Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 192 - Someone else

Chapter 192 - Someone else

"Fine Natasha, you know what Fine" said Dom as he was done with this, he was fed up, three entire months he had not seen her or heard from her and this was how she treated him like a stranger???

He was not even upset with her, no at this point, he was upset at himself for thinking that she would actually listen to him and explain herself, she was just in a dangerous situation, and yet here she was looking unfazed at all, and she still looked at him with those cold eyes of her, those eyes that read "I hate you" and he did not even know why she hated him so much, just why?? He knew that she had her reasons, but he could tell that her hate was coming from somewhere else, somewhere deeper.

"What are you doing here anyway?" asked Natasha as she calmed herself down and she looked at Dom, this was neither the place or time to argue.

"*Sigh*, The company was supposed to receive a shipment today, so I came here to check it first" said Dom as he sighed.

"And you couldn't send someone else?" asked Natasha as she scoffed, of all the ports, of all the places, of all the times, why did he have to be there at that time?? Because of him she lost track of the man she was looking for.

"I had to come here personally" said Dom as he replied.

"And what are you doing here Natasha?" asked Dom.

"That is none of your business" said Natasha as she smiled at him in annoyance and Dom sighed.

"There you go again Natasha, you know what I am tired of this" said Dom as he sighed and all the men were just looking at them both as they argued, it was clear that they were married for sure, they did argue like a married couple.

"Well then that's your problem Mr. White" said Natasha as she sighed, she did not have time for this at all.

"And you start with the Mr. White thing" said Dom as he sighed, she was seriously testing his patience right now, if not that he was worried for her, he would have just left, because Natasha was making his life unbearable right now.

"Wait…" said Natasha as she seemed to realize something as she stopped arguing with Dom.

"If you are here, then who is with Joy?" asked Natasha as she suddenly remembered her precious little baby who she missed so much, she had not seen her in three entire days, and she missed her so much, so if her fool of a husband was here, then who was home with her baby?

"I took her to Grandfather's house to spend the weekend" said Dom as he replied.

"Oh" said Natasha as she sighed in relief.

"But wait, I don't think that Grandfather can take care of her" said Natasha.

"Not to worry, my parents live right across the street, I just had to take her to Grandfather's house before he starts to complain that I don't let him see his great granddaughter" said Dom.

"Besides, Alfred went along with her, so she will be fine" said Dom as she explained.

"Alright then" said Natasha as her heart was put at ease, Joy was surrounded with family, lots of them, so she would be fine, her baby would be fine, but for now she had to focus on the task at hand right now.

"Sorry to break the little reunion but… we still have work to do" said Andrew as Natasha and Dom turned to look at him, Natasha had a look of realization of where they were on her face, and Dom had a look of confusion on his face, he still wondered just who these men were.

"I mean gosh, we knew you had a daughter, but we didn't know you had a husband to go with her as well" said Andrew as he could not hold himself, how could a beautiful woman like Natasha he tied down to this guy, sure he had money, but he could sense something off here.

"I agree with Andrew… who know" said Cody as she whistled in surprise.

"So you knew he was your husband but you pretended like you didn't know him?" asked Flynn as he looked at Natasha and Dom looked at Flynn because he seemed to be the only one making sense here.

"He is not my husband, he is my estranged husband, there is a difference" said Natasha.

"And yes, I did pretend like I did not know him, but that was only because I was surprised to see him there as well" said Natasha.

"Gosh well then go get a divorce" said Andrew.

"And who asked for your opinion?" asked Dom as he looked at Andrew who had a big mouth.

"Wait a minute" said Cody as he seemed to realize something.

"What is it Cody?" asked Natasha as she and everyone else turned to look at Cody.

"There is a wifi connection here" said Cody as he looked puzzled.

"There is?" asked Natasha as she brought out her phone, and it was true, there was a wifi connection.

"Mhmm" said Cody as he nodded his head.

"But this is confusing, we are in the middle of nowhere, or so we are, there is supposed to be no network out here" said Cody.

"Maybe there is a secret base near here somewhere" said Flynn.

"Well that would make sense, the guy we are tracking might be in the base somewhere, that would explain why we could not find him" said Andrew as Dom was getting more confused every passing second, just who were they all talking about? Who was this man? he could only hope that Natasha had not gotten herself into anything illegal.

"Cody, can you try to track him now?" asked Natasha as she looked at Cody.

"I sure can" said Cody as he smiled and he turned to his laptop as he began to type.

For the past three months Natasha had been trying to track down this man, but she knew that she would not be able to do it alone, so the only logical thing to do would be to hire people that could help her, and that was what she did.

She had contacted Cody online, two weeks before she set out on this whole adventure, Cody was a professional hacker, he could hack into anywhere, and track anyone, and well his friend just happened to be Flynn, who was a retired private investigator, Natasha did not ask why he was retired at such a young age because she did not need more problems, all she wanted to do was find this man.

And well Andrew, he happened to be a friend of Flynn's and he decided to help as well, Natasha was sure that they had all agreed to this because she was a woman, but it worked to her advantage in the end.

"I just need a few minutes or more" said Cody.

"Alright then" said Natasha.

"Wait, can you connect me to the wifi network?" asked Natasha.

"Already done" said Cody as he smiled.

"Thank you Cody" said Natasha as she smiled at Cody and she switched on her phone as she dialled a number, and her call was picked up in a matter of seconds, but she had to say that she was surprised when she saw who answered her video call.

"Mommyyyy!!" came Joy's cute voice from the videocall as she looked very happy and jumpy.

"Hello my baby" said Natasha as she laughed, her baby, she missed her so much, she was supposed to return home today, but her plans had to change.

"Mommy, mommy" said Joy again as she giggled.

"My baby, how are you?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I am good mommy, but I miss you" said Joy sadly.

"I miss you too my baby, but I promise you that I will come back home soon" said Natasha as she smiled, oh how she wished she could touch her baby but she could not.

"Mommy, when are you coming back?" asked Joy.

"Well I don't know yet my baby, but I will be back soon" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"So what did you do today my baby?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I made a pretty drawing mommy" said Joy.

"Oh, is that so? Who did you draw?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I drew a picture of you and daddy" said Joy as she giggled and Natasha smiled.

"Have you eaten yet my baby?" asked Natasha.

"Yes I have mommy" said Joy as she smiled.

"And what did you eat?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I ate a sandwich" said Joy as she smiled.

"And Grandma said she will make a pumpkin pie for me" said Joy as she giggled.

"That sounds nice my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she happened to look at Dom as she sighed, she was his daughter as well.

"My Baby, let me put you through to your daddy" said Natasha as she smiled and she walked to where Dom was as she gave him her phone.

"Daddy??" asked Joy in surprise.

"Hello my princess" said Dom as the once frustrated look on his face was replaced with a smile.

"Daddy, daddy!!, you and Mommy are together??" asked Joy in a mix of surprise, and happiness.

"Well yes we are my princess" said Dom as he smiled happily.

"We happened to meet here my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she explained as Joy looked very confused, she had still seen her daddy this morning, and now he was with her mommy??

"My Princess, where is Alfred?" asked Dom as he smiled.