Chapter 329 - Traitor

"See you Pete" said Natasha as she smiled and she got out of the car.

"See you Nat, and have a goodnight" said Pete as he smiled.

"You too" said Natasha as she walked to the front door and Pete smiled as he drove away, and Natasha was relieved that she and Pete were able to talk sensibly about their feelings, because from experience, she knew that confessing feelings to a friend could go horribly wrong.

That was why she liked and trusted Pete so much, if anything, he was always honest with her, and he actually cared about her and her feelings, unlike some people who claimed to care about her but didn't trust her and could think that she was capable of being dubious just to get what she wants.

"Speak of the devil" said Natasha to herself with a scoff as she walked into the house and in the same moment she saw Dom walking out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands.

Natasha's plan was to walk past him, Joy wasn't here, they didn't need to speak to each other, but when Dom called her she had to turn back.

"Natasha" called Dom as Natasha turned back to look at him with a sigh.

"What?" asked Natasha in a tone that was far from friendly.

"You went out?" asked Dom.

"Yes I did" replied Natasha.

"With who?" asked Dom as he did not know why he even cared about who she went out with.

"Well wouldn't you like to know?" asked Natasha.

"I only ask because Alfred said that you went out with Peter, I was not sure if you did" said Dom.

"Well I did, are you happy now?" asked Natasha as Dom said nothing, how could he think that they could have a decent conversation with no arguments.

"Where is Joy?" asked Natasha.

"Sleeping" said Dom.

"Well then goodnight Mr. White" said Natasha as she didn't even know why she was wishing him a goodnight, she wished him a bad night, but then again, he was the father of her child, and if he was in bad health it would affect Joy.

"Goodnight" said Dom as he sighed internally and Natasha walked up the stairs and Dom walked to his office.

The Next Monday.

Natasha smiled as she walked into her office at the farm, she decided that it was boring staying at home all day, and well an office environment was always the best place to work in, and she would quickly go and pick up Joy from school at 12 since it was her turn to pick her up this week.

Natasha sat on her desk as she opened her laptop and she heard a knock on her office door as a woman walked in.

"Madam, here are the files that you asked me to bring you" said the woman with a smile.

"Thank you Mindy" said Natasha as she took the files from her and she looked through them.

"You are welcome Madam, ahh Mrs. Chloe called and told me to tell you that she would be running late this morning, Ethan has the flu" said Mindy.

"Oh well that's alright, she can take all the time that she needs, she doesn't need to come to work today, let me call her and tell her that" said Natasha.

"Ahh Madam, if you call her you won't be able to reach her, apparently Ethan dropped her phone in the toilet, so she called me with her home line" said Mindy.

"Bummer, then please call her and tell her to take the day off until Ethan gets better" said Natasha.

"Alright madam I will do as you said" said Mindy.

"Thank you, now where is Mandy? I need her to explain something to me, because these files are from her department, and this is not what Chloe sent me" said Natasha.

"Well Madam, Mandy hasn't come to work today" said Mindy.

"Did she call and say why?" asked Natasha as Mindy shook her head and Natasha sighed, that girl was the definition of incompetence.

"No call to say that she's sick, or that something came up and she won't be at work today?" asked Natasha as Mind shook her head.

"Alright, call her, and tell her that if she isn't in my office by 10am, she is fired" said Natasha.

"Yes madam" said Mindy as she nodded her head.

"Should I make you some coffee or tea?" asked Mindy.

"No Mindy I'm fine, you can get back to work, cancel all Chloe's appointments today, and cancel the meeting with the architect, I can't meet with him if Chloe isn't present" said Natasha as she looked at her laptop.

"Yes Madam, noted, anything else?" asked Mindy.

"No, you can go now" said Natasha as Mindy nodded and she walked away.

"Some people just don't value their jobs" said Natasha to herself as she shook her head, knowing Mandy, she probably had not been coming to work for a long time now, since she was not present and Mandy knew that Chloe was too soft to report her, well if she wasn't here by 10, she would lose her job as simple that.

"Madam" called Mindy as she knocked on the door.

"What is it?" asked Natasha as she was writing down something.

"There is a man here, he says that he wants to see you" said Mindy.

"Who is he?" asked Natasha.

"He didn't say, and when I asked for his name and whether he had an appointment he replied that once you saw him you would know what he was here for" said Mindy as Natasha frowned.

"Alright, let him in" said Natasha as she was curious of who this man was, she hoped that it wasn't Dom who had lost his mind or something.

"Alright Madam" said Mindy as she walked out of Natasha's office and a few minutes later another person walked into her office.

"Hello devohcka (girl)" came Romanoff's voice as Natasha looked up in horror when she heard his voice and she was even more shocked when she actually saw him standing right in front of her.

"What are you doing here?? Get out" said Natasha as she was angry, so this man had the audacity to just show up and act like he did nothing wrong.

