Chapter 49 - Catch up

"Mommy, Mommy, look" said Joy as she was jumping around and she pointed.

"What is it my baby?" asked Natasha as she looked down at Joy, as Joy was still holding her hand.

"A slide, a slide" said Joy as she looked excited and she pointed to a red slide that was nearby.

"Do you want to go on the slide my baby??" asked Natasha as she looked at Joy.

"Mhmm, yes Mommy" said Joy as she nodded, she looked so cute.

"Okay my baby, let's go on the slide" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Yayyyy" said Joy as she laughed.

Natasha and Joy were currently in the estate's park, the park was very quiet and peaceful, there were no other children or people in sight, there happened to be a very clean playground that looked brand new.

There was a long red slide that one had to climb through a house like wooden stricture, and there were also some yellow swings, three seesaws, a merry-go-round, there were trees everywhere, and the grass was very green.

"Mrs. White??" called out a woman as she looked at where Natasha and Joy were standing.

"Mrs. Thompson??" asked Natasha as she looked up and she saw a woman who looked like she was In her early thirties and she had a boy who looked like he was about nine or ten years old standing right beside her.

"This is such a surprised to see you here" said the woman named Mrs. Thompson.

"Oh hello Joy" said Mrs, Thompson as she finally noticed Joy as she smiled.

"Hello" said Joy as she smiled at Mrs. Thompson.

"I should say the same for you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Ethan, don't be rude, say hello to Joy and her mother" said Mrs. Thompson as she looked down at the boy named Ethan.

"Hello Mrs. White, hello Joy" said the boy named Ethan as he looked reluctant and forced to be here.

"Hello Ethan" said Joy as she smiled.

"Is that how you greet someone Ethan???" asked Mrs. Thompson as she sighed.

"It's alright" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Mom I want to go on the slide" said Ethan as he looked up at Mrs. Thompson and he ignored everyone else.

"You will not go anywhere until you be good and polite" said Mrs. Thompson as she scolded Ethan.

"But Mom, I want to play, I did not come here to socialize" said Ethan as he looked angry.

"Young man, you have to have good manners" said Mrs. Thompson as he son could be very rude and stubborn.

"It's okay, why don't you let him go play, he is a child after all" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Yes Mom, Mrs. White is right" said Ethan as he looked at Natasha.

"Joy also wanted to go on the slide" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Fine Ethan, you can go play" said Mrs. Thompson as she sighed.

"And take Joy with you" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Joy do you want to go with Ethan and play?" asked Natasha.

"Yes Mommy" said Joy as she nodded.

"Alright then, Ethan and Joy can go play while we catch up" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Okay then" said Natasha as she smiled.

"No no, I don't want to have to take care of Joy" said Ethan as he looked angry.

"I did not ask if you wanted to Ethan" said Mrs. Thompson sternly.

"Make sure you stay with Joy, and make sure she does not get hurt, or else soul help me Ethan you will be in so much trouble" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Ughh" said Ethan as he groaned and he dragged his feet as if he was being chained.

"Come on let's go" he said to Joy as Joy followed behind him.

"I am sorry for that little display" said Mrs. Thompson as she walked and she sat down on a nearby bench.

"No need to be sorry, children can be like that sometimes" said Natasha as she sat down, from this bench they could both watch Ethan and Joy very carefully.

"I know, but "Sigh* Ethan has just been so rude lately" said Mrs. Thompson as she sighed.

"He has been developing an attitude, and he's been unbearable" said Mrs. Thompson

"It must just be a phase" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Maybe it is, but the boy is not even a teenager yet and he's giving me a lot of headaches" said Mrs. Thompson.

Lately Ethan had not been listening to instructions, he only always wanted to do what he wanted, he was rude to others, and he was being especially disrespectful, and he rarely smiled anymore, it was like he was always frowning.

"Haha" said Natasha as she laughed, now that she thought about it, her Joy from her past life was also about the same age as Ethan was now.

