Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 298 - Felicitous Memories VII

Chapter 298 - Felicitous Memories VII

Natasha sighed as she looked up at the celling as she was in her bed, she had many thoughts running through her mind, with what Ernest said, her thinking had just gotten worse.

The truth was that she had never thought about that before, about what Ernest said, Natasha never thought or saw Dom in that light that Ernest was looking at him in.

Natasha did not even know what to think, she was not angry with Ernest not at all, she knew that he always said what was on his mind, and she regarded him like her own Grandfather, someone that she could trust very much, she had grown up with him, and she loved him like he was part of her family.

And she also knew that he only wanted the best for her, even though what he said had caught her off guard.

Natasha realized that she had not thought about the future not at all, she had only thought about the present, what was happening in her life day to day, for her, it was school, taking care of her dad, and the house, there was no love in there, she really hadn't thought in that direction at all.

Sure she was a student right now, but she would not always be, and what would happen after she was done with school and started working, she did not know what else, for her, love was not in her vocabulary at all, or at least not in this time, and much more less to think of getting married.

But then Natasha started to think, Ernest was right, she would not be young forever, and her dad was right as well, she had to start learning to make her own decisions, she was no longer a child.

Natasha started to consider what Ernest said, after all, she did not think that anyone was interested in her, she didn't know if there were any men interested in her, and even if they were, she would turn them down, but on the other hand, Dom was like her best friend, her big brother, even though she did not have feelings for him, she did have a brotherly love for him.

Natasha considered the fact that her life had changed from how it was a few months ago, and one thing that you could not avoid in life was change and Natasha knew that.

"Oh Natasha… don't play with yourself" said Natasha to herself as she sighed, she knew herself well, and she did not want to fool herself, she knew that even if someone was interested in her, she would never indulge them, she had high standards for a life partner, and she really didn't have the time or energy to search for them.

If she was being honest, Dom was a standard for what she liked in a man, he was sweet, loving, caring, and he always cheered her up.

"Oh just what are you thinking about Natasha" said Natasha as she covered her eyes with her hands, she had never thought like this before, she blamed Ernest for putting all these thoughts in her head, she could not take this.

Natasha groaned as she got out of bed and she walked out of her room down the stairs as she saw the light of Larry's office left on and she walked over there.

"Dad" said Natasha as Larry looked up.

"Tasha, didn't you say that you were tired?" asked Larry as he smiled.

"I am dad, but I can't sleep" said Natasha as she walked to sit on the couch as she sighed.

"Why can't you sleep darling?" asked Larry.

"I don't know dad, I have many thoughts" said Natasha.

"Dad, why did you and mom get married?" asked Natasha as Larry was surprised by her question and he moved his wheelchair closer to her.

"Well because we loved each other very much, we wanted to start a family, so we had you" said Larry as he smiled and Natasha looked at him.

"Hmm" said Natasha.

"Dad, do you want me to get married?" asked Natasha.

"Well my darling, I want you to be happy and settle down with someone who loves you and who you love as well, and if you decide not to get married, then I will be happy with that as well" said Larry as he smiled.

"But don't you want to be a Grandfather dad?" asked Natasha.

"Well I can't say that I don't want to, but I know you Tasha, and you are not really interested in relationships, you have never been, and I don't argue with that, I was the same, you got that from me" said Larry as he smiled and Natasha smiled at him.

"Of course dad, I got many things from you" said Natasha as she bent down and she hugged her father.

"Are you going to tell me what made you suddenly have all these questions?" asked Larry as Natasha looked at him.

"I've just been thinking about life dad, and the future, and I realized that I haven't been thinking so much about it, like what next after I finish school, get a job, start working?" asked Natasha.

"Well you will know what to do when you get there" said Larry as he smiled.

"Hmm, what if I get married?" asked Natasha.

"Then I will support you, and be happy for you" said Larry.

"Darling, I don't want you to see your life as only revolving around taking care of me, I will be fine" said Larry as he smiled and Natasha kept quiet.

"Does that answer your question?" asked Larry as he smiled.

"Yes Dad, I know what to do now, thank you" said Natasha as she smiled and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You are welcome darling" said Larry as he smiled and Natasha hugged him.

"You still can't sleep?" asked Larry as Natasha nodded her head.

"You know, when you were a little girl, and you couldn't sleep, I used to sing you lullabies" said Larry as he smiled.

"You did?" asked Natasha as she looked at him and she smiled.

"Yes, I did, you don't remember?" asked Larry as Natasha shook her head.

