Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 468 - Only warning

Chapter 468 - Only warning

"That is enough Alyssa!!" said Cecil as he stood up and banged his fists on the dining table without meaning to, he did not want to cause such a scene or such unpleasant noise, but what Alyssa was saying was just making him so angry.

He did not mean for things to turn out this way, and he was prepared to let peace reign, but with what Alyssa was saying, he could not just let Alyssa continue to say such horrible things about Lia like this.

Yes he understood that she was upset, that she was angry, they were all feeling that way, but she was going too far.

"I understand that you are angry Alyssa, I know that you are upset, and you have every right to be, I'm not saying that you shouldn't feel that way, but you shouldn't use your rage to say things you don't mean" said Cecil as he spoke with anger that he was trying to control, he did not want to end up saying something that he did not mean.

He was angry and sad both at the same time that his wife hated her own daughter to this extent, sure she did something that she was not supposed to do, but treating her this badly was not the way to go.

It made him feel even more depressed as he saw Lia who did not dare say anything in the midst of all the harsh words her mother was saying, she just lowered her head and cried silently since she also did not want to make a scene.

"You have every right to feel angry... but I will not let you express your displeasure at the expense of the feelings of other people" said Cecil as Alyssa just looked at him with a deep frown plastered all over her face, he did not know what he was saying.

"Of course you say that Cecil, just take a look at you, you're so soft, one moment you claim to be angry and the next you're back to being in her corner, well I am done doing that, I won't defend someone who has made unforgivable mistakes!" said Alyssa.

"Like I said Alyssa, you have every right to your thoughts and the way you feel about this, but I will not, and I repeat I will not let you express your views at the expense of humiliating our daughter!" said Cecil as Alyssa stood up feeling angrier by the second.

"You can't do this, you can't say such hurtful things about her, especially not in front of our guest who happens to be her boyfriend. Alyssa you can't say the things you said about your daughter" said Cecil as Alyssa scoffed.

"I will say what I want Cecil, especially if it's the truth, and you and I both know it's the truth, even Cecilia herself knows, why else would she be this quiet?" asked Alyssa as she was not an angry person, but ever since yesterday something inside her mind snapped, it was like she was done overlooking everything that everyone has done to her, she was done being lenient and easily pacified, she was done, she was going to to and say whatever she wanted and that was final.

"She is quiet because she is hurt, who would expect their own mother to be this unfair to them?" asked Cecil.

"Oh save me that nonsense Cecil, I am doing nothing wrong, I am only warning this man over here of what he is about to get himself into by getting involved with someone like Cecilia" said Alyssa as she pointed to Pete who had been silent all this time.

"Now answer me Peter, do you know what she has done that could be so bad and unbelievable?" asked Alyssa as she looked at Pete.

"Of course everyone is seeing me as the villain while all I am trying to do is warn you of the serious trouble you will be getting yourself into by dating her..." said Alyssa as hearing the way her own mother spoke of her as someone dangerous made Lia's heart break and shatter over and over again.

"I appreciate your concern Ma'am, and I only have one answer to your question..." said Pete as he looked at Alyssa.

"Yes, I know what Lia did that you deem unforgivable, but the truth is I don't care... I truly care about her... and I love her" said Pete as he squeezed Lia's hand that was holding his under the table.

"I know what she did... she even told me herself... she confessed to me, and trust me when I say that I understand how you feel because Natasha is also my friend... I can't say that I wasn't torn when I heard what she did, but you seem to be forgetting that she must also feel terrible for what she did..." said Pete.

"What's the point of nailing someone in the same spot all over again when it's clear that they are suffering... Natasha is my friend... we've been friends for a long time, and I know that it feels unfair... but Lia is my girlfriend... she trusted me enough to tell me something she would never tell a single soul, and I encouraged her to tell the truth, she did it and had received nothing but backlash from those she thought would stand by her" said Pete.

"So yes I know what she did, but I don't care, what happened happened already, it's in the past, what matters now is the best way to move forward and come to terms with everything, and I honestly don't think that acting this way would do anyone any good" said Pete as Alyssa quickly wiped away some straying tears from her face as she blinked.

"Well that's good for you... I've lost my appetite, enjoy your brunch, you seem to be the only people who can" said Alyssa as she carried her plate and left the room as Cecil called for her not to leave but she ignored him.

Cecil sighed as he sat down and shook his head, it was his fault... he had known how truly angry Alyssa was and yet he had thought that it would be a good idea for them all to have brunch while there were clearly some unresolved issues on ground.

"Princess, I'm so sorry... are you okay?" asked Cecil as he looked worriedly at Lia as she looked at him and nodded, quickly wiping away her tears.

"I'm fine daddy, it's nothing serious... mom deserves to be angry with me..." said Lia as she sniffed.

"But that still doesn't excuse all the mean things she said about you..." said Cecil.

"I know that deep down she doesn't mean it... she's just angry and hurt... and that's all my fault..." said Lia.

"I think you should go talk to her Lia" said Pete as Lia looked at him and shook her head.

"I don't think that's a good idea... Alyssa is not in the right frame of mind right now... who knows what she else she might do or say" said Cecil as his words were coming from a place of fear more than anything else.

"That's exactly why I think you should talk to her... I don't think leaving her alone in the state she is will be a good idea... like you said, she's hurt, she just needs someone to talk to her, and it has to be you Lia, the two of you need to talk about this..." said Pete as Lia looked at him, she was scared she could not imagine facing her mother alone, just look at what transpired when they were all together? What would happen if they were alone? She could only imagine in fear.

"Do you really think so?" asked Lia as Pete nodded and Lia sighed.

So far Pete had done nothing but give her good advice, she relied on and trusted him so much that even if he asked her to jump off a building she would give him no second thought, and he did not just say things without reason, if he said it, there had to be a valid reason why.

"Okay... I will go talk to her" said Lia as she stood up and let go of Pete's hand.

"Right now??!" asked Cecil in worry as Lia looked at him and nodded.

"Don't worry daddy, I'll be fine... mom won't do anything harsh, I know she won't... the worst she can do is yell at me..." said Lia as she quickly left the dining room, she felt like if she stayed here another second, she would lose all her courage and confidence in an instant, it was better to face the music while you still could.

"I hope this goes well..." said Cecil as he looked at Pete.

"I am sure it will..." replied Pete.


Lia stopped in front of the door of the kitchen as she could hear the sound of faint sobs coming from the kitchen, she halted and took a deep sigh before opening the door and entering the kitchen.

"Mom..." she called softly as Alyssa who was standing by the kitchen sink turned to look at her with her red puffy eyes.

"What do you want??" asked Alyssa in a mix of irritation and sadness as she instantly turned away and wiped her tears.