Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 348 - Childhood Memories XVII

Chapter 348 - Childhood Memories XVII

Ivanka was washing the dishes in the kitchen when she heard the door open and she narrowed her eyes.

"Moy rebenok (my baby), is that you?" asked Ivanka.

"Da mama (yes mommy)" replied Natasha in a small voice.

"Ahh, I see, are you done playing Natasha?" asked Ivanka as she smiled.

"Yes mommy" replied Natasha in a small voice as Ivanka narrowed her eyes, she wondered why Natasha was so quiet, she was usually so bubbly and happy when she came back from playing outside with her friends.

"Natasha, what is wrong, come here now, I want to see you" said Ivanka as she could feel that something was wrong.

"Yes mommy" said Natasha as she was scared but she looked at Dom who urged her to go now.

"Mama Dom zdes' (Dom is here)" said Natasha as she pushed Dom to enter the kitchen first.

"Ahh Dominic, how are you?" asked Ivanka as she looked at Dom and she smiled.

"I am good Aunt and how are you?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Good, hello boys" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Hello" said Charlie, Nine and Michael with a smile as Ivanka smiled them, and it would seem that Natasha was hiding behind them all.

"Moy rebenok (my baby) why are you hiding?" asked Ivanka as she knew something was wrong, Natasha never hid from her on a normal day.

Ivanka stopped washing the dishes as she dried her hands with a cloth and she waited for what would happen next.

"Come on Natasha, it will be fine" said Dom as he turned to Natasha and she nodded as she stopped hiding.

"Mama" said Natasha as she stood in front of Ivanka and Ivanka gasped with what she saw.

There was a huge, big wad of pink chewing gum stuck in Natasha's hair.

"Natasha, what happened? Who put gum in your hair? Or did you put gum in your hair?" asked Ivanka as she looked at Natasha hair, she doubted that Natasha would put gum in her own hair, she never bought her child gum, she thought it was a nasty habit to chew gum.

"Natasha, can you talk to me" said Ivanka.

"Aunt, don't be angry with Natasha, she didn't put gum in her hair" said Dom as Ivanka looked at him and everyone nodded.

"It was Lia, she was chewing gum and she put it in Natasha's hair, it was an accident Aunt" said Dom as he explained and Ivanka nodded, she knew that these boys were good boys and she had never seen them chew gum before.

"Ne serdis' mama (don't be angry mommy)" said Natasha in a small still voice.

"No Natasha, I'm not angry, I am just upset because gum doesn't come out of hair easily" said Ivanka as she tisked and she touched Natasha's gum filled hair and she shook her head.

"Maybe you should try peanut butter Aunt" said Michael.

"No Michael, it won't work, that doesn't always work, Natasha needs a haircut" said Ivanka.

"But where is Lia?" asked Ivanka.

"I thought she was behind us" said Dom as he could not see Lia anywhere.

"It's fine then" said Ivanka as she sighed.

"Oh Ivanka, I am so sorry, I don't know what Cecilia was doing with gum in the first place" said Alyssa as she apologized and she sighed.

"It's fine Alyssa" said Ivanka.

"It was an accident, Cecilia, can you apologize to Natasha and her mother right now" said Alyssa as she looked at Lia who rolled her eyes.

"I am sorry for putting my gum in your hair Natasha" said Lia as she looked at Ivanka and Natasha.

"It's fine Lia, it was an accident" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Mhmm" said Ivanka as Alyssa's phone rang.

"Oh please excuse me Ivanka, I need to take this" said Alyssa as Ivanka smiled at her and she walked away.

"Natasha go to your father's office, I left the scissors in there" said Ivanka.

"Okay mama" said Natasha as she smiled and she walked out of the room, leaving Lia and Ivanka alone.

"That wasn't an accident was it?" asked Ivanka as she bent down to Lia's level.

"I do not know what you are talking about, it was an accident" said Lia as she lied.