"I just miss my little cute baby boy now" said Mrs. Thompson as she sighed, she had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I can understand that" said Natasha.

"I am sure he will grow out of it soon" said Natasha.

"I wish he could be more like Joy" said Mrs. Thompson.

"You Joy is an angel, she is in fact a darling, she is so polite and cute, and Ethan needs to learn from her" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Haha she is isn't she?" asked Natasha as she smiled and she looked at Joy who was trying to climb up the wooden structure.

"Ugh you are sooo slow" said Ethan as he looked down at Joy who was still trying to climb.

"I am not that slow" said Joy in her tiny little voice as she tried to climb.

"Ughh, yes you are" said Ethan, he would have just left Joy there all alone to climb by herself, but his mother already told him to watch her, and he did not want to get in trouble if Joy got hurt.

"Ughh, here grab my hand" said Ethan as he put his hand down.

"Okay" said Joy as she grabbed Ethan's hand and he lifted her up.

"Thank you" said Joy as she smiled at Ethan.

"Ughh, you smile too much" said Ethan

"You are too grumpy" said Joy

"Well Anyway enough about me and my problems" said Mrs. Thompson as she laughed.

"How have you been doing?" she asked.

"I have been good and how are you?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

You could say that the White's were friends with the Thompsons, but not very close friends, they were acquaintances because they were neighbours, the Thompsons house was right across the White's and they were connected by the children who were somewhat friends?

"I am very good" said Mrs. Thompson as she smiled.

"Ethan was complaining of being bored at home, so I decided to bring him here to get some fresh air" said Mrs. Thompson.

"I also brought Joy out her so she could be a bit more active" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Ahh" said Mrs. Thompson as she smiled.

"And how is your husband?" asked Mrs. Thompson.

"He is good, and how is Mr. Thompson?" asked Natasha.

"Oh he is fine, he's on a business trip" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Ahh I see" said Natasha.

"Being a stay at home mom really is tiring, don't you think??" asked Mrs. Thompson, as her eyes moved to Ethan who was swinging on the monkey bars as Joy was just watching him.

"Our worlds revolve around our children, and we want the best for them" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Mhmm" said Natasha.

"But a woman should have something doing for herself, don't you think?" asked Natasha as she turned to look at Mrs. Thompson.

"A woman cannot always have to depend on a man" said Natasha.

"For one you can never know what would happen, so it's best you have your own thing doing" said Natasha.

"Yes, that might be true, but what could possible happen??" asked Mrs. Thompson.

"We are living well, and every of our needs are being taken care off" said Mrs. Thompson.

"Believe me when I say that anything can happen" said Natasha as she was serious.

"I was once like you, depending on a man to do everything for me" said Natasha as she looked at Joy who was sliding down the slide with a smile on her face.

"But one day you will realize that depending on a man for everything leaves you with nothing at all in the end" said Natasha.

"There are just some things that a woman has to get for herself, without the help of anyone" said Natasha.

"Sure, I mean that may happen in some cases" said Mrs. Thompson.

"But it is not that bad" she said as she laughed.

"Mhmm" said Natasha as she was sure that she had said to much.

Natasha wanted to do things for herself, unlike in her past life when she died with nothing, absolutely nothing at all, which was why she had bought a business now, which reminded her that she still had a lot of work to do with her newly acquired business.

"For one, when you stay at home, you get to be with your child at all times" said Mrs. Thompson.

"I cannot argue with you on that" said Natasha, it was true, she loved getting to see Joy every single minute of the day, she could say that was one of the only good things about being a stay at home mom, but part from that, it just left you in boredom, either you ended up shopping all the time, or getting yourself involved in idle gossip.

"But what made you think so far like that?" asked Mrs. Thompson as she turned to look at Natasha.

"It's life" said Natasha as she looked at Joy who was trying to climb once again, and Ethan looked very annoyed.