Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 436 - Flashback From the Future XVIII

Chapter 436 - Flashback From the Future XVIII

Lia groaned as she opened her eyes, causing her to be blinded by the sun's sharp rays shining through the open curtains.

Lia groaned even more and turned on the bed, she felt horrible, terrible, she had a terrible headache, she had gotten drunk so much last night and still with that Dom rejected her, it just hurt so much.

She sneered at the new day, just another reminder that the only person she truly cared about, didn't want her, it sucked, she was tired of this, it was getting repetitive, she tried and tried, and still nothing, Dom was adamant on not moving on, and it hurt.

Natasha was gone, but obviously not totally, it was clear to see that his heart and everything else was still with her.

Lia groaned and got out of bed, she reeked of alcohol and it irritated her so much, she looked horrible, puffy eyes, her black eyeliner had washed off, she just looked terrible.

Lia walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, letting the cool water run down into her hands as she washed her face and got rid of all her ruined makeup and she dried her face and hands in a nearby towel.

Lia walked back into the room as she saw her heels at the foot of the bed and she scoffed, she walked out of the room, she was hungry, she would have been able to feel that strongly if not that she felt so dejected at the moment.

Lia decided that she needed to take care of this headache and eat something before she starved.

Lia entered the kitchen to find no one else there other than Alfred who seemed to be cleaning up.

"Good Morning Alfred" said Lia as she smiled and Alfred turned to look at her with a soft smile on his face.

"Good Morning Miss Cecilia, I hope you rested well" said Alfred as he smiled and dried his hands.

"I did Alfred, thank you" said Lia as she smiled and sat down at the kitchen island.

"I'm starving" said Lia as she laughed and Alfred smiled.

"I figured you would be waking up late, so I prepared something sweet for you, just the way you like it" said Alfred with a smile as he placed a plate of syrup coated waffles in front of her.

"Oh Alfred, you know me so well" said Lia as she groaned, she could not wait to dig in, so she did.

Alfred on the other hand smiled, it was hard to believe that he had watched them all grow up, and now, they were all adults, and it was even more hard to believe that Natasha was gone.

"Should I make you tea or coffee?" asked Alfred.

"Tea please, I had a little too much to drink last night and my head is killing me" said Lia as she laughed sheepishly.

"Tea it is then" replied Alfred as he started to prepare her tea.

"You know Alfred, it's been awfully quiet around here, I only see you around" said Lia as Alfred was busy preparing her tea.

"Well yes, the young Master paid off all the other workers since Joy wasn't feeling too comfortable around them" replied Alfred.

"Speaking of which, where is everyone?" asked Lia with her mouth full.

"Joy is at school and the young Master is at work, they both should be back for lunch" said Alfred as he placed the teacup in front of her.

"Ahh I see then" said Lia.

"Are you going to go home?" asked Alfred.

"Ah no, not today, I will stay a little longer" replied Lia as she drank her tea.

"Alright then, it's wonderful having you over" said Alfred as he smiled and Lia smiled.

Alfred turned around and walked to get a pile of neatly folded laundry that was placed in a white basket on the ground, Lia's eyes followed his movements as they finally landed on the clothes in the basket.

"Hey Alfred, do you think that I can get a change of clothes, my dress reeks of alcohol and it's not good for me to continue wearing it" said Lia as Alfred looked at her.

"I'm sorry Miss Cecilia, but we currently do not have any spare set of female clothes in the house" replied Alfred apologetically.

"You don't?" asked Lia as Alfred nodded.

"Well what about those?" asked Lia as she pointed to the basket in his hands as he looked down and shook his head.

"I can't gi..." said Alfred as he was cut off.

"Why not?" asked Lia.

"Because they belong to the Madam, I was just washing them so they don't just suffer in the closet untouched, unwashed..." said Alfred in a tone of sadness.

"But Natasha is not here, and even if she was, you know we used to share clothes all the time, I'm sure she wouldn't mind" said Lia as she could see the reluctance written all over Alfred's face.

