Chereads / A Second Chance : I Will not waste it / Chapter 61 - Keep my promises

Chapter 61 - Keep my promises

"How are you??" asked Pete as he walked closer to Natasha and he gave her a kiss on her right cheek.

"I am doing well, and how are you?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"I am good too" said Pete as he smiled, while Joy looked at the strange man she had never met before with curiosity, while Pete also peeked to look at Joy who was holding on to her mother tightly as Natasha was carrying her.

"And who is this little cutie??" asked Pete with a smile as he looked at Joy who was looking at him curiously, as she held on to Natasha.

"Hello" said Pete as he smiled.

"My baby, he's my very good friend, the police officer I told you about" said Natasha as she whispered in Joy's ear.

"Really??" asked Joy in surprise.

"Yes my baby" said Natasha as she nodded and she smiled, and Joy's countenance changed, and she looked at Pete.

"So be very nice to him" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Hello" she said to him as he was still smiling.

"Hello Princess, what's your name?" asked Pete with a smile, Natasha had good genes, Joy looked like a literal princess, she was very cute, and her face looked very bright.

"My name is Joy Mary White" said Joy as she introduced herself.

"Hello Joy, my name is Peter Lawson and I am a police officer" said Pete as he smiled.

"Do you know what a Police officer is??" asked Pete and Joy nodded her head.

"Yes, I do" she said.

"My mommy says that you get to shoot people, and arrest them, and you jump off buildings" said Joy innocently as she no longer looked cautious or scared of him.

Peter sighed and he looked at Natasha with an expression that read "Really??" and Natasha just smiled, it was at this point that Pete doubted if Natasha was mature enough to be a mother, because it seemed that Natasha's genes were not only good but they were strong too.

Pete really hoped that Natasha would not raise Joy to be a rough girl and be as careless as she was, because right now with Joy's explanation of who a Police Officer was, Pete was sure that he was already too late.

"Yes Princess, I do all that" said Pete as he looked at Joy, and then he glared at Natasha who did not seem to care for his glares at all.

"But I also do other things to, I also Patrol neighbourhoods, I make sure people are safe, and I only arrest criminals, people that do something wrong" said Pete.

"The Police are your friend" said Pete as he smiled.

"That sounds so cool…" said Joy as she did not know what to call Pete.

"He's your uncle Pete, my baby" said Natasha as she looked at Joy and Pete smiled, he never thought that he would be an Uncle, but here he was.

"It is nice to meet you Uncle Pete" said Joy as she smiled at him.

"It is nice to meet you too Princess" said Pete as he just loved Joy's smile, it was as pretty as her mother's.

"Do you want to come down now??' asked Natasha as she looked at Joy.

"Yes Mommy" said Joy as she nodded her head and she smiled.

"Okay my baby" said Natasha as she set Joy down on the ground, and Joy held her hand.

"Uncle Pete??' called Joy as she looked at Peter, now that she looked at him well, he no longer looked scary, he was very tall, and he had a face that looked very serious, but he was smiling now, so he did not look as serious.

"Yes Princess" said Pete as he looked at Joy.

"Can I see your gun???" asked Joy innocently, and at that moment Pete knew that everything was totally hopeless, Natasha had already gotten to her.

"Natt!!" called Pete as he looked at Natasha in shock, he could not believe what he had just heard, what would a four year old girl want to see a gun for??? This was certainly Natasha's doing.

"Don't look at me Pete, I never said anything" said Natasha as she denied his accusation.

"I do not believe you, why else would she ask to see my gun??' asked Pete as he was totally shocked, this was the greatest shock of his life that he had experienced so far, and that was saying something, since he was a Police Officer, and he had been in many dangerous situations.

"Well I cannot blame her guns are truly cool" said Natasha as if it was a fact.

"Oh my…" said Pete as he was seriously shocked right now, Natasha could not be serious, Joy was just looking at the grown ups arguing as she said nothing.

"You are a child" said Pete.

"Mhmm" said Natasha as she did not seem to care at all.

Pete sighed as he looked at Natasha with disbelief and he bent down and looked at Joy.

"Princess I cannot show you my gun" he said.

"It's too dangerous" said Pete as he tried to explain to Joy and Natasha scoffed he could have just taken out the bullets and show her his gun, he just did not want to.

"Oh okay Uncle Pete" said Joy.

"Thank you for understanding Princess" said Pete as he smiled at Joy and she smiled back, at least she did not get Natasha's stubbornness, because Pete knew that if it was Natasha that asked for such, she would not rest until she got what she asked for.

"But what I can show you, is my police badge" said Pete.

"Do you want to see it?" he asked and Joy nodded.

"Yes" said Joy as she smiled.

"Here" said Pete as he removed his badge that he wore on his neck like a necklace and he gave it to Joy who held it in her hand.

"It looks very cool Uncle Pete" said Joy as she looked at the silver shiny badge in her hand.

Joy giggled, she now had a Police Officer Uncle, which was very cool, she could not wait to tell her daddy.

"Yes, it is very cool Princess" said Pete as he smiled and Natasha smiled too.

"You can have your badge back Uncle" said Joy as she smiled and she gave it back to Pete.

"Thank you Princess" said Pete as he smiled and he took the badge from Joy and he stood up.

"Mommy" said Joy as she tugged on her mother's shirt as she looked up.

"What Is it my baby??" asked Natasha as she looked down at Joy.

"I need to pee" said Joy as she squeezed her legs together.

"Oh my baby" said Natasha as she looked around, and luckily there were toilets very close to where they were standing.

"There are toilets over there my baby" said Natasha as she pointed at the toilets.

"Let's go my baby" said Natasha.

"Mommy, I can go by myself" said Joy.

"Are you sure my baby??" asked Natasha as she looked at Joy.

"Yes Mommy, I am a big girl" said Joy as she nodded.

"Okay if you say so my baby" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Go quickly, and we will be waiting right here for you" said Natasha.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she nodded and she ran to where the toilets were, and Natasha watched her enter the toilet.

"You have a very smart daughter, and she is very curious too" said Pete as he turned to look at Natasha with a smile.

"Yes, she is" said Natasha as she smiled.

"And you also have good genes" said Pete.

"Please tell me something that I do not already know" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Oh wow Nat, since when did you become so cocky??" asked Pete as he laughed.

"Oh I was always like this" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Besides it's obvious that you are admiring my good genes because you lack any" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Oh haha very funny Nat" said Pete as he laughed.

"I would have you know that we are very handsome people in my family" said Pete very proudly.

"Oh haha right…" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Thank you…" said Pete.

"Thank you for letting me meet her" he said.

"No need to thank me Pete" said Natasha.

"I always Keep my promises" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I know" said Pete as he smiled.

"So how did the robbery case go?" asked Natasha.

"Well it went well, no casualties, the robbers were arrested, and nothing was stolen" said Pete

"That sounds very good" said Natasha.

"But then why did they call you if it was not that serious?" asked Natasha.

"Well one of the robbers, they were three, and one of them decided to resist arrest and start a shootout, and hence why I was called, but we were able to shoot him and catch him, and everything else went smoothly" said Pete.

"What a relief" said Natasha.

"Yes… what a relief" said Pete as he smiled at Natasha.