Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 68 - Decided Yet

Chapter 68 - Decided Yet

"Oh thank you Natasha, thank you, you are a lifesaver, a literally true life one" said Chloe as she laughed.

"Oh no need to thank me, I am sure that you would have done the same if I was the one in your shoes" said Natasha as she smiled and she drank her tea, and Chloe smiled and drank her tea too.

She just felt way much better now that she had Spoken to Natasha, she felt bad before, she could never have imagined that her usually quiet husband who would never say anything to hurt her, would just shout at her over money.

It really hurt her, she had ended up crying for three days, while her husband went on as if nothing had happened, she wondered if she was truly a burden to him, and well if she was, she was sorry, she never meant to be.

Chloe always thought that they were a happy family, they had their son Ethan, and they were living well, she never actually thought that they had financial problems and even if they did, her husband should have just come out straight and tell her.

She was an understanding woman, but it seemed that her husband did not think so, he would have rather shouted at her, than to tell her that things were getting rough, she would have gladly offered to help him in anyway she could.

She was not a pampered woman, she knew how to work, and she had worked to support her family, way before she had met him, so it really pained her that he did not see her as someone he could share all his problems with, she was his wife for crying out loud.

"You know what Natasha, men can really be so stupid" said Chloe as he sighed.

"You do not have to tell me twice Chloe" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Most of them are only there for the good times, and when the bad times strike they end up doing an entire 360 turn and they leave you all alone" said Natasha, she had experienced that before, both counting the one in her past life, and her life now.

"But it really hurts you know" said Chloe.

"They promise to love you and care for you, and yet they don't remember all those promises, and they hurt you deeply, in a way you never even imagined could be possible" said Chloe as she looked very sad.

"If I tell you the truth, I would say that Love is the only thing that can keep men in line" said Natasha as she sighed, it was the truth, even if you tried to keep a man in line with a child, it would never work, it would only make the man even more aggressive towards you, and trust her she knew that fact very well.

"Oh but I love him, I really do love my Neil, and I hate myself for that, I cannot even be angry at him when I actually do deserve to be, instead I am so stupid that I just want to help him, just help him lighten his load" said Chloe.

"Oh don't blame yourself Chloe" said Natasha as she smiled.

"The heart wants, what the heart wants" said Natasha as she laughed, she had been in her shoes before, instead of her to get angry at Dom she would beg him, and he would still refuse her.

"I guess so" said Chloe.

"And Ethan?? how is he doing, does he know that you two are fighting??" asked Natasha.

"No... no he does not, I have made sure that he does not suspect anything, he is already not doing well, and I don't want to add this to it" said Chloe.

"But are you sure that he does not even notice anything??" asked Natasha.

"Well because Children nowadays are very smart, they might just pretend not to notice, but believe me they know when there is a problem" said Natasha as she was talking from experience.

"I find that it's best to just tell them the truth, and carry them along" said Natasha as she drank her tea.

"I do agree with you, but I am sure everything will be fine, now that I have spoken to you, I no longer feel angry" said Chloe as she smiled.

"I am glad" said Natasha as she smiled too.

"Speaking of children" said Natasha.

"I was thinking of enrolling Joy in school, she is now old enough to go to school" said Natasha.

"Oh that is a wonderful idea" said Chloe as she smiled.

"Joy is a very smart girl, and I am sure that she would like to go to school" said Chloe.

"I think so too" said Natasha as she smiled.

"So do you have any schools in mind?" asked Chloe.

"Well no... not right now, I asked Miss. B and she said she would compile a report of schools, and I am waiting for her" said Natasha.

"Well while you are waiting for her, I can recommend the school that Ethan goes to" said Chloe.

"Not only is it affordable, but they also have a kindergarten, the school is very neat and clean, and best of all it is very close to the estate, which would make is easier for Joy to go to school in the mornings" said Chloe as she stated all the good points of her son's school.

"Ethan's school does really sound tempting" said Natasha as she laughed, so far she had heard only good things and it sounded perfect for what she had in mind for Joy's education.

"Oh trust me, I am someone who is good at convincing" said Chloe as she winked.

"Okay, okay then" said Natasha as she laughed.

"If you can get me more information about the school, then we will see" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Consider it done, I have some brochures of the school at home, I will get one of the maids to send it to you" said Chloe as she smiled very brightly.

"Thank you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Once I have enough information, I will discuss it with Joy's father" said Natasha.

"Alright then, I am sure that you will both love it" said Chloe as she smiled, Natasha was helping her, so she wanted to help her too.

"Not only would we be neighbors, but we would also be Parent school mates as well" said Chloe as she smiled she was excited.

"I have not even decided yet" Natasha as she laughed, Chloe was going too far, she had not even decided yet.

"Oh I tell you, you will decide" said Chloe as she laughed.

"Oh if you say so" said Natasha as she laughed.

"So are you staying for lunch?" asked Natasha as she looked at Chloe, she found Chloe a lively person to be with, and she liked that.

"Ahh well..." said Chloe as she was thinking, it mattered on if Neil was going to come home for lunch today, they would always eat lunch together, and if he was coming home for lunch, she was going to cook for him, so that he would forgive her, and they could make up again.

"I don't know yet, give me a minute" said Chloe as she searched for her phone in her handbag and she dialed a number.

"Hello" she said as the person on the other line picked up the phone.

"Hello" came the voice of the other woman on the other side of the phone.

"Is Neil coming home for lunch today?" asked Chloe.

"Ahh no Madam, he has a lunch meeting today with some clients" said the other woman.

"Oh okay, thank you" said Chloe as she ended the call.

"Well I guess I am staying for lunch" said Chloe as she put her phone back in her bag and she smiled.

"That's great" said Natasha as she smiled.


"Joy, your mommy asked me to watch you and Ethan in the playroom, so you can both have a playdate" said Alfred as he looked at Joy as she walked beside him.

"Okay Alfred" said Joy as she was smiling, she felt good that she was going to play with someone else today.

"Are you happy to play with Ethan Joy??" asked Alfred as he looked at Joy with a smile.

"Yes I am Alfred" said Joy as she giggled and she looked at Alfred with a great happy smile.

"I am glad" said Alfred as he smiled, he was sure that he was going to have a wonderful time looking after young children, they were very youthful.

"Hello" said Joy with a smile as she and Alfred entered the playroom, and Ethan was already playing with a toy car.

"Hello Joy" said Ethan as he turned to look at Joy while still playing with the toy car and not making contact with her and Alfred at all.