"I'm sorry Miss Cecilia, that might be true, but I mind, and the young Master will surely mind as well" said Alfred.

"I doubt that Alfred, come on, Dom won't mind, I don't have anything else to change into, and her clothes are just lying there" said Lia.

"You said it yourself, they are just in the closet untouched, I just need a change of clothes for now, I promise I will return them later, please Alfred, please" said Lia as she pleaded with him and Alfred sighed.

"Alright Miss Cecilia, but please return them soon" said Alfred as he placed a set of clothes on the island table next to Lia.

"Thank you Alfred, I will" said Lia with a smile as Alfred sighed and left the kitchen with the rest of the clothes.

Lia quickly finished her breakfast before taking the clothes with her back to her room to change.

Lia changed into the pair of blue jeans and a yellow top as she looked at her reflection in the mirror and fixed her hair before leaving her room once again.

Lia was on her way back to the kitchen when she stopped, a sudden thought taking over her mind...she considered it and accepted it, she continued on, but instead of going into the kitchen, she walked past it and made her way to Dom's office.

She opened the door and walked right in, knowing no one would be there, it was quiet and tidy, just like Dom.

Lia carefully closed the door behind her, she did not want to draw any attention to herself.

Lia walked to Dom's clean desk as her eyes landed on a framed picture of Dom and Joy that were happily smiling in the photo, it caused her to smile as she picked up the frame to have a closer look.

But the smile on her face quickly disappeared when her eyes glanced left to see a picture of a smiling Natasha placed specially on Dom's desk, you could tell that there was so much sentiment given to the photo itself.

Lia resisted the urge to scream, instead she carefully placed back the photo on Joy and Dom on the desk.

Lia sat down on Dom's seat, she opened his second left drawer and found a little black key hidden there underneath a stack of papers.

She took the key and turned to her right and bent down to open a locked drawer at the lowest point of the desk.

The drawer opened with a click as she turned the key and she drew it back to reveal an unloaded glock 32, she picked up the gun and held it firmly in her hands, a dead look in her eye.

She looked down and picked up the pack of bullets as she slipped them into her pocket.

She closed the drawer and turned the key with another click, locking the now empty drawer, she returned the key back where she found it, she stood up and placed the gun in her back pocket where she could hide it for now.

She pushed Dom's seat in, looked at his desk, making sure nothing was out of place for him to notice, and with that she made her exit out of his office, as if she had never been there in the first place.


"You were quiet the entire trip back home princess, you didn't tell me how school was today" said Dom with a smile as he looked at Joy while they were both walking out of the driveway to the house.

"I didn't say anything because it was good" replied Joy as she kept her eyes down.

"Are you sure princess?" asked Dom.

"Yes daddy, it was good, boring as always, just like any other school day" said Joy.

"Alright princess, if you say so" replied Dom with a smile as Joy nodded and he opened the door for her as they walked into their house.

"Oh what a coincidence I was just going to check if I locked my car" said Lia as she laughed, walking out of the hallway to the front door at the exact same moment Joy and Dom walked in.

"Hi Dom" said Lia as she smiled.

"Hi Lia how are you do..." said Dom as he closed the door and turned around, the words hitching as his eyes finally landed on her as he was silent.

"I'm good, and how are you sweetie, how was school today?" asked Lia as she smiled and looked at Joy who was silent, her eyes unmoving, just fixed on her.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" asked Lia in worry as she wondered why the father and daughter duo were looking at her as if they had both seen a ghost.

"No... *Ahem*, there is nothing on your face it's..." said Dom as he cleared his throat and he was cut off.

"Where did you get those clothes?" asked Joy as she cut Dom off.

"Oh these, I didn't bring any clothes with me, and I needed to changed, so I just borrowed these from..." said Lia as she was cut off.

"Those don't belong to you!" said Joy as it was clear to tell that she was restraining her voice from going any higher or colder.

"I know, but I don't have anything else to wear" said Lia as Joy didn't say anything as she rushed up the stairs and slammed the door to her room as Lia stood there dumbfounded by what had just happened.