Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 370 - Yes and no

Chapter 370 - Yes and no

"*Click*" came the sound of a camera as the flash came and a picture was taken as Lia smiled and put her camera down.

"Say cheese" said Lia with a smile as she pointed her camera at Pete and he smiled as she took a picture of him.

"You look nice" said Lia as she laughed and Pete laughed.

"I didn't know that you were a photographer" said Pete with a smile.

"Well I love cameras, I love anything that has to do with cameras, I love being in front of a camera or behind it" said Lia with a smile as she took a picture of their picnic basket.

"I do photography in my free time, as a hobby, but I am mostly involved with security cameras" replied Lia with a smile.

"That's very interesting" said Pete with a smile as he sat down on the picnic blanket and Lia sat down beside him.

"Yeah it is" said Lia with a smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, why didn't you go into full time photography, you are very good at it" said Pete as he looked at the pictures that Lia had taken.

"I don't mind, and thank you" said Lia with a smile.

"I actually did consider doing Photography, but, I just realized that I am not creative at all, photography, editing, doing things in film, those are all creative jobs, I don't have an ounce of creativity in my bones" said Lia as she laughed and Pete laughed.

"Oh come on, I don't think that's true" said Pete.

"No it's true, creativity isn't my thing, I prefer sticking to a predetermined set of rules that are already put in place" said Lia.

"That's why I love being in the security business, I love cameras, and I also love to ensure that people feel safe" said Lia with a smile.

"But apart from camera, I do code a bit, I learnt it in my second year of university" said Lia as she smiled.

"Wow, you seemed to have learnt many things" said Pete with a smile, so far so good, his second date with Lia was going well, he was learning a little bit more about her.

"Well not really, enough about me, tell me about you" said Lia with a smile as she put her camera away.

"I am curious, have you always wanted to be a police officer or?" asked Lia.

"Well yes and no" replied Pete.

"Don't get me wrong, I love helping people solving cases, but the reason I got on the force was because of my dad, he was a captain, and now I am a commander" said Pete.

"Sounds like your dad is very difficult" said Lia.

"He is" replied Pete.

"What about you?" asked Pete.

"Well I love my dad, he's the best, he always cheers me on, but my mom on the other hand, she's difficult" replied Lia.

"I guess that we both have difficult parents then" said Pete as he laughed.

"That we do" replied Lia as she laughed.

"I've never been on a picnic date before, this place is nice, quiet and it's a lovely day" said Lia as she looked up into the blue sky and she smiled.

"That's why I love coming here, it's peaceful, for when you want to get away from it all" replied Pete with a smile.

"You must bring all the ladies you go on a date with here" said Lia as she laughed, to her Pete came off as a man who would have many suitors, she didn't want to say that he was a player, but she was certain that man women went after him, he was handsome to say the least, and he had a good job, he was respected, she actually wondered why he seemed to be single.

"Well no, I only bring important women in my life here" said Pete with a smile as Lia felt her heart flutter, was he indirectly saying that she was important to him?

"Ahh, and who might those be?" asked Lia.

"Well my mom, Natasha and you" said Pete with a smile.

"You and Natasha are very close right?" asked Lia.

"Yes we are, we have been friends for a long time" said Pete with a smile.

"Have you ever liked her as more than a friend?" asked Lia.

"Well honestly yes I did, I was in love with her for a long time actually, I knew she would never love me the way that I did, and after so many years of my attempt to hide it, we finally spoke about It and well, I realized that there are some people you love from a distance" said Pete.

"Well of course, who wouldn't love Natasha, she's so herself, anyone who has met her, loves her personality, she's just that perfect" said Lia with a hint of sadness in her tone.

"Did I upset you? Was it something I said?" asked Pete as he picked up the sadness in her tone.

"No, no you didn't, I was just…" said Lia with a sigh.

"You are hurt, what's wrong?" asked Pete as he realized that everything was fine until Natasha was brought up.

"Nothing…" said Lia.

"Lia tell me the truth" said Pete as Lia sighed.

"It's just that I am not as great as Natasha, I know that" said Lia.

"Lia, you are fine just the way you are, you are yourself, you are fun, you have your own hobbies and passions" said Pete.

"I am not that special" said Lia with a sad smile.

"Well you are special to me" said Pete as he smiled and Lia looked at him.

"Peter I'm… I'm not who think I am, you don't know me, those who know me will tell you otherwise" said Lia with a sigh.

"Lia, you shouldn't say such things about yourself, I am sure that you are just overreacting" said Pete with a smile.

"If only you knew" said Lia to herself as she sighed.

"You are right, I am sorry for turning things sad" said Lia as she laughed.

"It's fine Lia, really" said Pete as he laughed and Lia smiled at him.

"I hope that I haven't ruined our date" said Pete.

"No, not at all, it's still wonderful Peter, really" said Lia with a smile, she had to admit that this had to be the best date that she had been on.

"I am glad that it is" said Pete in relief as he smiled and Lia smiled at him.

"Mommy, can I have some cookies when we get home?" asked Joy with a smile as she held Natasha's hand as they were walking through the park together.

"Sure my darling, you can have cookies when we get home" said Natasha with a smile. Today was a beautiful day and she didn't want it to go to waste, and that was why she decided to go to the park with Joy today.

"Yayyy" said Joy with a giggle as Natasha smiled at her.

"*Gasp*, puppy!!" said Joy as she gasped and she saw a little white puppy walking around as she let go of Natasha's hand and she ran to meet the puppy.

"Joy" called Natasha as Joy did not listen to her and she ran after the puppy.

"Joy" called Natasha as she ran after Joy and Joy bent down and started to pet the puppy as it stayed still.

"Mommy, mommy, look a puppy, a cute puppy" said Joy as she looked at Natasha excitedly.

"My darling, don't run away from me like that" said Natasha with a sigh as she started to itch.

"I'm sorry mommy, but look at the cute puppy" said Joy with a giggle.

"*Achooo*" said Natasha as she sneezed.

"My dar *achoo*" said Natasha with a sneeze.

"The puppy is cute but *achoo*" said Natasha as she covered her mouth with her hands and she began to sneeze violently.

"Mommy, what's wrong? Why are you sneezing so much?" asked Joy in worry as she looked at her mother who had started to turn a bit red while still sneezing.

"It's the… *achoo!*" said Natasha as she sneezed and sniffed.

"The *achoo*, the fur *achoo*, I am allergic to the fur *achoo*" said Natasha as she continued to sneeze violently.

"Mommy, mommy, you are turning red" said Joy in a panic as she did not know what to do at all, she was so worried, it was her fault that her mother started to sneeze like this, she should not have run off to pet the puppy.

"Don't *achoo*, worry *achoo* my darling I… I… I...will be fine soon *Achoo" said Natasha as Joy panicked.

"Let's go home mommy, come let's go home" said Joy in a panic as she was unsure of what to do as Natasha nodded and followed after her as the puppy followed after Joy and that caused Natasha to sneeze even more.