"Let's be honest here Cecilia, you do not look remorseful, and it was not an accident now was it?" asked Ivanka as Lia scoffed.

"Well yes It was not an accident, it was not fair, everyone was looking at Natasha and not me" said Lia as Ivanka shook her head, just what kind of spoilt brat was this? She put gum in her daughter's hair, luckily it was not on her scalp.

"Look little girl, let me tell you this, being wicked doesn't pay, the next time you try something like this to Natasha, I won't let you go freely, I will pay you back a hundred fold" said Ivanka as her tone was chilling and scary as Lia started to shiver.

"I will chew gum and stick it in your hair and decorate your hair with nice big dead frogs, if you don't want that happening, then don't you ever dare to harm Natasha again, you hear me?" asked Ivanka.

"Mommy!!" cried Lia as she started to cry and she ran in the direction of where her mother left to and Ivanka stood up as she shook her head, that had to be enough to scare her.

"Mommy!! Mommy!! That woman is mean!!" said Lia as she cried and clung unto her mother as Alyssa looked at her.

"Cecilia, what sort of nonsense is this? Be quiet!" said Alyssa as Lia kept on crying and she sighed as she carried her.

"No more gum for you, I told your father not to get you invested in that stupid habit, I don't want to ever see you chew gum again" said Alyssa as she sighed.

"Ivanka, I am sorry about this, it won't ever happen again" said Alyssa as she walked to Ivanka while Lia was still crying.

"It's fine Alyssa, I know it won't right Cecilia?" asked Ivanka with a smile as Lia cried even more.

"I don't know what is up with her today, I will see you later Ivanka" said Alyssa as Ivanka nodded and she smiled and Alyssa walked away with the crying Lia as she sighed.

"I have the scissors mommy" said Natasha as she smiled and she walked to Ivanka.

"Moy rebenok (my baby), why are you friends with Cecilia?" asked Ivanka.

"Because everyone is friends with her mama" replied Natasha as Ivanka sighed.

"Natasha, you don't need to force anyone to be friends with you" said Ivanka.

"But I forced no one mama" said Natasha as Ivanka smiled.

"Just be careful my child" said Ivanka as she smiled and Natasha nodded, Ivanka was going to defend her child no matter what.

"What are you going to do?" asked Larry as he walked into the room and Ivanka looked at him.

"Well I am going to my barber, Natasha needs a haircut" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Barber?" asked Larry in confusion as Ivanka nodded.

"But she needs a haircut, and not a shaved head" said Larry.

"Oh trust me Larry, my barber is the best, he will know just what to do" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Well alright then, if you say so darling" said Larry as Ivanka laughed as him, he was still as cute as the first day she met him, she loved him so much.

"Thank you my love. Natasha go and wear your shoes and we can go" said Ivanka as she looked at Natasha who nodded and she walked out of the room.

"You said something to scare Cecilia didn't you?" asked Larry as Ivanka did not look guilty at all.

"Well maybe a few things, just to make her know that what she did was not right" said Ivanka.

"I have nothing against her, she can be a lovely girl when she wants to be" said Ivanka.

"I agree with her, but her father, well he's something else, he wanted a deal with our company, I found a way to shut it down, I can't work with a man like him" said Larry as he shook his head.

"Men like that are who raise rotten children, you can tell that Cecilia learns a lot from him, and if he doesn't correct her and himself, she might turn out not so good" said Ivanka with a smile.

"I am sure that her mother will stop that from happening" said Larry as he smiled.

"I hope so, there is only so much a mother can do without the father being in support anyway, that I why I love you so much, we are always on the same page" said Ivanka as she smiled and she gave Larry a kiss as he smiled.

"Always" said Larry as he smiled.

"Mama, I wore my shoes" said Natasha.

"Alright Natasha, say goodbye to your father first" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Bye daddy" said Natasha as she giggled.

"Bye my Tasha, have fun" said Larry as he smiled and Natasha held Ivanka's hand as they walked out the front door.