Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 399 - Looking like that

Chapter 399 - Looking like that

"I'm sorry Natasha I was just… taken aback by her sudden question" said Dom as Natasha frowned at him in anger.

"You were not taken aback; you were freaked out" said Natasha in irritation.

"I admit that I was freaked out and I still am freaked out" replied Dom.

"And for what reason exactly?" asked Natasha.

"I did not expect her to ask that sort of question" said Dom.

"What is so bad with her question? It's not like she asked you what the meaning of life was, she just asked where babies came from" said Natasha as she was visibly irritated by his behaviour right now, and Dom did not care, he did not like this at all.

"Oh come on Natasha you know it's deeper than that, we can't just give her a straight answer, that topic is not for her" said Dom.

"I don't even know why she would ask something like this, someone probably told her something" said Dom as he sighed.

"Can you hear yourself right now?" asked Natasha in annoyance.

"Yes I can, she's just five, she doesn't need to ask these questions" said Dom.

"Oh you are unbelievable, so what if she's just five? This is the age that children ask a lot of questions, it's only normal" said Natasha.

"I doubt that, maybe she heard someone say something and that's why she has that question on her mind" said Dom.

"It doesn't matter where she got that question for, she deserves an answer" said Natasha.

"No way Natasha, don't you tell me that you are actually going to explain it to her" said Dom as he looked at her in disbelief.

"I am not going to, we are going to, this conversation was bound to happen, better earlier than never" replied Natasha.

"Why do we have to? She might even forget that she asked it in the first place" said Dom as he wanted to avoid this conversation at all costs, sure he knew that this was a question she would have eventually and not now, he could not bear this right now.

"You are so childish, are you serious right now, you want to leave her innocent question unanswered?" asked Natasha as Dom said nothing.

"We are her parents, we are her first source of information, not her friends, or her teachers or the tv, or other people, it's us" said Natasha.

"As her parents, we have to educate her, she can't go looking for answers from other sources because you surely will regret it if she is misinformed" said Natasha seriously.

"Joy needs to feel that she can count on us, that she can ask us anything without having to feel embarrassed or ashamed" said Natasha.

"And if you make her feel like she did something wrong by asking you a harmless question, she won't ask us anything again, even when it's seriously bothering her" said Natasha as Dom sighed, knowing that she was right.

"Is that what you want to happen?" asked Natasha.

"No of course not, I don't want her to be afraid to ask us anything" said Dom.

"Then be a father and we will answer her question together" said Natasha as in that same moment Joy walked back into the dining room.

"My darling, you want to know where babies come from right?" asked Natasha as she smiled and she looked at Joy who nodded.

"That's alright we will tell you, but not right now because you have to go to school" said Natasha with a smile as Joy looked at Dom.

"I'm not going to the farm today, and your daddy will be back from the office early today right?" asked Natasha as she looked at Dom who nodded.

"Good" said Natasha.

"So we will talk about this together after dinner and right before your bedtime okay?" asked Natasha with a smile.

"Okay mommy" said Joy with a smile.

"Go and get your schoolbag my princess" said Dom as he smiled and Joy nodded as she walked out of the dining room and Natasha looked at Dom.

"Stop looking as if you were just asked to kill someone" said Natasha with a scoff.

"Yes, I am killing myself because I don't want to talk about this" said Dom.

"Oh come on, you are a business man, go to work and make a business plan on how you want to go about this" said Natasha as Dom scoffed.

"Besides you have the whole day to prepare, not like this is anything big to prepare for, but if you need time to prepare, you have it" said Natasha.

"Just don't dare bail on me, because we will have an even bigger problem between us" said Natasha.

"I won't bail on you" replied Dom as he stood up and left the dining room as Natasha shook her head.

Nine walked into Dom's office as he was speaking to Dom, but Dom did not seem to be listening to him as he was deep in his own thoughts.

"What's wrong Dom? You seem stressed" said Nine as he sat down across Dom.

"I am stressed Nine" replied Dom.

"Why what happened?" asked Nine.

"This morning Joy asked where babies came from" said Dom.

"Alright and….?" Asked Nine.

"And what? That is something very serious" said Dom as he looked distraught and Nina laughed.

"Not funny Nine, this is serious, her asking that is breaking my heart, I mean what exactly am I supposed to explain to her?" asked Dom.

"Well what did Natasha say?" asked Nine.

"She going to force me, I mean us to explain it to her" said Dom.

"And you don't want to?" asked Nine.

"It's a very delicate subject Nine, how exactly am I going to explain to a five year that?" asked Dom.

"I feel you Dom, luckily Natasha is going to be there, so calm down" said Nine.

"Easy for you to say Nine, when you have your own daughter you will know how it feels, it's just so weird, I don't want to have to explain it to her" said Dom.

"I mean, you can wait for her to be older before you do" said Nine.

"Knowing Joy if we don't answer her, she will just go ask someone else, and I don't want that" said Dom.

"Then relax, I am sure you are just overreacting" said Nine.

"Whatever…" said Dom as he sighed.

"Anyway, I wish you luck, I dropped off the documents you need" said Nine as he stood up and left as Dom sighed.

"My darling, go and brush your teeth, me and your daddy will be with you soon" said Natasha with a smile.

"Okay mommy" replied Joy with a smile as she ran up the stairs as Natasha walked into the living room where Dom looked like he was going to be slaughtered.

