Chapter 338 - Go home

"Dad, you need to call her, you need to deal with that woman, she must not go unpunished" said the man that Natasha had beaten up as he was sitting in a office, looking at another older man.

"Don't worry son, I will deal with her, you will not be humiliated like this, just look at what she did to you" said the man as in the same moment there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" said the man as he looked up from his desk and Natasha opened the door of the office as she walked into the office.

"You called for me Dean Morris?" asked Natasha.

"Yes, sit down Miss. White" said Dean Morris as he gestured that Natasha sit down as she nodded and she sat down as she looked to the left and she saw the man that she had beat up earlier as she scoffed, so the man came to report her, how original.

"As you can see here, this man came to accuse you of harming him and doing all that to him, I will have you know Miss. White that we do not condone violence on this campus" said Dean Morris.

"I know that sir, and I am not a violent person, but…" said Natasha as she paused and she looked at the man who was looking at her with a smug expression on his face, she was in trouble now, she could not beat him up and mess with him, and expect to go scot free, no, not at all.

"Did this man over here tell you what he did to warrant me beating him up?" asked Natasha as she looked at the Dean.

"Well no he didn't, what did he do?" asked the Dean.

"Dad, that's not important, this woman…" said the man as he was cut off with a nasty glare.

"Shut up, Miss. White please go on" said the Dean as he looked at Natasha who scoffed internally, of course, this man went running to his daddy, how manly of him.

"Well not only did this son of yours harass me by whistling to me as if I was a dog, but he also asked me how much it would cost for a night with me, to which I replied I was not a stripper, and this is not the kind of place to get such services, and he kept on insisting, he held my wrist very tightly" said Natasha.

"I can show you my wrist that is red due to the pressure of his hand" said Natasha.

"Not necessary Miss. White" said the man.

"So you see, I only defended myself by beating up this jerk of a son you have, I doubt that you were are unlearned as him sir, or else you wouldn't be where you are right now" said Natasha with a smile.

"No, I get it now Miss. White, thank you for clearing up the misunderstanding, I will deal with this matter lightly, you can go now" said the Dean.

"Thank you Sir" said Natasha with a smile and she stood up and she stuck her tongue out at the man before she turned around and she walked away and closed the door behind her.

"Dad, how could you let her go?" asked the man as he looked at the dean.

"Are you crazy or what?? Since when did the campus turn into a place for you to get hookers, do you need your brain to be rewired or what?? Are you insane" said Dean Morris.

"But dad I…" said the man.

"Save it, I don't want to hear it, get out of my office right now!!" said Dean Morris as the man groaned and he got up, this was not over, he would deal with Natasha, he would make sure to deal with her, she even put his own father against him.

Joy was holding Jennifer's hand as she was waiting to be picked up from school, all the other children had been picked up already and only Joy was left.

"Uncle Nine" said Joy as she let go of Jennifer's hand and she ran to Nine as he picked her up and she hugged him.

"Hey princess, what's wrong?" asked Nine in worry as Joy just hugged him tightly.

"Joy had a breakdown today at school, she doesn't feel well" said Jennifer with a frown as Nine looked at her and he frowned.

"Why? What happened?" Nine as he looked at Joy who didn't say anything.

"She says that she misses her mommy, where is Mrs. White?" asked Jennifer.

"Well she went on a business trip" said Nine.

"I see, well Joy's lunchbox wasn't packed today, and that played a role in making her upset, and she ended up crying saying that she misses her mommy, I don't mean to pry but, I think that Joy should talk to her mother, and if she still doesn't feel well tomorrow, she can stay home" said Jennifer.

"Thank you Miss. Honey, I will take your advice" said Nine.

"Alright then, Joy see you later, and feel better okay?" aske Jennifer with a smile.

"Okay" said Joy as Jennifer walked back into the school.

"Princess do you want to go home?" asked Nine as he looked at Joy and she shook her head.

"No, I want to see my daddy" said Joy.

"But princess, he is in an important meeting right now" said Nine.

"I don't want to go home Uncle Nine" said Joy in a small still voice.

"Alright princess, fine, I will take you to your daddy" said Nine as he walked to the car and he put Joy in her car seat and he closed the door as he brought out his phone and he dialed Dom's number.

Dom looked at his phone on the table as it rang and he picked it up and saw it was Nine calling as he gestured the speaker keep quiet as he answered the call.

"What's up Nine?" asked Dom as he answered the call.

"I just picked up Joy from school and she doesn't feel well" said Nine.

"Why? What happened? Does she feel sick, is she okay?" asked Dom.

"She's fine, but she was crying, Miss Honey said that some things happened, and Joy said that she misses Natasha" said Nine.

"She doesn't want to go home, she wants to come and see you" said Nine.

"Then bring her over here" said Dom.

"Alright, we'll be there soon" said Nine as he ended the call and Dom turned to look at all the people in the meeting.

"I am sorry, something very important came up, so the meeting will continue early tomorrow morning" said Dom as he stood up.

