Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 183 - Repressed Memories

Chapter 183 - Repressed Memories

"Tasha, be careful, don't play over there, you might hurt yourself" came Larry's tired voice as he saw Natasha using a stick to try to poke the inside of the air conditioner that was switched off.

"Daddy" said Natasha as she turned to look at her father with her wide eyes.

"Come here Tasha" said Larry as he sighed and Natasha did as she so and she skipped happily to her father's desk as he was sitting there.

Larry sighed as he pulled out his chair from his desk and he carried Natasha as he placed her on his lap and he removed his glasses from the bridge of his nose as he placed them on his desk as Natasha reached out to play with them as she dropped the stick in her hand on the floor.

"Darling, you need to be more careful" said Larry as he smiled helplessly, his daughter was just too curious, he was starting to think that his office was a dangerous place for her, since she wanted to explore his office, but he needed to work.

"Darling, look at me" said Larry as he smiled and he looked at Natasha lovingly.

"Hmm" said Natasha as she looked at her father with her clueless eyes.

"My Tasha, I need to work" said Larry as he smiled.

"But I cannot work if you keep on distracting me" said Larry as Natasha giggled as he pinched her nose and wiggled it, she was not listening to him was she?

"Are you listening to me my Tasha?" asked Larry as he smiled.

"No" said Natasha as she shook her head and she answered innocently and honestly.

"*Sigh*" said Larry as he sighed and he smiled helplessly.

"Okay my Tasha, I need to work now, there are some accounts that I need to balance, and I cannot do that if you keep on distracting me and jumping around" said Larry as he explained.

"Do you understand?" asked Larry as he smiled and Natasha nodded her head.

"But I want to play" said Natasha sadly.

"My dear, I can play with you later, but now right now" said Larry as he smiled and Natasha frowned.

"Alright, how about we play a game?" asked Larry as he smiled and Natasha's face lit up as she nodded her head excitedly.

"Yes, daddy yes, let's play a game" said Natasha as she giggled.

"Alright Darling, how about we go play, who can sneak up on mommy without her noticing?" asked Larry as he smiled and he clapped Natasha's little hands for her.

"Yes, yes" said Natasha as she nodded her head, she wanted to sneak up on her mommy.

"My Tasha, you have to be very, very sneaky, because your mommy is always on alert" said Larry as he whispered and Natasha nodded her head.

"Whoever can sneak on your mommy without her noticing wins" said Larry as he smiled.

"I will win Daddy, I will win" said Natasha as she giggled.

"Well we will see about that" said Larry as he laughed.

"How about you go first, and then I will follow after you when she finds you?" asked Larry as he smiled.

"Okay Daddy" said Natasha as she did not waste any moment as she got down from her father's lap and she ran out of Larry's office as his office door was left wide open.

"That should give me some time to work" said Larry to himself as he laughed and he shook his head, he had gotten her out of his hair for now, but he would have to pay for this later, it was his darling wife's turn to look after their lovely daughter who was as energetic as her because he was very quiet as a child, he was sure that Ivanka would be fine.

Natasha was brimming with happiness as she walked up the stairs as she made sure not to make a sound, she turned to the right as she walked very quietly to the third room on the right as the door was left wide open.

Natasha quietly moved to the other side of the door as she peeked into her parent's bedroom, she could see her mother, and she seemed to be folding some clothes as she had done the laundry earlier.

Natasha nodded to herself as she decided to get closer, but before she could even step into her parent's bedroom she heard her mother's soft voice call out to her.

"What are you doing moy rebenok (my baby?)" asked Ivanka as she did not even have to turn to know that Natasha was trying to sneak into her room.

"Nooo, you saw me mama" said Natasha as she whined and Ivanka turned to look at her with a smile.

"What were you trying to do?" asked Ivanka as she laughed.

"Daddy said that we should play a game of who can sneak up on you without you seeing" said Natasha as she walked to her mother.

