Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 499 - Where is she?

Chapter 499 - Where is she?

Dom pulled into the driveway and he quickly got out of the car and entered the house.

It was clear that he was in a rush, and he really was in a rush. All afternoon he just felt so terrible. What sort of big brother was he when he couldn't be there for his little sister when she needed him the most.

He was so worried about her, she did not look good at all when she had left with Benjamin, and he knew his sister well. She had to be seriously shaken up for her eyes to look as lifeless as they did.

"Lulu." he called as soon as he entered the house, he was unsure of where she could be.

"Lulu." he called again.

"Lulu, where are you." he called impatiently as he searched downstairs.

"Lulu." he called again as he entered into the living room as Natasha looked at him with confusion written all over her face.

"Lulu." he called again as he did not seem to notice Natasha at all and he left the living room.

Natasha was seriously confused, she put down her laptop on the couch and stood up and followed after Dom who was still looking for Lulu.

"What's going on?" she asked as Dom turned to look at her.

"Hi Natasha, I'm looking for Lulu, have you seen her?" he asked quickly.

Natasha narrowed her eyes at him, there was certainly something wrong. For one, Dom wasn't usually this frantic. It didn't matter how much of a busy day he had at work, he at least always had the decency to say hi.

Not like she cared for his greetings, but what was confusing her most was the way he looked so worried, and it was clear that Lulu was the reason he was worried.

"No, I haven't seen her." replied Natasha as Dom sighed, if he wasn't worried before, he was certainly worried now.

"You haven't seen her home?" he asked again as Natasha shook her head.

"I haven't seen her since this morning, is something wrong?" she asked as Dom looked like he would rather continue looking for Lulu than talking to her.

"Yes, something is wrong, earlier today Lulu came to the office, we had a meeting, and she used one of the elevators and it malfunctioned and the cable snapped—" said Dom as he was cut off by Natasha's gasp.

"Oh my God, is she okay?" asked Natasha immediately once she heard the news.

"Luckily she's fine, she was with Benjamin and he managed to get them out of the elevator and they were both unscathed." said Dom, his tone full of relief.

"Oh thank goodness, but why would the elevator suddenly malfunction like that?" asked Natasha in a mix of relief and worry.

"I'll explain later, but Lulu was pretty shaken up, and Benjamin offered to take her home since I was unable to, and yet, they are not here." said Dom, his tone a mix of worry and anger.

"You shouldn't worry, if she's with Benjamin then she's probably fine wherever they are." Natasha said as Dom shot her a look that read "You can't be sure of that."

He brought out his phone from his pocket as he dialed Lulu's number but she didn't answer. He called again, and yet she didn't answer. He called three more times, and still she didn't pick up.

"I don't like this, I don't like this at all, where is she? Where could they be?" he asked in serious worry.

Natasha looked at Dom, she could see easily that he was seriously worried, and she knew that he had every reason to be worried.

She was also worried about Lulu in the moment, and Benjamin as well. An elevator crashing wasn't just a daily happening, and she was sure that the entire situation was seriously scary to hear about, how much more to have to deal with?

"I think you need to calm down." said Natasha as Dom looked at her.

"How do I calm down Natasha? How do I calm down when I don't know where my sister is? For all we know, she could have gotten into another accident or worse? I can't take this, she was supposed to be at home, I don't care if she's with Benjamin, he told me that he was taking her home, now where is she?" he asked, his tone severely frustrated.

"Alright that's it, you need to calm down, you're worrying too much, I know that you have every right to be worried, but calm down, Lulu isn't a child, neither is Benjamin, maybe she decided to go somewhere before coming home first." said Natasha her voice stern.

She didn't like the way Dom was speaking to her. He wasn't raising his voice, but he might as well have been. Yes, she knew that he was stressed, that he was worried, frustrated, but his attitude would cause more stress than calm.

"Natasha you don't get it, you didn't see her, you didn't hear the way she cried, you didn't see how scared she looked, you weren't there, you didn't know how bone chilling it was to hear the elevator crash, you don't know why I'm so worried." said Dom his tone soft and despondent, he was more scared than anything.

"I know, I know, but I'm telling you she's fine." said Natasha her tone softer as Dom sighed. She honestly didn't blame Dom for acting this way. Lulu was his little sister, his only sister, she knew that he would do anything to protect her.

"Just calm down, calm down, let me try to call Benjamin okay?" asked Natasha as she brought out her phone and Dom nodded.

She dialed Benjamin's number as he was taking quite a long to answer until she heard his ringtone nearby as the front door opened and he and Lulu walked into the house.

"Oh Lulu, where have you been? I've been looking for you." said Dom in relief as he instantly hugged Lulu and Natasha sighed in relief as she ended the call.

Benjamin was one lucky fellow, he arrived just in the nick of time. She was not sure how long she would be able to pacify Dom. He didn't usually have a bad temper, but when he got angry, it was close to impossible to calm him down.

"I called you several times, why didn't you pick up??" he asked as he finally let go of her.

"My phone died." She replied simply.

"Alright." he answered as his eyes met Benjamin's.

"And where exactly were the both of you? Didn't you say that you would take her home? That was close to five hours ago, why are you only arriving now?" he asked, he sounded seriously livid. His anger was obviously directed towards Benjamin and Benjamin alone.

"Well sir I... I..." said Benjamin as he did not know what to say. It was clear that regardless of whatever came out of his mouth Dom would be furious with him. He had to admit, he did say that he would drive her home, and yet they arrived nearly five hours later. He had every right to be upset.

"I—" said Benjamin as Lulu cut him off.

"I didn't want to come home just yet, so I asked him to take me somewhere else." said Lulu as everyone looked at her. Benjamin was surprised that she had saved him.

"And where was that?" Dom asked, not willing to let go of this matter.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that I am home now." said Lulu as she frowned, she hated it whenever Dom became so overprotective like he was right now.

Whenever he entered his overprotecting big brother mode, there was no telling how irrational he would act. After all she wasn't a baby that needed a babysitter. She didn't need to explain where she went.

"Thanks for bringing me home Benjamin, I'll see you later." she said as Benjamin quickly took the hint that it was his cue to leave.

"You don't have to thank me, I will take my leave now Sir. Goodbye Natasha." said Benjamin as he looked at Natasha who waved at him as he quickly left and closed the front door behind him.

"Lulu are you alright? Do you feel okay?" Dom asked as he looked at her from head to toe. He was unable to fuss over her at the office, but now that they were home, he could make sure that she was alright.

"I heard what happened Lulu, are you okay?" asked Natasha as Lulu looked at her.

"I'm fine." replied Lulu with a sigh as Natasha was certain that she was far from okay. Dom was right, Lulu was still seriously shaken up.

"Are you sure?" asked Dom.

"Dom I'm fine, leave me alone! I'm not that fragile." she responded angrily as she looked at Dom.

"You're not fine Lulu, I think we should call Doctor Freddie to check on you." said Dom worriedly.

"No! I'm fine, just leave me alone Dom, leave me alone, you are suffocating me!" she said in exasperation.