"Well I used to sing to you, and stroke your hair, till you fell asleep" said Larry as Natasha laughed.

"Hmm, I know where you are going with this dad, I am fine, I am not a little girl anymore, you don't have to sing to me" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Well you will always be my little girl, always" said Larry as Natasha smiled and he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Grandfather, I have given it some thought and…" said Natasha as she took a deep breath and Ernest looked at her with a smile.

"You are right, I'm not getting any younger, and I should think about the future, like you said, life is very short, and I need stability" said Natasha as Ernest smiled he knew where this was going.

"So I agree…" said Natasha as she could not believe what she was saying, but she had thought about this for two days, and she had made a decision.

"That is wonderful my dear, very wonderful, I knew that you would make a good choice" said Ernest as he smiled and Natasha smiled awkwardly.

"Right…" she said as she was starting to regret this.

"I tell you my dear, you will not regret this at all, my grandson is a very good man, and very caring as well, you can learn to love him" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Oh Grandfather, you are only saying that because Dom is your grandson" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Of course my dear, but all I said is the truth, oh you don't know how happy I feel to know that you will soon be my granddaughter in law, there is no other woman that Is more perfect for me grandson than you my dear" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Have you told your father the good news yet?" asked Ernest.

"Well no, I want him to know my reasons first, I will tell him later" said Natasha as she paused as Ernest dialed a number on his telephone.

"Yes, get in here right this instant" said Ernest as he smiled and he ended the call.

"You really will not regret this my dear, you are making such a good choice" said Ernest as he smiled and there was a knock on the door as Ernest told the person to come in.

"Grandfather, you called for me?" asked Dom as he walked into Ernest's office.

"Yes Dominic, sit down" said Ernest as Dom sat across Natasha on the other seat.

"What is it Grandfather?" asked Dom as he was confused.

"Dominic, you know that part of my plans for you, were for you to graduate, become CEO, and settle down, and start a family" said Ernest as he smiled.

"Yes…" said Dom as his voice trailed off, he did not like the smile on Ernest's face at all, it was way too suggestive, he wanted to know just where this was going.

"Yes, and I do not like any of those ladies of these days, always money conscious, with their ambition to get a man trapped in their nets, you deserve better, our family name does" said Ernest as Dom knew where this was going already.

"Which is why, you and Natasha are getting married" said Ernest as Dom said nothing at all, the bad thing was that he expected it, once he saw Natasha seated here, and Ernest started talking about marriage.

"You are twenty five years old, you are no longer a child, and Natasha, she is twenty as well, you both are adults" said Ernest as he smiled and Natasha did not dare look Dom in the eye.

"Wait a minute Grandfather, hold on, does Natasha know about this?" asked Dom.

"Yes, I asked her about this earlier, and she agreed, after a long while of thinking, but I am happy that she agreed, there is no woman better for you than her Dominic" said Ernest as Dom just looked at him.

"Oh my Mary would be so happy to see you together, her favourite grandson and her favourite adopted granddaughter, now our family is complete" said Ernest as he smiled and Natasha started to feel guilty, she should have never agreed to this, she could tell that Dom was not happy with this at all.

"Finally the Cole and White family will be bound together forever, we have been long-time friends and neighbours, and now, our families will officially be united" said Ernest as he smiled.

"I can't wait for the wedding, I am sure Margaret will be excited to plan it, oh we have so many guests to invite" said Ernest.

"Grandfather, don't you think that you are going a bit too fast there?" asked Dom.

"Oh you are right my boy, forgive me, I am just so excited, things like these are what an old man like me looks forward to" said Ernest.

"But you are right, you two need some time alone to discuss, go on, run along you to, discuss everything that you need to, I will start all the wedding preparations" said Ernest as he smiled and Dom got up as Natasha remained sitting.

"Go on my dear, go with your fiancé" said Ernest as Natasha got up and she followed after Dom, regretting what she just did, this was horrible.

"What wonderful news, finally that boy settles down, so he can't use all my hard earned money spending on different girls, oh my, I have to get that son of mine to start sending out invitations to all our business partners" said Ernest as he dialled a number on his telephone.

Silence, that was what reigned between Dom and Natasha as they walked outside, a very awkward silence, Natasha did not know what to say, she knew that she should not have agreed to this at all, she could tell that Dom was angry.

"Dom, I'm sorry, I should have never agreed to this, I should have never Grandfather's insistence" said Natasha as she could not take the silence at all she knew that the most logical thing for her to do was to tell Ernest that she had changed her mind.