"That's not how you greet your elders" said Romanoff as he smiled.

"No you be quiet and get out, I said get out" said Natasha as she could not believe this right now, how did he even know where she was, heck what was she even saying, he was Romanoff, if anything he had been following her for the past few days.

Romanoff did not reply to Natasha as he walked closer to her.

"Relax devochka (girl)" said Romanoff.

"No you get out and go away, I don't want to see you" said Natasha as she stood up.

"You are a lying, jerk, scumbag and predatel' (traitor)" said Natasha as she grabbed the stapler on her table and she threw it at him and Romanoff caught it as he placed it back on the table and sat down on the other side of her desk.

"Can we sit and talk like sensible people devochka (girl)?" asked Romanoff as Natasha scoffed and she sat back down.

"I am sensible, you are not" replied Natasha as she was just so angry at him right now, because of him she slept in a cell for three days, and as if that wasn't enough, he disappeared and she never heard of him or saw him again.

"Don't you trust me?" asked Romanoff.

"You told me not to trust anybody, and I was stupid enough to exclude you from that list" said Natasha as Romanoff laughed.

"You learn well" said Romanoff.

"Alright, just stop it right now Romanoff, I don't have time for this, why are you here? To plant more drugs in my office or what?" asked Natasha.

"That was just a one time thing devochka (girl), and you passed" said Romanoff.

"Passed my foot, was sort of stupid, insensible test is that? Why would you give me a suitcase filled with drugs, tip the police that I was coming with drugs, made me spend three days in police custody, only to call whoever you did to drop all charges and let me go? What sort of twisted game is that Romanoff?? What is wrong with you??" asked Natasha.

"I told you devochka (girl), it was all about loyalty" said Romanoff.

"Loyalty my foot, what sort of way to test for loyalty is that?? If I didn't say anything to the police about the association that was because I would be implicated, and I know better than that" said Natasha.

"Let's be clear here, you told that commander friend of yours" said Romanoff.

"Well yes, because unlike some people, he can be trusted, you know what Romanoff, I don't have the time for this, why are you here?" asked Natasha.

"Let me clear up things Natasha, if I agreed to let the union test you, it was because I knew that you would pass and prove to them that allowing you to be an agent would not be a mistake because of ties to your mother" said Romanoff.

"And might I remind you that if you had stayed away from Igor, he would have nothing on me to rat out to the union, so in a way, you were tested because you did not listen to my instructions" said Romanoff.

"But I didn't go looking for Igor when he found me" said Natasha.

"Don't act like you would have not still disobeyed me and go ahead to look for him" said Romanoff as she scoffed.

"What do you want?" asked Natasha as Romanoff threw her a file and she opened it.

"What is this?" asked Natasha as she looked through the file and she saw a picture of a man and some information.

"That man is a criminal, his nickname, Mark Anthony, a few years ago, he reached out to the union for help to get him out of jail, we did, and in return, he worked for us" said Romanoff.

"But we recently found out that he's playing a double game, he's working for us, while divulging sensitive information to our enemies, which makes him a traitor, he ran away, but we found out that he's posing as a student in one university in a neighbouring city over here" said Romanoff.

"And why exactly are you telling me all this?" asked Natasha as she placed the file on the desk.

"Do you forget that you are a new agent of the union or what?" asked Romanoff as Natasha narrowed her eyes at him.

"Consider this your first official mission, to find Anthony, and bring him to us" said Romanoff as Natasha could see red flags all over this, she knew that she promised Pete she would stay out of trouble, and yet here again trouble was looking for her.

"And why me?" asked Natasha.

"All the other agents are not at your skill level, you speak English fluently, you grew up here, and the criminal won't suspect you at all" said Romanoff.

"And what If I don't want this stupid mission?" asked Natasha.

"Well it's just fine, you would have to explain to the union why you don't want to work for us when you joined us, and believe me, I won't be able to help you there" said Romanoff.

"Is that a threat?" asked Natasha.

"Consider it a warning devochka (girl)" said Romanoff as Natasha sighed, of course he was threatening her.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Natasha.

"It's simple, go undercover pose as a student, fish Anthony out and hand him over to us, as simple as 1, 2,3 , preparations have already been made for your student ID, and accommodation, all that's left is for you to show up" said Romanoff as Natasha sighed, there was no way that she could not take this mission.

"I will think about it" said Natasha.

"Good, just think quickly, I need a reply by tomorrow morning, 4am sharp" said Romanoff.

"You have a serious problem you know that Romanoff" said Natasha as Romanoff just smiled at her.

"It is nice to see you too devochka (girl)" said Romanoff as he smiled as he got up and walked away.

"A jerk" said Natasha to herself as she scoffed and looked at the file again, she needed to increase security around here.

"What have you gotten yourself into this time Natasha?" asked Natasha to herself and she shook her head.