"Yes sir" said everyone as Dom nodded and he walked out of the room as his secretary followed after him.

Joy held Nine's hand as they walked to Dom's office and Nine opened the door and Joy let go of his hand as she ran to Dom and she hugged him as he carried her.

"Hey princess, what's wrong?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"I miss mommy, I want her to come back" said Joy as tears dropped from her eyes and Dom threw Nine as flash drive and he caught It and walked out of the office.

"Oh my princess, don't cry, please don't cry, seeing you like this makes me want to cry as well" said Dom as Joy cried.

"But I want mommy" said Joy as she cried, Natasha promised her that she would be back soon, and yet, she still was not back.

"My princess, please calm down first and stop crying okay? Stop crying first and then we can talk about this rationally okay?" asked Dom as he smiled and Joy nodded as she sniffed and he wiped away her tears.

"Good girl" said Dom as he smiled and he walked to her on the couch as she sat down on his lap and Nine walked into the office with a carton of chocolate milk as Dom thanked him silently and he nodded as he walked away.

"Here princess, some chocolate milk, your Aunt Lulu always says that chocolate cures everything" said Dom with a smile as he put in the straw and he handed her the carton and she drank the chocolate milk as she sniffed.

"You feel better now princess?" asked Dom as Joy sniffed and she nodded.

"Now tell me In three simple words what's making you feel this way?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"I miss mommy" said Joy with a sniff.

"Alright princess, and that's the only thing that made you upset?" asked Dom as Joy shook her head.

"No, Alfred forgot to pack my lunchbox in my bag, and that made me very upset, because if mommy was here, no one would forget to pack my lunchbox" said Joy as Dom just smiled at her.

"It's fine now princess, everything is fine, things like this happen sometimes, so don't blame Alfred" said Dom as he smiled and Joy nodded.

"Mommy told me that she would be back soon, but she isn't back yet and I miss her" said Joy.

"Well my princess, how about we call mommy so you feel better?" asked Dom as he smiled and Joy nodded as he could see that she had calmed down now.

"Daddy, I need to pee" said Joy.

"Alright princess, go to my secretary and she will take you to the toilet okay?" asked Dom with a smile as Joy nodded and he put her down as she walked out of his office and Dom brought out his phone as he dialed Natasha's number.

Natasha frowned as she looked up from her laptop as she saw Dom calling her, she didn't want to pick it, but then she remembered that it probably had something to do with Joy, so she picked up the call.

"Hello" said Natasha as she put her phone to her ear.

"Hello Natasha" said Dom.

"What's wrong? Is Joy okay?" asked Natasha.

"No Joy isn't okay, Nine said that she had a breakdown at school today" said Dom.

"Oh no, my precious baby, what happened?" asked Natasha as she was worried.

"Well there was a lunchbox mix up, and most of all, she misses you, she wants you here, she said that you said you would be back soon, and you are not here yet" said Dom as Natasha felt her heart sink, this was all her fault, she knew that she shouldn't have left.

"Oh my, I just feel so bad right now…" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Where is Joy? I want to talk to her right now" said Natasha as Joy walked into Dom's office as she climbed on the couch.

"She's here" said Dom.

"Here princess, your mommy is on the phone" said Dom as he handed the phone to Joy.

"Mommy" said Joy.

"Oh my baby" said Natasha.

"Mommy, I miss you, when are you coming back?" asked Joy with a sniff as Natasha felt her heart break, she was a terrible mother, leaving her child to go catch a criminal, she was so terrible.

"My baby, I am trying, I am trying a lot to come back, I promise you, I am going to be back very soon, before you know it" said Natasha as she was going to have to leave if she couldn't find Mark Anthony, she would go back home to her baby.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as she sniffed.

"Yes my baby, do you feel better now?" asked Natasha.

"Yes mommy, uncle Nine brought me some chocolate milk" said Joy as Dom smiled.

"That's nice my baby, I am so sorry, I will be back by Wednesday, I promise you" said Natasha.

"Yes mommy" said Joy as the call cut and Joy looked at Dom's phone.

"Daddy, it's off" said Joy.

"Oh my phone's dead, let me charge it princess" said Dom as he smiled and Joy nodded.

"So what do you want for lunch? Come on let's go out together, you and me" said Dom as he smiled.

"But aren't you busy daddy?" asked Joy.

"I'm never to busy for you my darling" said Dom as he smiled and Joy smiled at him.

"I have an idea, why don't we eat some Pasta?" asked Dom as Joy smiled and she nodded.

"Can Uncle Nine come with us?" asked Joy as Dom nodded.

"Of course he can princess, I will charge my phone and you can talk to your mommy later" said Dom as he smiled and Joy nodded.

Natasha sighed as she looked at her phone, she assumed that Dom's phone had died, she was going to leave soon, she would have to ask Romanoff to get someone else to find Mark Anthony.

Natasha was in her thoughts when she heard her phone ring and she received a text from Lulu asking her to go and get some things from the store, to which she replied that she would.

Natasha closed her laptop and she sighed as she put on her sneakers to go out to the store.