Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 344 - Wrong with you

Chapter 344 - Wrong with you

Natasha sat on her bed with her laptop on her lap as she got her red USB drive and she put it into her laptop port.

She had not had time to check through everything she copied from Romanoff's laptop, so what better time to start looking for information but now?

Natasha could not help but feel a bit bad, she did kind of steal all this information, honestly, she had nothing against Romanoff, she had something against Igor and the association though, and all she wanted was justice, with a little bit of revenge.

Natasha opened up the USB as she saw the several files that she had copied, there was just so many files to sift through here.

Natasha opened the first file as what opened up was a pdf written in Russian, Natasha was honestly too tired to try to translate everything so she just skipped through it and opened another file, which also happened to be in Russian, and another, and another, until she found something that looked like a house plan with different words.

Natasha sighed, it looked like it would take her a long while to actually find valid information, and it was too late for her to start trying to find it out, she would do it tomorrow.

Natasha closed her laptop as she placed it on her bed and she got up from her bed, walked to the door and out of her room to Joy's room as she opened the door.

"The end" said Dom as he smiled and he closed the story book that he was reading and Joy giggled as he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight princess, go to sleep now" said Dom as Natasha smiled at the sighed and she walked into Joy's room.

"Mommy!!" said Joy as she turned to look at Natasha and Natasha walked close to her.

"Hello my darling" said Natasha with a smile as Dom moved back and Joy held Natasha's hand.

"Mommy daddy read me the story of the Hansel and Gretel" said Joy as she giggled.

"That's nice my darling" said Natasha as she smiled and Joy giggled.

"Daddy, which story are you going to read to me tomorrow?" asked Joy as she looked at Dom who smiled at her.

"Well my princess, let tomorrow take care of itself, it will be a surprise, but right now, you have to go to sleep" said Dom as he smiled.

"But I don't feel tired daddy" said Joy.

"Your daddy is right Joy, you have to go to sleep now, you have school tomorrow" said Natasha as she smiled and she caressed Joy's hair.

"But I'm not tired" said Joy as she yawned and Dom laughed and so did Natasha as Dom's phone rang as he looked at it.

"I have to take this call princess, please go to sleep it's late" said Dom as he smiled and he walked out of Joy's room and he closed the door.

"Alright princess, let's tuck you in, time for bed, no exceptions" said Natasha with a smile as she tucked Joy in but Joy refused to let go of her hand.

"Mommy, don't go, stay here with me" said Joy with a cute little voice that made Natasha's heart warm up.

"You don't want me to leave?" asked Natasha as Joy nodded and she smiled, honestly, she did not want to leave either.

"Well okay my darling" said Natasha as she climbed into Joy's bed and Joy smiled as she hugged her and Natasha tucked them both into bed.

"You know my darling, when you were little, you used to love to sleep with me all the time" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I still love to sleep with you mommy, it's nice" said Joy as Natasha laughed and she caressed her hair and poked Joy's nose.

"You are right it is nice, so come on, let's go to sleep now my darling, you have school tomorrow" said Natasha as she smiled and she gave Joy a kiss on the forehead as Joy nodded.

"Goodnight mommy" said Joy as she closed her eyes.

"Goodnight my darling, sweet dreams" said Natasha as she smiled and Joy went to sleep.

Natasha smiled as she closed her eyes as well, she was very tired.

Dom walked back into Joy's room as he smiled, he saw Natasha and Joy together, it made him happy, he switched off the lights as he closed the door behind him.

The next Saturday.

"Oh Natasha, are you sure that we will be able to work here?" asked Chloe as she and Natasha were in the park.

"I mean yes, we can discuss the issues pending, and the children can play, it's a win win" said Natasha as she laughed and Chloe laughed.

"I do agree with you, Ethan has been so much lately, I can't get any work done when he's around" said Chloe as she shook her head and Natasha laughed as they both sat down on the bench in the park.

"Ethan, be good, don't play too rough, and watch over Joy, you hear me?" asked Chloe as he looked at Ethan who was walking to the playground.

"Yes" said Ethan.

"Yes what?" asked Chloe.

"Yes mom" said Ethan.

"Good" said Chloe.

"Anyway, I was speaking to the architects, and there are some quality inexpensive woods that we can use for the interior design of the store, he sent me some the samples on my phone, do you want to see?" asked Chloe.

"Sure" said Natasha as she smiled and Chloe brought out her phone as she started to show Natasha the pictures.

Ethan walked to the slide when he saw Joy sitting on the swing with a sad expression on her face, he didn't want to ask, but knowing her, she could end up crying any time, and he really didn't want his mother's trouble.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Ethan as Joy turned to look at him.

