certain man with the taste buds of a grandpa better cook a dish full of flavourĀ or else I will come to his kitchen and prepare a dish fit for the Queen herself." said Lulu smugly as Benjamin scoffed and shook his head.
"That's what I thought." replied Lulu smugly as she focused on her laptop.
An hour later Benjamin was done in the kitchen and dinner was ready.
"Dinner is served." declared Benjamin proudly as he carried the two plates to the living room.
"Here is yours." he said as Lulu finished typing something and put her laptop away.
"Why thank you." she said as she collected the plate from him as he sat down on the other couch.
"Mhmmm, I cannot lie, this looks delicious, let's hope it tastes as good as it looks." said Lulu as she looked at the creamy tuscan pasta with chopped chicken breast, she had to admit it looked simply appetizing.
"Once you taste it, you will love it." Benjamin said proudly as Lulu laughed and closed her eyes for a moment before digging in.
"Okay, okay, I partially take back what I said about you having the taste buds of a grandpa." said Lulu as she laughed and Benjamin just smiled smugly as he ate his own meal.
"I told you, sometimes silence speaks louder than words." said Benjamin as Lulu scoffed.
"But I'm being serious, you have to share your recipe with me, it tastes divine and looks simple and quick to prepare as well." said Lulu seriously.
"I don't mean to sound offensive but... I didn't think that you could cook." said Benjamin honestly.
"It's not offensive at all, and yes I can cook, my mom raised me and Dom well, if I'm being honest he even cooks better than me." said Lulu as she laughed.
"Really now?" asked Benjamin in surprise.
"Yes, I'm serious, he was cooking even before I was born, he started small with boiling eggs and pasta, I remember when I was thirteen and our parents weren't home, and Grandfather went on a trip, I didn't feel good at all. I thought that I got a stomach bug or something, it turns out that I was just experiencing the effects of my first period." said Lulu as she chuckled.
"Anyway, I felt so sick, and Dom was worried, so he decided to make me this delicious scrambled eggs with rice and I felt instantly better." said Lulu as she smiled.
"You really love your brother a lot don't you?" asked Benjamin as he smiled.
"I really do, he's always taken care of me, he's always been there for me, always watched my back, he's a very strong pillar of support in my life." said Lulu as she smiled.
"And he's always my protector, even though he can let that puff him up since he's ten years older than me." said Lulu as she scoffed.
"Your brother is ten years older than you?!" asked Benjamin in surprise as Lulu nodded with her mouth full.
"Why do you look so surprised?" she asked.
"I never imagined that he was a whole decade older than you, he doesn't look it at all." said Benjamin.
"Well yes, he's a whole decade older than me, actually, Charlie and Michael are also, only Nine, he's nine years older than me." said Lulu.
"No wonder he's always so protective of you, when you couldn't stop crying after the elevator incident he almost looked at me as if I was the villain." said Benjamin as he chuckled.
"Oh please, when he gets like that he's so annoying, I can't speak sense into him and he's always clouded by his protective brother mode." said Lulu as she scoffed.
"But you can't blame him... in his eyes you're still his little sister." said Benjamin.
"Little sister or not, I'm my own person, and I'm also a full grown woman, he can't be looking after me like a pet who can't take care of herself." said Lulu as she scoffed.
"I think you are just overreacting Louise, he is still your brother, if I had a sister I would certainly protect her with all my might." said Benjamin.
"I think it's a male thing to be overprotective and assert dominance on the females in their lives." said Lulu.
"It's not a matter of dominance Louise, I think it's just that, we care about you, and we want to protect you, that's it." said Benjamin as Lulu scoffed at him.