Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 151 - Take good care

Chapter 151 - Take good care

"Grandfather, thank you very much for coming…" said Dom as he and Ernest walked out the door together.

"*Sigh*, I don't know what I would have done without you" said Dom as he sighed, it was clear that Natasha did not think anything of him at all.

"Hmm" said Ernest as he sighed.

"Dominic, you do not need to thank me at all" said Ernest.

"I came because Natasha is a granddaughter to me, I care for her, and I know that it will not be easy for her at all" said Ernest.

"You know how close she was with her father, they were inseparable, and it only makes sense if her grieving process takes longer" said Ernest as he sighed, he knew what Natasha was going through, and she only needed time to heal.

"But still thank you Grandfather" said Dom as he smiled sadly.

"My boy, don't fool yourself" said Ernest as he spoke up.

"She is your wife, you must always be the first person to comfort her, no matter whatever you think she has done, you are her husband, you must always be there for her, you cannot always call me whenever you cannot handle your wife's affairs" said Ernest, he really was upset with his Grandson, he was unable to take care of his own home.

"*Sigh*, Yes Grandfather I know, and I understand" said Dom as he sighed, he knew his Grandfather was right, right now, it did not matter on any disagreement he had with Natasha, she needed him more than ever, not as her estranged husband, but as her friend, he had always been her friend before anything else.

"Take good care of her, she is now in your hands, remember the promise you made to Larry?" asked Ernest.

"Yes Grandfather I know, and I always keep my promises" said Dom as he smiled sadly.

"Good my boy, I know that you always do" said Ernest as he smiled sadly, Larry was his very good friend, they had been close ever since they had met, and it pained him that he was now gone, this life was very unbalanced, good people always left the quickest, maybe it was so that their goodness could be preserved.

"Take care of Natasha, nothing else must be your priority but her" said Ernest.

"Yes Grandfather" said Dom as he nodded his head.

"Make sure she is well, make sure she eats well, because in grief, it is easy to forget yourself and your own wellbeing" said Ernest.

"Yes Grandfather" said Dom as he nodded his head.

"And most of all be a man, and stop being the child you have always been with her" said Ernest.

"Yes Grandfather" said Dom as he nodded his head.

"Good now, I will take my leave now, I will check on Natasha later" said Ernest.

"Alright Grandfather, have a safe ride back home" said Dom as he opened the car door for Ernest.

"I will, and do not forget what I have just told you" said Ernest as he entered into the car that was already ready to go.

"Don't worry Grandfather, I won't" said Dom as he smiled and he closed the door as the car drove away, he sighed, he knew his Grandfather was right, Natasha needed him now, no matter how much he was not in good terms with her.

Dom sighed once more as he walked back to the house and he opened the door as he closed it behind him and he walked over to the living room where Natasha was still sitting on the couch, deep in thought.

"You need to eat something" said Dom as he looked at Natasha and he snapped her out of her thoughts, at least now she was not crying, and she seemed calmer.

"I am not hungry" replied Natasha.

"Alright then, but it's late now, it's midnight, you need to rest" said Dom as gently as he could, Natasha was no longer the old Natasha, before he could say one word and she would fall for him, but it was different now, she was more distanced with him, and nothing he could say to her could make her calmer.

He now realized just how much he and Natasha had grown apart through the years, they used to be so close, and well now.. now they were even worse than strangers.

"I will go and sleep then" said Natasha as she stood up and she walked past Dom without saying a single word as she walked up the stairs and she closed the door to her room.

"*Sigh*, This will not be easy at all" said Dom to himself as he sighed and he rubbed his eyes, he had better go to bed as well, it truly was late, and he had work tomorrow.

Natasha sighed as she sat down on her bed, she did not think that she would be able to sleep tonight, or even the next night and the one after that, the only question on her mind was why her father died now when he did not die in her last life?? Why?? Did she alter something when she went to visit him, if she had known that this would happen, she would not have gone to visit him at all.

Tears began to drop from her eyes again, her father was perfectly healthy, he was finally off his medication, he was getting better, he had no high blood pressure, he was fine, and perfectly healthy, so what could cause his heart attack??

Natasha had so many questions raging through her mind, and none of them could be answered by anyone, Natasha just closed her eyes as she tried to cry herself to sleep, she had felt relieved for a while, but now reality dawned on her once more, her father was gone… forever.

The next morning.

"Daddy, I want to see mommy" said Joy as she looked at her father as they ate breakfast together.

"My princess, your mommy is very tired, that's why she did not come and eat breakfast with us, hmm" said Dom as he smiled and he spoke gently to Joy so she would understand.

He had still heard Natasha crying last night when she had supposedly went to bed, he had decided to leave her be because there was nothing he could do.

"But Mommy… I want to see my mommy" said Joy as she could not understand, she did not know anything at all.

"My princess, alright fine, we can go see your mommy, but promise me that if she's sleeping you won't disturb her okay?" asked Dom as he smiled, he knew his princess was very stubborn and she would keep on asking until she got what it was that she wanted.

"Yayyy, okay daddy I promise" said Joy as she smiled and in that same moment she pushed out her dining table chair and she left the dining room quickly as she ran up the stairs.

"My Lord… I wonder where she gets her stubbornness from?" asked Dom to himself as he sighed and he shook his head as he smiled, and he wiped his mouth with a napkin as he stood up and he followed after Joy.

"Mommy??" asked Joy as she carefully opened the door to Natasha's room as she walked into Natasha's room.

"Oh hello my baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes as she sniffed.

"Mommy, are you okay??" asked Joy as she was worried and she saw that her mommy had red eyes.

"Oh my baby, I am alright" said Natasha as she smiled and she got out of bed as she carried Joy and she sat down on her bed as Dom.

"But Mommy, you look sad" said Joy as she held her mothers face with her tiny hands.

"Do I now my baby?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Mhmm, yes mommy you look sad" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Ahh well my baby, the truth is that I am sad" said Natasha as she smiled sadly.

"Why are you sad mommy?" asked Joy as she could not understand.

"Well my baby, yesterday the nursing home where my father stays called me, and well they told me that my father was in the hospital, because he had a heart attack" said Natasha as she smiled and she explained to Joy gently.

"Do you know what a heart attack is my baby?" asked Natasha as she smiled and Joy shook her head.

"Well my baby, a heart attack is when… it's when your heart stops pumping because something called an artery gets blocked" said Natasha as she explained and she smiled, she knew that Joy was still not old enough to fully understand her, but she would explain it to her anyway.

"So my baby, my dad had a heart attack, and so me and your daddy went to the hospital to see him" said Natasha as she smiled.

"And well he wasn't able to make it, he died" said Natasha as she smiled sadly.