Chapter 17 - Walk

"Madam do you need anything?" asked Alfred as he knocked on the door of Natasha's room.

"No Alfred, I am tired, I just want to rest" replied Natasha from inside her room, she did not open the door for him, she had locked her door just in case someone in particular wanted to see her.

"Are you okay Madam?" asked Alfred as he sounded worried.

"I am alright, just a bit tired Alfred" replied Natasha as she sighed, she was sitting in bed thinking.

"I don't need anything" she said, because she knew that if she did not assure Alfred that she was alright, he would worry and make a fuss.

"Okay Madam" said Alfred.

"If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to call me" said Alfred.

"Yes Alfred, I know" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha.

"You are welcome Madam" said Alfred as he smiled and he walked away.


"So my princess what did you learn today?" he asked as he looked at Joy who was eating her food.

"Ahhh well many things Daddy" said Joy as she looked up from her food.

"But I did not have a lesson today" said Joy.

"Oh how come?" he asked.

"Well Miss B called to say that she has the flu" said Joy.

"Ahh I see" he said as he did not receive any call that informed him of that.

"Yes Daddy" said Joy.

"But I learnt how to say a new word today" said Joy as she smiled.

"Oh really??" he asked and Joy nodded.

"So what was that word my princess?" asked Joy's dad as he smiled.

"Well the word was cannibalism" said Joy as she pronounced the word perfectly.

"Oh I see" he said as he laughed.

"Yes Daddy, mommy was saying that she wanted to eat me" said Joy

"But she was joking" she added

"And then I said no, because Miss B said that eating other people is called cannibalism" said Joy.

"And I could not say the word correctly, so mommy helped me" said Joy as she laughed.

"That is great my princess" he said as he smiled and pinched Joy's cheeks, which made her smile.

"So Daddy how was your day?" asked Joy.

"Well my day was busy but good" he replied.

"And now it is even better, because I get to spend more time with you" he said and Joy giggled.

"Thank you for asking my princess" he said as he smiled.

"You are welcome daddy" said Joy as she smiled.

"So what do you want to do after dinner my princess?" he asked.

"Umm I don't know daddy" said Joy as she seemed to be thinking.

"What do you want to do daddy?" asked Joy as she threw the question back at her father.

"Umm I also don't know" he said as he seemed to be thinking.

"Oh I know, why don't we go for a walk outside?" he asked.

"Oh that sounds like a great idea Daddy" said Joy as she smiled.

"Right my princess??" he asked as he smiled.

"It would be good for us to walk after eating, that way we can stay fit" he said.

"Yes daddy okay" said Joy as she nodded, she was excited she had not been out of the house in such a long time, since she was not allowed to go anywhere alone, and her dad always went to work, while her mom stayed at home, so she was a stay at home girl.

She really just wanted to leave her food and go out right now, but she had to finish her food first, she also wished that her mother could come with them, so they could all go out together, that would be fun.

"Okay my Princess, so please finish your dinner then we can go" he said as he smiled.

"Okay daddy" said Joy as she smiled and she started eating her food quickly with her smile on her face.

"I am done daddy" said Joy a few minutes as she showed her father her plate.

"That was quick my princess" he said as he looked shocked, as if Joy's little mouth had become a vacuum and cleaned her plate.

"Yes daddy" said Joy.

"So can we go now?" asked Joy as she could not wait to go out.

Joy's father could see the excitement on her face, and he did not want her wait wait any longer so he agreed.

"Yes Sweetie, we can go" he said with a smile.

"Yayyy" said Joy.

"Okay slow down my princess" he said as he laughed.

"Go put on your sneakers first, and then we can go" he said

"Okay daddy" said Joy as she pushed out her chair quickly and she ran upstairs.

"Slow down my princess" he shouted from the other room, but Joy was too far away to hear him.

She rushed upstairs and ran as fast as a girl her age could and she opened the door to her room, she switched on the lights and she went straight to her closet and she grabbed the first pair of sneakers that she saw, which were pink.

She tried to wear them as quickly as she could and when she was done she ran back downstairs to the dining room to meet her father.

"I am all set daddy" she said as she smiled and looked very proud of herself.

Joy's dad looked up at her, and he nodded, but he broke into laughter when he looked down at Joy's feet.

"What is so funny daddy?" asked Joy.

"My princess" he said as he was still laughing.

"You wore your shoes wrongly" he said as he calmed himself down, it was just too hilarious.

Joy had somehow wore her shoes in the wrong way, she wore the shoe that was supposed to be for her left foot on her right, and the right one that was supposed to right foot on the left, it was simply too cute.

"I did??" asked Joy as she did not seem to notice, she looked down at her feet and then she realized what her father was talking about.

"Yes my princess" he said as he laughed.

"Come here, let me wear them for you" he said and Joy walked towards him.

"There it's all better now" he said as he laughed after he finished helping Joy wear her shoes the right way.

"Thank you daddy" said Joy as she smiled, luckily she was wearing Velcro sneakers so she did not need to tie her shoelaces.

"Can we go now daddy?" asked Joy.

"Yes of course we can my princess" he said as she stood up.

"Let me go wear my sneakers too first" he said.

"Okay daddy" said Joy.

A few minutes later he was back, and he and Joy were now matching by wearing sneakers.

"Let's go my princess" he said as he stretched his hand.

"Okay daddy" said Joy as she held his hand and they began to walk.

"Oh Young Master, Joy, where are you going?" asked Alfred as he happened to pass by and he saw the Young Master and Joy holding hands, they seemed to be going somewhere, and it was getting late.

"We are going for a walk Alfred" replied the Young Master.

"We will be back soon, don't worry" he said.

"Okay Young Master" said Alfred.

"Bye Alfred" said Joy as she waved at him with her free hand.

"Bye Joy" said Alfred as he smiled and Joy walked away with her father.