Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 470 - You know what I hate

Chapter 470 - You know what I hate

Natasha frowned, taken aback by his all too cheerful sounding voice. Her dealings with this man had taught her two things, it was either he was just having a good day, or something must have happened to raise his spirits and if he was calling her, it meant that she was unfortunately involved.

Due to her reasoning Natasha already started to become very weary and on edge, she did not want to do or say something that would pin her as suspicious in Dians's mind, she already had more than enough problems to deal with and she didn't need Dians added to that list.

"Yes, I am sorry about that, you called at the wrong time yesterday" said Natasha as she sighed, she figured that starting with an apology would be the best way to derail Dians from thinking that she intentionally ignored him, which she did, but he didn't need to know that.

"Yesterday was a bad day?" he asked.

"The worst" replied Natasha in an exasperated sigh that she could not help but release, she was acting like she was okay, but she seriously still was not, she still felt hurt that's for sure.

"That bad huh?" asked Dians in a worriedly too sincere tone.

"You can't imagine, but enough about me, what happened yesterday is not important, I am over it, what were you calling me for?" asked Natasha as she really did not want to derail from the important thing at hand, and Agent Dians sounding way too friendly and understanding was stressing her out, she couldn't tell if he was being honestly worried or just trying to fish out information from her.

"Right, well what I wanted to tell you yesterday is that we have word on Igor, we know where he is" said Dians.

"He is currently in Mexico and we are working to bring him in custody so he can finally answer for his crimes" said Dians.

"That's great news to hear" replied Natasha, what else could she say? She had learnt her lesson from trying to get revenge, most times you didn't end up getting what you want, you ended up hurting someone you really didn't mean to hurt and she was done with the whole revenge thing, it was honestly too dangerous to be involved in something as messy as criminal activity.

"I really hope you do catch him, and even if you don't karma for all the bad things he has done will" said Natasha as Dians hummed as if wanting to say something more.

"Anyway, thanks for telling me Agent, I appreciate the information, I have to go now though, take care" said Natasha as she ended the call as soon as she was done speaking.

Igor was the last person she wanted to be reminded of at the moment, she was sick and tired of remembering useless people who did nothing but hurt and betray others.

Natasha frowned as she remembered a certain someone that had called her, and she really wanted to return his calls, but she felt like she would get the wrong reaction she expected from him, but who cared? Whatever reaction he gave her, she would be ready for it.

Natasha dialed a number as her phone started to ring, she put her phone to her ear waiting for her call to be answered.

Pete was walking out of Lia's bedroom when he suddenly heard his phone ring, he brought it out of his pocket and sighed when he saw who was calling him. To be honest, he had thought that she would call him earlier, but the fact that she was calling him now meant that she felt better.

"Hi Nat, how are you doing?" asked Pete as he answered the call and put his phone to his ear.

"Judging from the way you greeted me it's clear that you already know what happened" said Natasha in a tone that did not sound pleased at all.

"Everyone knows what happened at this point" he replied as Natasha scoffed.

"Let me guess, little miss innocent got to you first" said Natasha her tone was obviously mocking.

"It's not like that Nat, trust me, tell me how you are doing" said Pete.

"You want to know how I am doing? Well honestly terrible, I was betrayed by someone I considered a friend, and what's worse is that it is clear that you are defending her, and you are obviously still with her" said Natasha as she was angry and Pete could tell she was fuming, it was normal that she was, he knew that she needed to vent.

She had probably cried all through last night and now, she was feeling anger, and who better to take it out on than him?

"Nat, trust me, it's really not like that" said Pete as he tried to calm her down.

"Then how is it? you are taking sides, that is obvious" said Natasha.

"I am not taking sides, I know you are hurt and angry, and you deserve to be" said Pete as Natasha scoffed.

"I am just wondering what sort of lies little miss innocent fed you" said Natasha.

"She didn't feed me any lies Nat, if anything, she told me the truth sometime ago, she confessed to me about what she did" said Pete.

"So you knew?" asked Natasha.

"Yes..." said Pete.

"And you didn't tell me?!" asked Natasha.

"It wasn't my place to tell, if you were to find out it had to be through Lia and not anyone else" said Pete.

"You knew, and you didn't tell me, and you're still with that betrayer??" asked Natasha as she couldn't understand... the Pete she knew would cut all ties with Lia if he found out what she did, so for him to still be with her, she was confused, she was angry, and she felt betrayed once again.

