Chapter 462 - Be honest

Natasha heaved a deep tired sigh, she was exhausted and she felt weak, honestly she did not want to talk to Dom at all, but she knew Dom and she knew that it was important that they talk.

And she knew that putting this off would just be a constant pain in her neck, Dom was not going to move past this and she knew it, sooner of later she would have no choice than to talk to him and honestly, she would rather have it now than later so she could get all of this over with.

She just did not want to keep feeling this was, to keep feeling terrible like this, to keep on feeling like her life was terrible.

She hated that she was so naive and stupid not to have noticed how Lia really felt about her, all this while she was thinking she had a true friend, someone she could trust, but boy was she wrong.

"Talk about what?" asked Natasha as if he wanted to talk he had to make the effort, she was not going to be the one to start talking, she would only comply but as for the talking, he would have to do that.

"Natasha, you know what... or do I really have to mention it?" asked Dom as he really did not want this to end up in another argument, he didn't want to make Natasha feel even worse than she already felt, he just wanted to apologize.

"I don't know, it's up to you" replied Natasha in a rather nonchalant tone that Dom did not find pleasing at all.

"Natasha please I'm begging you, please try to work with me, comply with me I beg you, I don't want to argue , I don't want to fight, I don't want to shout, I just want to talk, I want to talk to you, just please let me do that" said Dom as he pleaded with Natasha.

He was also tired of this, did you think that he wasn't? This was just all too much, they both felt drained, tired and weak, who wouldn't feel that way when you realized that you were manipulated by one person you trusted for so long.

Their lives were ruined because of Lia and he allowed it to happen, if only he had believed Natasha if only he had been more untied with her and trusted her words more than anyone else or more than any evidence that presented itself.

Dom just felt so stupid and guilty right now, he kept on blaming himself, and he was tired of doing so, all he wanted to do was try to make things right with Natasha right here right now.

Natasha could see the grief in Dom's eyes, and she was not heartless, she wasn't the only one that felt betrayed, they all did, after all, they were all shocked by what Lia did, never in a million years would they have thought that she was capable of what she did, but they were very wrong, she was more dangerous than they could imagine.

"Fine... talk... and I will listen" replied Natasha as Dom looked at her in relief.

"Thank you...." he said as now that he was given the chance, he did not know what to say, what to start with...

Should he start by apologizing? No he had apologized too many times in the past, and it was only now that he understood just how serious it was, if there was something greater than an apology, Natasha deserved that.

He felt as if he was not even worthy to be here and talk to her, he knew that he was the last person she wanted to see, but he really wanted to make things right.

"I'm waiting..." said Natasha as her words snapped Dom out of his thoughts as he looked at her and remembered Michael's words, he just needed to be honest with Natasha and with himself.

"Natasha I'm... I'm sorry, I so sorry for everything..." said Dom as that was honestly how he felt.

"I'm sorry for not believing you, I'm sorry for blaming you, I'm sorry for resenting you and hating you all these years while you were truly innocent" said Dom as the guilt in his voice could not be missed.

"I'm sorry for deserting you, I'm sorry for believing that you could do something like that, I'm sorry for every single time I made you cry with my words, I'm sorry for ruining our wonderful friendship over something that could have been solved if I have trusted you and joined together to find out what truly happened" said Dom.

"Natasha I'm sorry for being an idiot and making your life unbearable for the past 6 years" said Dom as Natasha heard his words she could not help but be affected by them as tears unwillingly fell from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry for all the things I've done, all the things I've said out of anger, out of fury, out of disappointment because you didn't deserve it, you did not deserve any of that at all and yet you put up with me for the longest time" said Dom as Natasha sniffed, she was trying to hold her tears but she just could not, as her tears kept on dropping, watering her face all over again.

"You could have left, you could have just accepted everything and admitted that you did just for it to be easier, but you didn't... I'm sorry for being a terrible friend, a terrible father and worse a terrible partner, I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most and that was not how things were supposed to be" said Dom as he was speaking very sincerely at the moment, he meant all of his words extremely.

"We were supposed to be a team... we always had been... but I broke up that partnership and for that I am sorry" said Dom as seeing Natasha start crying all over again made him feel even worse, here he was being the cause of her tears once more.

"Natasha I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, so very sorry, can you ever find a place in your heart to forgive me for all the unfair things I have done to you, said to you, made you feel, please forgive me" said Dom as he got on his knees, he genuinely needed her forgiveness that was all that mattered to him right now.

Natasha looked at Dom, seeing his sorry filled eyes waiting for her response. She sniffed and wiped her tears. She did not know why she was crying all of a sudden... but that was a lie, she knew why.

She had never thought that Dom would actually own up to his mistakes and and accept them, she had concluded that he would always believe that he was right, but she was wrong.

Natasha never thought that she needed to hear his words, but she was mistaken, there was just something about hearing him apologize that made her feel so soft, so mistreated, so unfairly judged and yet so relieved... so relieved that after six full years and more her name had finally been cleared.

"Please forgive me Natasha, I beg you sincerely with my whole heart, forgive me for being a jerk, for being an idiot for not believing you..." said Dom as he was worried with the way Natasha was looking at him, if she didn't forgive him he understood, he truly had done her wrong and she would need some time to process everything.

"I already forgave you a long time ago..." replied Natasha as she sniffed.

"But this time it's different, I need you to forgive me again, this time honestly, because I didn't believe the truth... I chose to believe lies about you" said Dom as Natasha smiled.

"When I told you I forgave you before, I was being honest this... this just shows you why I forgave you already..." said Natasha as she smiled softly.

"Look, I cannot lie, I hated and resented you for what you did... for what you chose to believe, but not anymore... if I have learnt anything, I have learnt to grow and move on" said Natasha.

"Deciding to hate everyone would have done me no good, I would have died in bitterness and anger a long time ago" said Natasha.

"I don't hate you... or anyone else who didn't believe me... honestly I am just relieved that my name is cleared... like they say, it doesn't matter how long it takes, the truth will come out in the end and it just did" said Natasha as she sniffed.

"So yes I forgive you honestly and sincerely... I forgive you" said Natasha as Dom looked at her.

"Thank you Natasha... thank you so much... I promise you that I will never doubt you again, I will never argue with you again" said Dom as Natasha scoffed.

"Don't push it, knowing you we are bound to get into an argument sooner more than later" said Natasha as she sipped her tea and Dom frowned.

"Now get up and stop kneeling, it makes me feel like I'm forcing you to do so" said Natasha as Dom got up, frowning, was it him or did Natasha seem even more colder than before after accepting his apology?