"What are you sorry for Natasha, there is nothing to be sorry for" said Dom as he looked at her and he smiled.

"But I… I agreed with Grandfather with this bizarre idea, I should have never let his words get to me, this is a horrible idea, getting married to you, I don't see you like that" said Natasha as she started to rant.

"Relax Natasha, breathe" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha nodded.

"I don't blame you, it's hard not to start thinking once Grandfather says something, he's very good with his words, and very persuasive as well" said Dom as he sighed.

"You don't look upset" said Dom.

"No silly I'm not upset, why would I be?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"But I agreed with Grandfather to marry you, when I shouldn't have, we are just friends" said Natasha.

"Well Natasha, I don't blame you at all" said Dom.

"You don't?" asked Natasha as Dom nodded.

"I have always known that I won't have a choice to make when it came to who I wanted to marry, I now that Grandfather would end up doing something, arranging a marriage, and I have accepted that a long time ago, Grandfather is a very particular person, he accepts nothing but perfection, and I know that" said Dom.

"And now that I'm 25, I knew that I had no more time left to escape" said Dom as he laughed.

"I would rather it be you that I marry, rather than a spoilt, rich heiress that I don't even know, I always dreaded that, so in reality, you are actually doing me a very nice favour by agreeing to marry me, or else, Grandfather would choose someone else that I don't even love" said Dom as Natasha sighed in relief, she was relieved that he wasn't angry with her but still.

"But you're like my brother" said Natasha.

"And you are like my sister" said Dom as he smiled.

"Won't it be awkward?" asked Natasha.

"Well no, I only think that it will be awkward if we make it awkward" said Dom as Natasha knew that he was right.

"Cheery up silly, you look so down, or don't you want to marry me?" asked Dom as he chuckled and Natasha hit him on his chest.

"Don't say that Dom, I'm being serious here" said Natasha as Dom laughed.

"Sorry, sorry" said Dom as Natasha glared at him.

"I mean… are you being forced into this?" asked Dom.

"Well no, I agreed out of my own free will, I thought about it, and well, this is the best option right now" said Natasha.

"Does your dad know?" asked Dom as Natasha sighed.

"Well no, I haven't told him yet, but I will, I know he wants me to be happy, and well, oh it's so hard to explain, but once Grandfather put the idea in my mind, I couldn't get rid of it" said Natasha as Dom laughed.

"I know that feeling" said Dom.

"So what do we do, I mean, won't we be lying to everyone, the only reason people get married is for love right?" asked Natasha.

"Well we won't be lying technically, Grandfather only said that I have to marry, he never said anything about my loving whoever he chose for me, no offence to you" said Dom.

"None taken" said Natasha.

"And I agree, I feel weird when I think about you as a… I can't even say it" said Natasha as she laughed.

"I agree" said Dom as he laughed.

"Alright, we need some ground rules" said Dom.

"Like?" asked Natasha.

"We both know why we are doing this, not out of love, but convenience" said Dom.

"Yes" replied Natasha as she nodded, she agreed with him a hundred percent, it was nothing but convenience.

"We will behave like a real fiancé and fiancée in front of everyone, purely for image reasons, Grandfather doesn't like bad publicity" said Dom.

"Alright, I'm fine with that" said Natasha.

"And we both will continue to respect each other" said Dom.

"Yes we will" said Natasha.

"And we won't stop being friends just because of this?" asked Dom as Natasha laughed.

"Are you serious? Of course not" said Natasha.

"Miss. Cole, I need a pinkie promise though" said Dom.

"You are silly Mr. White" said Natasha as she gave him a pinkie promise and he smiled.

"I can't believe this though, we are getting married??" asked Natasha.

"Better believe it Natasha, with Grandfather on this, we will probably get married next month if he gets his way" said Dom.

"No way" said Natasha with horror written all over her face.

"Oh calm down Natasha, it won't be that soon… I hope" said Dom.

"Well that's reassuring Dom, thanks" said Natasha as Dom laughed.

"Anyway, you want me to go talk to your father about this?" asked Dom.

"No, I want to talk to him on my own first, before he freaks out, he likes you very much, but I'm not sure that he will be thrilled about this…" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I agree with that" said Dom as he nodded.

"Don't worry Natasha, everything will be fine" said Dom as he gave Natasha a kiss on the forehead.

"Oh I really hope so, anyway, I'm going to talk to my dad, see you later" said Natasha.

"Alright, take care" said Dom as he smiled and Natasha smiled at him as she walked away.

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