"Ahh, your father, he thinks he is smart eh?" asked Ivanka as she laughed and she carried Natasha as Natasha smiled and she played with her mother's red hair.

"Mommy, you painted your nails" said Natasha as she caught sight of her mother's nails that were neatly painted red.

"Yes I did" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Mommy, can you paint my nails?" asked Natasha.

"Net moy rebenok (no my baby)" said Ivanka as she shook her head.

"Why Mommy?" asked Natasha.

"Because painting nails is for big woman, you are still a rebenok (baby)" said Ivanka as she laughed.

"You can paint your nails when you are thirty" said Ivanka as she laughed.

"Mommy are you thirty?" asked Natasha with her big eyes and that made Ivanka laughed.

"Well I am almost thirty, but I was just joking, when you are older, you can paint your nails when you are older" said Ivanka as she explained.

"Okay mommy" said Natasha as she smiled.

"khoroshaya devochka (good girl)" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Natasha as she looked at her parent's bed.

"Well I was arranging my closet my girl" said Ivanka as she smiled and she put Natasha down.

"What is this mommy?" asked Natasha as a yellow envelope on the edge of the bed caught her eye.

"I found some old pictures while I was cleaning" said Ivanka as she smiled and she went to sit down on the edge of the bed as she patted beside her and Natasha walked and climbed on the bed to sit beside her mother.

"Do you want to see them my girl?" asked Ivanka as she smiled and Natasha nodded her head in curiosity.

"Let's see" said Ivanka as she smiled and she looked through the envelope.

"Well this is me when I was sixteen" said Ivanka as she showed Natasha a picture of a young girl with short hair and a bright smile on her face.

"Oooh mommy you look so beautiful" said Natasha as she stared at the picture at all.

"Thank you moy devochka (my girl)" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"What would you say in Russian if you wanted to say beautiful?" asked Ivanka as she smiled.

"Hmmm… ummmm" said Natasha as she seemed to be thinking.

"Krasivvy" said Natasha.

"Oh very close my dear" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Krasivvy is nice, while Krasivaya is beautiful" said Ivanka as she smiled and she explained.

"Okay" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Mommy you look so Krasivaya (Beautiful)" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Spasibo (Thank you)" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"Mommy, who is this man?" asked Natasha as she smiled and she took the pictures from her mother as she went through them, she had not seen this man before, and he was not her daddy.

"Zasnut' (Fall asleep)" said Ivanka as she smiled and in that same moment Natasha's eyes became heavy as she closed them and Ivanka moved closer as she whispered something in Natasha's ear as Natasha opened her eyes, but she looked very blank and in a daze.

"Poslushak zvuk moyego golosa (Listen to the sound of my voice)" said Ivanka very softly as she caressed Natasha's hair and she touched her gently.

"Hmmm" said Natasha.

"My dear, this man… the man you see here" said Ivanka as she showed Natasha the picture.

"Do not be afraid of him" said Ivanka.

"No matter how scary he looks, he will never harm you, far from it, he will protect you" said Ivanka as she smiled.

"So never be afraid of him" said Ivanka as she smiled and Natasha nodded her head, Ivanka sighed, she knew it was wrong to hypnotize her own daughter, but she was doing it for her own good, for her own safety, because the less she knew and remembered, the better it was for her.

"Good" said Ivanka as she smiled and she took the picture away as she placed it back in the envelope.

"His name is…" said Ivanka as she whispered in Natasha's ear and Natasha nodded as she whispered back to her and Ivanka smiled helplessly.

"Prosypaysya (Wake up)" said Ivanka as she smiled and in that same moment Natasha snapped out of her daze as her eyes were wide open and she was back to smiling.

"My baby, why don't you help me go make dinner?" asked Ivanka as she smiled.

"Okay Mommy" said Natasha happily as she smiled and her mother smiled as she carried her up as she stood up and she walked out of her bedroom as she closed the door behind them.