"Nothing" she replied.

"Then stop looking like that, as if there is something wrong" replied Ethan plainly as Joy looked at him.

"Don't you dare cry and get me in trouble, use your words and don't be a baby" said Ethan.

"But I'm not a baby" said Joy.

"Remember what happened last time? So if you don't want me to get angry with you, don't cry" said Ethan.

"I am not going to cry" said Joy.

"I am just sad that my mommy and daddy are not together" said Joy.

"Mhmm and why is that?" asked Ethan.

"They don't love each other, and I want them to be together" said Joy with a sad look on her face.

"Dummy" said Ethan.

"Why did you call me a dummy? I am not a dummy" said Joy with a frown.

"Oh but you are dummy" said Ethan.

"If you want your parents to be together then you can make that happen" said Ethan as he shook his head, she really was dumb.

"I can?" asked Joy in surprise.

"Yes you can, you are their child, of course you can get them together" said Ethan as he shook his head, Joy really had a lot to learn.

"How do I do that?" asked Joy in confusion.

"You have to force them to be together, parents would do anything for their children, and if you force them to be together, then they will be together" said Ethan as he got on the swing and he started to swing as Joy watched him.

"But isn't that bad to force them?" asked Joy.

"There is nothing bad about it Joy, it's simple, you are their child, they love you, and you can make them love each other" said Ethan.

"And how do I do that?" asked Joy in confusion as Ethan sighed, he shook his head and he stopped swinging.

"I don't think that I should help you, I can get in trouble" said Ethan.

"No Ethan, you won't help me please" said Joy with her big wide eyes.

"Hmmm, well let me think about it" said Ethan.

"No, no please help me Ethan, please, I want my mommy and daddy to fall in love and be together, tell me how to do it" said Joy.

"Well since you asked so nicely, I will help you" said Ethan.

"Yayy, thank you Ethan" said Joy as she smiled and she hugged Ethan as he frowned.

"Rule number 1 if I am going to help you, you don't touch me or hug me got it?" asked Ethan as Joy nodded.

"Good" said Ethan as he never knew that Joy could listen so well.

"So how do I get them to fall in love?" asked Joy.

"Hold your horses dummy, it's not that easy and quick, it takes time, steps" said Ethan.

"You need to plan" said Ethan.

"Don't call me dummy, and how do I plan?" asked Joy as she could not understand what Ethan was trying to say at all.

"Oh boy, you really need steps don't you" said Ethan as he sighed and he shook his head as Joy just watched him.

"Well I can't really tell you how here since our moms are over there" said Ethan.

"Then what do I do?" asked Joy.

"Wait, give me a moment" said Ethan as he got off the swing and he walked to Chloe.

"Mom can I get a pen and a piece of paper, I want to show Joy something?" asked Ethan as Chloe handed him her handbag while she spoke to Natasha and they discussed.

Ethan searched through his mother's handbag as he got a red pen and a notepad as he gave Chloe back her bag and he walked back to Joy.

"What are you doing?" asked Joy.

"Wait" said Ethan as he wrote something on the notepad as he tore the page out and he handed it to Joy as Joy looked at all the many numbers written on the page.

"You do know how to use the telephone right?" asked Ethan as Joy looked at him and shook her head as he sighed, he really had his work cut of for him.

"Then learn how to, and call that number, it's the home phone of my house, when you call it, I can tell you what you need to know okay?" asked Ethan.

"Okay" said Joy as she was still confused but she put the paper in her pocket.

"Can you push me? I can't go fast enough" said Joy as Ethan sighed, she really was a baby, he was stuck as a babysitter.

"Mhmm" said Ethan as he pushed Joy and she giggled.

"I wonder what they are talking about?" asked Chloe as she looked over to Ethan and Joy who were in the playground.

"Maybe cartoons, that's what children talk about" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Maybe that's what Joy talks about, but that son of mine, he has that mischievous look that he gets when he's planning something" said Chloe as she could see it vividly.

"Ethan what are you planning?" shouted Chloe as Ethan turned to look at her.

"Nothing mom" said Ethan plainly.

"Mhmm" said Chloe.

"Chloe, just leave them alone, let them play, you were saying something about the floor colours?" asked Natasha as she laughed and Chloe looked at her.

"Right, I was thinking a checkerboard floor pattern, red and black" said Chloe as Natasha nodded.

"Alright, any more options?" asked Natasha.

"We have plain colours as well, here let me show you" said Chloe as she tapped on her phone and Natasha nodded.