Chapter 75 - Contract

"Ahh Alfred" said Dom as he walked down the stairs and he caught sight of Alfred who always seemed to be right there when you needed him.

"Good Morning Alfred" said Dom as he smiled.

"Good Morning Young Master" said Alfred as he smiled back.

"Are you going to eat breakfast today??" asked Alfred.

"No, I will get something to eat at the office" said Dom as he fixed his collar.

"Alright then" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Yes," said Dom.

"Oh and I need you to please do something for me" said Dom as he remembered something.

"Of course, what is it??" asked Alfred.

"I need you to please tell Natasha when she wakes up, that I will be available for whatever she needs to me to do on Friday" said Dom.

"Oh alright then, okay I will do so" said Alfred.

"But Young Master, the Madam is already awake" said Alfred.

"She is??" asked Dom as he was surprised, he did not expect her to be awake at this time, or else he would have talked to her himself, but then again, he did not want her to end up glaring at him, and being cold to him.

Wait what was he even saying??? He really was not serious at all, this was what he had always wanted, and yet here he was overthinking for no reason.

"Yes Young Master, the Madam wakes up very early in the mornings to go and train with Benjamin, one of the bodyguards" said Alfred.

"Oh... I see" said Dom as he had forgotten that Natasha had changed her habits a lot for the past weeks now.

"Yes Young Master, but I will make sure to pass on your message" said Alfred.

"I see... Thank you Alfred" said Dom as he smiled.

"You are welcome" said Alfred as he smiled.

"I will see you in the evening Alfred" said Dom as he smiled.

"Alright then, see you in the evening young master, and have a good day at the office" said Alfred as he smiled.

"I will, thank you Alfred" said Dom as he smiled and he grabbed his keys from the drawer next to the front door and he walked out the front door.


"Ahhh Madam, welcome back" said Alfred as he smiled as he saw Natasha walk in through the kitchen's back door.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled, she was very sweaty.

"Ahh yes before I forget" said Alfred.

"Madam the Young Master asked me to inform you that he would be free to do whatever you need him to do on Friday" said Alfred.

"Oh, I see Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled, that meant that she had to call the school today and set an appointment for Friday for her and Joy to go along with Dom to tour the school.

"You are welcome Madam" said Alfred as he smiled and he handed Natasha a glass of water to which she accepted and she smiled at him.

At first Alfred found the idea of Natasha learning how to fight absurd, but now that he thought about it, she was happier and way more busy since she started to do so, and it was good for her.

He only wanted her to be happy, and as long as she was happy he was happy, but alas, as much as he agreed with Ernest on the matter that the two children needed to get back together, there were just some things that could not be forced.

And Alfred did not want to force Natasha and Dom to do anything that they did not want to do, Ernest had done that once before, and look where it got them??? The two children were no longer on good terms with each other.

"Alfred is Joy awake yet??" asked Natasha as she drank the water.

"No Madam, she is not awake yet" said Alfred.

"Oh I see" said Natasha.

"Yes Madam" said Alfred.

"Well I will be going to my office now, and I will have breakfast later when Joy is awake" said Natasha, which reminded her that her baby needed to start getting used to waking up early so she could go to school.

"Alright Madam" said Alfred as he smiled and Natasha walked away.

Natasha walked out of the kitchen to the stairs and she walked up the stairs, as she made her way to Joy's room.

Natasha opened the door to Joy's room carefully, and she smiled as she saw her baby sleeping very soundly, and she closed the door softly as she made her way to her office.

Natasha walked into her office and she switched on the lights in her office, she walked to her desk and she switched on her laptop as she sat down at her desk.

She was going to draft a contract today, she had decided that she was going to let Chloe be the manager of her new company, she trusted her, and she could at least give her a chance to prove herself.

So she was going to write a contract of all the terms and conditions and her pay and all of the other formalities that needed to be cleared up.


"What do you think about the new menu??" asked Mason as he turned to look at Lexi.

"It is alright and all" said Lexi as she did not seem to be paying attention at all.

"And you Amalia??" asked Mason as he turned to look at Amalia.

"Hmm??" asked Amalia as she turned to look at Mason.

"We were talking about the new menu for this week" said Mason.

"Ahh yes yes, well it's nice and all, as long as I am not the cook for this week, because those recipes were something else" said Amalia as she sighed.

"Well you should rest easy, Alfred did say that it was not your turn to cook this week" said Mason.

"Mhmm, right" said Amalia as she was still not paying attention.

"Hey, okay what's wrong with the two of you?? you clearly are not paying attention to me at all" said Mason.

The two girls were not paying attention to him at all, they both seemed to be busy in their own thoughts.

"It's nothing" said Lexi.

"Same here, there is nothing wrong" said Amalia.

"Let's just go already before Alfred get's angry at us" said Amalia as she walked away.

"Yes she is right" said Lexi as she followed after Amalia while Mason just stood there wondering what it was that made the both of them like this.

"Alright then" said Mason as he sighed and walked away.


"Did you also get a call from the old man??" asked Charlie as he looked tired and he had bags under his eyes.

"What do you think??" replied Nine as he also looked tired.

"Oh, you guys got it good, he decided to leave me for last" said Michael as he yawned.

"So imagine the shock on my face when I lazily pick up my phone at 4 in the morning and I hear him literally scream in my ear" said Michael as he yawned once again and he looked very tired as he dropped the spoon he was using to eat his cereal in the cereal bowl.

"I feel for you brother" said Charlie as he yawned.

The three of them were all victims of the great, invincible Ernest White, who for an old man, had enough stamina to call them all at bizarre and odd times of the morning and night to yell at them.

"The fact that his voice is still as chilling as even gives me nightmares, it reminds me of back when we were younger" said Charlie as he shuddered.

"Oh please don't remind me of those Charlie" said Michael as he also shuddered the mere thought of it just scared him.

"They say age softens a man, but Grandfather is the exact opposite of that" said Michael.

"If only we could not pick his call" said Charlie.

"Dare do that and he would actually disown us for real then" said Nine.

"I don't know how Dom deals with him at all, he really is a good grandson" said Charlie.

"It's actually very funny, because the only people Grandfather is soft with are the girls, and more specifically Natasha" said Michael as he laughed.

"And that is the only thing that I envy that woman for" said Charlie.

"For some odd reason Grandfather always seems to favour her above us all" said Charlie as he poured himself some orange juice.

"Tell that to Dom who receives harsh punishments and scolding seeing a he is expected to do better" said Michael as he laughed.

"And that my dear Michael, is why I do not envy Dom at all" said Charlie as she laughed.

"All that money and good looks comes at a price of having a very military commander like Grandfather" said Charlie as he laughed.

"You are not serious, although it is the truth" said Michael as he laughed and Nine was just there sitting and looking at the two men while he said nothing at all.