"Can you stop looking like that" said Natasha in irritation.

"Looking like what?" asked Dom as he looked at her.

"Like you are going to be killed" said Natasha.

"Well I might as well be, I still don't want to talk about this" said Dom.

"Well it doesn't matter what you want, you better be ready, and don't look like that when we are talking to her" said Natasha as she walked out of the living room and up the stairs as Dom looked at her.

"I don't want to ruin her innocence" said Dom.

"Who said anything about ruining her innocence? What are you even thinking about?" asked Natasha as she stopped in front of Joy's bedroom door.

"Well don't tell me that you plan to tell her everything…" said Dom.

"Of course not, what do you think of me?" asked Natasha with a scoff.

"I am going to give her the pg version, the birds and the bees, the wonderful, totally safe version that won't corrupt her mind as you fear" said Natasha as Dom sighed in relief.

"Just know that when she gets older, It will be your turn to tell her about it" said Natasha as she knew Dom was still not ready for this and she had no time to deal with him being a child.

"That will never happen" said Dom as Natasha scoffed and walked into Joy's room as Joy was already tucked in.

"My princess, do you want me to read you a story?" asked Dom with a smile as Natasha looked at him and frowned, he was obviously still trying to get out of this.

"You can read her a story some other time, now is the time for the conversation we talked about in the morning" said Natasha as she frowned and Dom and scoffed internally, she could not believe him, he really was something else.

Dom said nothing at all, you could not blame him for at least trying.

Natasha shook her head as she sat down beside Joy on her bed as she looked at Dom and glared at him, telling him with her eyes to sit the heck down and behave normally, to which Dom sighed internally and sitting down beside Joy.

Natasha sat down on the right, and Dom on the left with Joy sandwiched in the middle, to which she smiled too, she loved that she was in the middle.

"Are you all cosy and warm?" asked Natasha with a smile as Joy nodded and Dom smiled at her.

"Alright so my darling, in the morning you asked where babies came from?" asked Natasha as Joy nodded.

"Yes mommy, don't they come from heaven?" asked Joy as Natasha laughed.

"Well yes my darling, they do, but babies don't just drop from heaven, that would be weird, there is actually something that you need to do before you can get a baby" said Natasha as Joy nodded.

"Before a baby can come out, a woman needs to get pregnant" said Natasha.

"How does a woman get pregnant mommy?" asked Joy as she looked at Natasha and Dom.

"Well my baby, it's a very wonderful thing actually" said Natasha as she smiled and Joy looked at Dom who just kept silent and let Natasha explain everything, because he surely was not going to say anything.

"So my darling, a mommy has an egg inside her" said Natasha.

"An egg??" asked Joy in confusion as she looked at Natasha and Natasha nodded.

"Like a real hard egg mommy?" asked Joy as Natasha laughed.

"Not a real hard boiled egg my darling, that's too big, the eggs inside a woman are really tiny, you can't even see them normally, and they are very soft" said Natasha as she explained and Joy nodded in relief as that made sense.

"Yes my darling, so a mommy has an egg, and a daddy has a seed" said Natasha.

"Like a real seed daddy?" asked Joy as she looked at Dom who looked at her and then at Natasha who looked like she was going to kill him if he didn't reply her correctly.

"Not like a real seed my princess, it's a little soft tiny one" replied Dom.

"Ahh okay" said Joy as that made sense.

"Mommies have an egg and daddies have a seed, and so when a mommy and daddy love each other very much, they come together and they touch and hug and kiss…" said Natasha as she felt like laughing when Dom looked at her with a warning gaze when she said the words touch, hug and kiss.

"And then the daddy gives his seed to the mommy and then the seed joins with the mommy's egg and then the joined seed and egg starts to grow in the mommy's tummy, and it grows into a baby" said Natasha.

"Does that make sense my darling?" asked Natasha as Joy nodded.

"Yes mommy it does" said Joy as she smiled.

"Mommy, does the baby growing hurt?" asked Joy.

"Not at all my darling, it is very wonderful, the mommy can feel the baby growing and kicking and living right in her own tummy, just like when I was pregnant with you, it was one of the best times of my life" said Natasha with a smile as Joy smiled.

"Do you want to ask your daddy anything my darling?" asked Natasha as Joy shook her head.

"No, daddy doesn't seem to be an expert, that is why he is so quiet" said Joy as Natasha laughed.

"Ouch princess that hurt" said Dom as he laughed.

"But it is the truth daddy, you are very quiet, mommy is doing all the talking" said Joy as Natasha laughed.

"Men are sometimes stupid my darling" replied Natasha as she laughed and Joy laughed.

"Hey I am right here you know" said Dom as he did not want Natasha giving Joy her mindset about him.

"Daddy is not stupid mommy, but sometimes he's goofy" replied Joy as she yawned.

"True my darling, he is goofy, anyway it's late now, and you have school tomorrow, goodnight my darling, and sleep well" said Natasha as she gave Joy a kiss on the forehead as Joy yawned again.

"Goodnight mommy, I love you" said Joy with a smile as Natasha smiled.

"Goodnight daddy, I love you" said Joy as she gave Dom a kiss on the check as that made him smile.

"Goodnight my princess, have sweet dreams" said Dom with a smile as Joy closed her eyes and slept.

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