Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 408 - The moment

Chapter 408 - The moment

The next morning.

"I will need you to send out emails of the new arrangements and terms to all involved parties" said Dom as his secretary nodded while taking notes of everything he said.

"Alright sir, got it, anything else?" she asked.

"No, that is all, just go do that first and inform me when you are done" said Dom as he looked at her.

"Alright sir, I will do that right away, please excuse me" said the secretary as she nodded and walked away as she passed by Lulu who waved at her as she entered into Dom's office.

"Hellooo dear brother!!! Long time no see" said Lulu as she laughed, even though she just sat Dom this morning at home, she just wanted to be a bit annoying.

"Hi Lulu" replied Dom as he looked at her and Lulu sat down across him at his desk.

"You look busy" said Lulu.

"That I am, so what's up?" asked Dom.

"Well I have the report from my trip here, along with the contracts from investors because Charlie is in a meeting and he asked me to give them to you" said Lulu as she placed the files on Dom's desk.

"Alright, thank you Lulu, I will look at them later" said Dom as he smiled and Lulu smiled showing no intention of leaving anytime soon, but Dom didn't seem to mind, he knew that she probably had something to say, she could stay here as long as she wanted.

"You know that you are an idiot right?" asked Lulu as Dom looked at her and sighed.

"Tell me something I don't already know… let me guess Natasha reported me to you" said Dom.

"No, she didn't have to, your cold behaviour towards each other during dinner was enough of a report from me" said Lulu.

"Right…" said Dom.

"Natasha told me everything, and all I can say is how could you say something like that? You were so offensive, you literally hurt her with your words" said Lulu as she was more than ready to scold him.

"I know, I know, and I felt really bad after I realized what I said, I promise you that I didn't say it on purpose it just slipped" said Dom.

"And you slipped really badly, I mean everything was fine between you two, but now, it's even worse than before, why didn't you think before you spoke?" asked Lulu.

"Look Lulu, I was in the moment, we were speaking to each other like friends, like the old times, and for a moment I forgot everything, I forgot the bad history between us, and I talked to her like a friend… the friend I once had…" said Dom as he took a pause.

"I didn't realize just how much I missed Natasha being my friend… *sigh*, not my enemy, not my estranged wife, just my friend" said Dom as he sighed.

"We used to be so close and now were are not" said Dom.

"Guess whose fault that is genius?" asked Lulu as Dom frowned.

"I don't even know, I guess it's both our faults, I honestly don't know, but it felt so good to see her laugh, smile and talk calmly with me, just like old times, I always valued her friendship, and it really hurts to see how bad things have gotten between us" said Dom as Lulu sighed.

"Look, I know how you feel, you two were the best of friends, but you have to realize that things can't go back to the way that they were, you and Natasha aren't just ex friends, you are also married, you share a child together, and most importantly, she loved you and you broke her heart" said Lulu.

"A broken heart is hard to mend, I tell you Dom, if I was the one that heard my ex say something like that, I would burn his lips off" said Lulu.

"And I wouldn't bail you out of jail" replied Dom as he shook his head.

"That's besides the point, what I am going at is that you need to fix this, beg if you need to beg, kneel if you need to, just find a way to fix this, find a way to fix this great divide between you two" said Lulu as Dom sighed.

"That's easier said than done Lulu, I have apologized, and I don't think that's what Natasha wants, she must be tired of me apologizing by now, I just don't know what she wants or what I can do to at least try and fix everything" said Dom with a sigh.

"Then try harder to find out, Natasha isn't a difficult person" said Lulu.

"Maybe to you she isn't" replied Dom.

"You better find a way to fix things for your sake and for Joy's, she's getting older, and I can totally see her asking why you both are so hostile to each other" said Lulu in a worrying tone.

"I know…" said Dom as he knew he had to fix this somehow.

"Good, anyway now that that is cleared up, I also wanted to tell you that I am taking the afternoon off" said Lulu with a smile.

"Why?" asked Dom.

"Oh well I am just going out with a friend, and my supervisor gave me the afternoon off" said Lulu with a smile.

"Who and where?" asked Dom as he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her.

"Oh just a very good friend that you know, and also you don't need to know where I am going all the time, I am adult, and I will be back before 8pm" said Lulu as she smiled happily and Dom wasn't the sort of brother to keep pestering her, she had already told him what he wanted to hear, which was the time she would return.

"Alright then, be careful, and don't get into trouble" said Dom.

"When do I ever get into trouble?" asked Lulu.

"Anyway, I want to know how the company's anniversary party plans are coming along, so I can order my dress" said Lulu as Dom let out an annoyed sigh.

"Well that's not happening anytime soon" said Dom.

"What do you mean?" asked Lulu.

"I am way too busy with the things on ground than to waste my time planning a big event that is not necessary" said Dom.

"But you told Grandfather you would throw the Anniversary party and the inauguration of the new building both at the same time in March" said Lulu.

"Yes, I know I said that, but it's going to be too risky to have that sort of publicity right now" said Dom as with the whole one of their cargo ships carrying illegal firearms thing, he didn't want any trouble, even though Natasha had somewhat handled it, he still felt like it was best to lay low.

"Alright… but Grandfather won't be happy about this, it took him a lot to actually allow you to change his plans, so good luck telling him" said Lulu.

"Oh I'm not going to tell him" said Dom as he was not ready to get scolded.

"Then who is?" asked Lulu.

"You are" replied Dom.

"What??? Why me?? No way Dom, no fair, I don't want to be caught up in this" said Lulu.

"Sorry you already are, you are going to break the news to him, tell him that the dates have been moved to early June" said Dom.

"And why me?" asked Lulu.

"Because you're his favourite, he's more likely to shout at me and not you, and also you are the good little sister" replied Dom with a smile.

"Oh no way, I'm not doing that for you" said Lulu.

"I don't ask you who your 'friend' is and where you are going, and you don't tell me you can't talk to your own Grandfather" said Dom.

"Oh so it's like this?" asked Lulu in disbelief.

"Yes it is, good luck" said Dom with a smile as Lulu frowned.

"You are so annoying, I am going to tell Natasha to slap you for me" said Lulu as she stood up.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" asked Dom.

"Because I know you are a snitch and you will rat me out to Grandfather who will in turn give me an entire lecture about respecting elders" said Lulu as Dom laughed.

"You will be fine, Grandfather will be softer with you" said Dom.

"You can talk to him tomorrow, but for now, you can go out and enjoy your day with your friend" said Dom as he smiled and Lulu scoffed.

"I hate you" said Lulu as she pouted.

"And I love you dear little sister" replied Dom as Lulu threw a pencil at him and he caught it and laughed as she scoffed and walked out of his office.

Dom laughed to himself and shook his head, at least he had one thing less off his extremely full plate.