Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 214 - I can find

Chapter 214 - I can find

Dom walked out the door again as he walked to his car and he opened the boot as he held his suitcase and Joy's suitcase as well as Natasha's laptop bag in his hand as he closed the boot and he pressed a button on his car keys as the lights of his car blinked as it locked itself and Dom walked back into the house.

"You aren't going to eat dinner?" asked Dom as he walked past the stairs and he saw Natasha walking up the stairs.

"No, I'm not hungry" replied Natasha as she turned to look at him and she walked towards him as she took her laptop bag from him.

"Alright then" said Dom as he was on his way to the laundry room to put all the clothes in Joy's suitcase in the washing machine.

"Is Joy still sleeping?" asked Natasha.

"She's out cold, I don't think that she should be woken up" said Dom.

"Alright then" said Natasha as she turned around and she walked up the stairs, all she wanted to do right now was to take a nice hot shower, and go to sleep, she was so tired, today had been a long day for her, both physically and mentally.

Dom wanted to say something else, but he had nothing to say at all, so he just walked to where he was going to, he knew that this would be something very hard, the fact that he could not bring himself to speak with her, her treating him like this, distant and cold, was hard, but he deserved it, and he knew that he did.

Natasha sighed as she dried her wet hair with a towel and she walked out of the bathroom, she was in her comfortable nightwear, and she sat down on her dressing table as she sat in front of her laptop, she had many emails to look through and also reply to.

Natasha opened her inbox as she saw that she had received ten new emails, Natasha threw the towel in her hand on her bed as she focused on her laptop and she opened the first email, it was a quotation sent to her by Mandy.

She would take a look at it later, the truth was that her mind was not here at all, her thoughts were all muddled up.

She had to admit that talking to someone could really make you feel better, Natasha felt lighter after she had spoken to Lulu, she just felt more at ease, and maybe that was why she was no longer that cold to Dom, she was just being herself, and nothing more.

After talking to Lulu, Natasha had started to think, her mind went on wandering, she thought that maybe whoever drugged her, was the same person who had killed her in her past life, the possibility was there, she wondered why it never occurred to her before, the thought was very stuck in her mind and heart, if that was so, and then it only pushed further that whoever hated her, was very close to her, closer than she could imagine.

Natasha sighed, she had realized that ever since she had come back, her priorities had changed, when she first woke in that bed for the first time, she promised herself to protect herself and her daughter, and now that had involved to her making something of herself, and then now… she had Romanoff to think of, he had so many secrets hidden with him.

And that bothered her, and that was Romanoff, she had only met him once, and he still did not answer all the questions that she had, he had told her to come to Moscow next month, but she did not know if she should go.

But she wanted to go, the problem was that she did not know where exactly she was going to, for crying out loud, she knew nothing about the guy, she had only seen him in one picture and one picture alone, and she could only find him through some scribbled words on the many postcards that he had sent her mother.

Natasha had many thoughts going through her head at once, for one, how could she trust this guy, he had told her himself that he was not someone to be trusted, so she did not know whether to trust him or not.

"Let's see what I can find about you Romanoff" said Natasha to herself as she closed her inbox and she went to her search engine.

"Romanoff Antonovich Ivanov" said Natasha as she typed the name In the search engine and she pressed enter on her keyboard.

No results came up, only one and that was a picture of an old man, definitely not who Natasha was looking for, Natasha sighed, she knew that it would have been too easy for her to find him just like that, after all a man like him probably lived in the shadows.

"What about the Russian Government?" asked Natasha to herself as she typed the Russian government on a new tab and some answers did come up, but they were not what she was looking for, so Natasha decided to add the word spy to her search, and then no results came up as well.

Who was she kidding? There was no way that she would find sensitive information on some sort of Russian Spy Mafia on the internet.

Natasha felt like maybe she should call Cody to help her at least track down Romanoff since she now knew his new name, but something stopped her in her tracks.

She remembered something, Romanoff always seemed to be following her in the shadows, maybe she could lure him out by going somewhere dangerous, or something?? She did not know what she should have done, but all she wanted was to find Romanoff again.