"Nat, I know you feel hurt, I know you do, and your pain and anger is justifiable, but believe me when I say that Lia truly feels bad for what she did, and all she wants right now is your forgiveness and the forgiveness of everyone else" said Pete.

"It took her lots of courage to face you and tell you the truth, and she honestly didn't want to do it, but she did, and I that what she did in the past was terrible, but she's changed, I can testify to that" said Pete as he spoke and waited for a reply but there was nothing but silence from the other end. 

While Pete was wondering if Natasha was still there, he suddenly heard her speak up.

"You're in love with her aren't you?" asked Natasha as all the signs were clear, Pete was not one to just defend anyone, he hated injustice with passion, that was one of the reasons he became a police officer in the first place, so for him now to overlook something as bad as this, it meant that he truly loved Lia.

"*Sigh* Yes..." replied Pete as he sighed and Natasha started to laugh and she scoffed.

"Nat are you okay?" asked Pete in worry.

"No I'm not okay, I'm an idiot, I set you up with my worst enemy without knowing and now it has come to bite me in the face" said Natasha with a chuckle of sadness as Pete felt bad.

He felt terrible, it had taken him so long to finally move on from Natasha only for him to finally fall in love with someone he liked and now this whole mess was destroying the happiness of anyone.

He knew that Natasha felt betrayed and he hated to make her feel that way, but he loved Lia, and he knew that she was sorry, and he was sure that he wanted to make this relationship work.

"Don't say that Nat" said Pete.

"No I have to say it, because you know what I hate?" asked Natasha.

"I hate the fact that I set you two up, only for you to actually fall in love with and it's terrible, it hurts, it hurts so bad that you would fall in love with my worst enemy, someone that wants to harm me, and you would even defend her and be on her side" said Natasha as her voice sounded pained.

She knew that this was serious, Pete was serious, if he was still in a relationship with Lia then it meant that he truly did love her and that was the worse feeling in the world for Natasha, that a man as good as him would fall in love with a woman as bad as her.

She didn't deserve him, and he deserved better, he deserved so much better.

"I'm not taking sides Nat, you know me, I'm not like that, but Lia is not all that bad" said Pete as he didn't want to hurt anyone, he wanted Natasha to know that he was there for her, but if she made him to choose between she and Lia, he would choose Lia, no matter how much it would hurt him that their long friendship was ruined.

"That's a lie Pete, stop lying to me, you don't know that woman, no one does" said Natasha.

"You're wrong, I know her, more than you all do, and would you be saying this if it was Dom defending her?" asked Pete.

"Don't you dare bring him up, don't you dare talk about that man, whatever he chooses to do is his business, I don't care what he does, but you... you are supposed to be my best friend, I thought I could trust you, but it's clear that Lia has succeeded in making sure that anyone who's close to me is closer to her" said Natasha as she sounded like she was on the verge of tears and Pete felt his heart breaking hearing her sound like that.

"Nat, I'm sorry, I don't mean to make it seem that way" said Pete.

"Oh of course you don't you really don't" said Natasha as she sniffed and wiped away some tears that had managed to escape from her eyes.

"You know what Pete, I wish you the best and I wish you so much happiness and love, I really do, but as for this, I can't, it's clear that you've made a choice, Lia is someone important to you..." said Natasha as she really didn't want to fight with someone she cared so much about.

She would be lying if she said that she could not see this was hurting him as much as it was hurting her.

"So important, and because of that, I know my place, I wish that you will be happy with someone that loves you, that's all I hope for" said Natasha.

"Now, do I hate that it's Lia? Yes I do, do I hate that it's the woman that ruined my life, of course I do, but it doesn't matter, I don't know what you see in her, but there has to be something there" said Lia.

"Because Lia honestly doesn't deserve you Pete, but you chose her, so be happy with her" said Natasha.

"Nat" called Pete as Natasha ignored him.

"Just know that I will always be your friend... and I hope that never changes, goodbye Pete" said Natasha as she ended the call and dropped her phone on the bed, she would be lying if she said that this didn't hurt her.

"Nat" called Pete as Natasha already ended the call and he sighed.

"Who was that?" asked Lia as she happened to be walking up from the stairs when she heard Pete's voice.

"Natasha... and she thinks I choose you over her" said Pete as Lia could see the sadness in his eyes.

She did not know what to say, she doubted that she could say anything to make him feel better, she just walked to him and gave him a big tight hug.

"Everything will be okay, she loves you too much to stay very angry with you, I'm sorry I caused this rift between you guys" said Lia as she rubbed his back.

Pete couldn't say anything as he just hugged her and sighed, he really hoped that everything would be okay.