Natasha sighed, she could feel a headache coming on, and she was already tired enough as it was, so she just shut down her laptop as she covered her laptop and she stood up as she climbed into her bed.

Tomorrow was always there for her to do more searching, but for now, she needed to get some rest.

Dom got into bed as he could not sleep, he had no intention of sleeping anytime soon, so he decided to do some work, he was working on his laptop as he sighed and he took his phone from the left side of his bed and he dialed a number as he put his phone to his ear as his call was picked.

"Hey Dom, Grandfather called, he said that you and Natasha stopped by the house" came Michael's happy voice from the other side of the line.

"Yes we did, we are back home now" said Dom as he replied.

"I see" said Michael.

"Dom are you alright? You don't sound so good?" asked Michael as he could sense some tiredness in Dom's tone.

"*Sigh*, Where are you now Michael?" asked Dom as he sighed.

"I'm at the office, I had to get some documents for Project Cell" said Michael.

"Are you alone?" asked Dom as Michael put his phone to his ear and he dropped some documents on the desk as he removed his phone from speaker.

"Yes I am, why do you ask?" asked Michael as he could sense that Dom wanted to talk to him about something very serious, he could hear It in his tone.

"Good" said Dom as he sighed.

"Michael, do you still have the video?" asked Dom as he sighed.

"Which video are you talking about? I have many videos, except you are talking about the video" said Michael.

"Yes Michael, I mean that video" said Dom.

"Well yes I still have it, I never deleted it" said Michael, he would never do that, that video was evidence.

"Why do you ask?" asked Michael carefully.

"I need you to investigate" said Dom as he rubbed his eyes.

"Didn't you already ask me to do that once before?" asked Michael as he was confused, just what was Dom playing at?

"Yes, I did, and I am asking you again" said Dom.

"Dom, does that mean that you have doubts about…" said Michael as he was cut off.

"I have doubts about what actually happened that night" said Dom.

"Why all of a sudden?" asked Michael as he did not understand, sure he had nothing against investigating again, mostly because he knew that Natasha was innocent, he had always known it, but Dom chose to believe what he saw rather than believe the innocent woman who would not do anything like that to Dom.

"I realized that I took hasty decisions back then" said Dom.

"And you realize that now Dom?? After five years, five whole years?" asked Michael as he could not believe this.

"Yes Michael, insult me all you want, I've been getting that lately, I just want to know if you will do it or not?" asked Dom.

"Gosh Dom, I told you from the start to stop and think before you did anything, but you were so irrational" said Michael.

"I know you did Michael, will you do it or not?" asked Dom.

"Of course I will do it Dom, you know that I always have your back, no matter what" said Michael.

"But tell me what will happen if this investigations yields different results than last time?" asked Michael.

"If it does, then we have a bigger problem on our hands" said Dom.

"Dom, I will do you this favour, but let me tell you that if you are even thinking of trying to make things up with Natasha, just don't… you've done enough damage as it is already" said Michael.

"You think so?" asked Dom.

"I don't think so Dom, I know so, because you don't know how much pain, suffering and heartache you have caused her" said Michael.

"You are my brother Dom, for life, and when all this happened, you made me choose, you said that I had a choice, so I of course had to side with you, even though I knew that Natasha never did that" said Michael.

"You are my brother, and I will tell you the truth, you messed up, big time" said Michael.

"How do you think that I can make it up to her?" asked Dom as he sighed.

"Don't, just don't, or at least not know, don't open up a wound that hasn't healed yet" said Michael.

"Fine, you are right Michael, I hear you" said Dom as he knew that Michael was right.

"Good, now go to sleep, and don't think about this anymore before you end up doing something that will make things worse" said Michael.

"I hear you Michael, Goodnight" said Dom as he sighed.

"Goodnight Dom, don't think" said Michael as Dom ended the call.

"You are right Michael, I won't open a wound that hasn't healed yet" said Dom to himself.