"Who is there? Who ever you are don't f*CK with me or else you pay the price" Edward, ray don't mess with me come out however the room was silent. While he decided to calm now Abit, the door suddenly swings open.

A groaning sound of a creature with blue eyes. Jason swiftly ran hiding behind a door waiting for whoever is about to walk in. John in his wolf form walked into the room and Jason held tight gripping his base ball bat ready to swing. As soon as John enters into the classroom, Jason quickly walked and swing the base ball bat into the air mustering all the energy he could muster aim at the head of John however he notices the base ball hits the shoulders of the giant creature.

The creature groan and turned his face looking at Jason with bright gleaming blue eyes. Jason once again swing the base ball bat at the creature however the creature caught the base ball bat. John squeezed the bat with his power in his hands. John swings the his clawed hand into the air. Jason tried to dodge but John's hand was too fast clawing Jason's chest falling him to the ground.

Jason Looking properly at these creature with fangs and sharp teeth with pointed ears and wolfs fur over his body.

"Demon". Jason falls on the ground quivering in fear suprised at what he saw. John said

"Hello Jason, it's time for you to die".

"Hello Jason its time for you to die". John said to Jason. Jason quivering in fear mustered courage and began to run through the door. John violently grabs a desk with brute strength and force swings it at him. The desk flew crashing against Jason's body crashing on the floor.

Jason stood up and began to run through the dark hallway in fear. Jason turn to look back, his eyes widened when he saw a large school locker crash against him. He stood up cover in blood and ran to the intersection of the hallway when Jason saw a man walking down the hall way towards him.

"Mr Gray please help". Jason called out. Jason remembers meeting with Gray the day John sent them flying with a super Natural punch. Jason noticed Claws and fangs in John's teeth but couldn't explain what he was seeing.

Mr Gray came asking questions about John and Jason told Gray a half truth about John and Gray told John to stay behind after the base ball match in other to use him as bait to catch John. Gray was fully dressed on a hunter regalia of all black with all sort electrical technology weapons decorating his body with a bow and quiver of Arrows.

Jason stretching his hand to Gray to save him However John was Halfway running towards Jason. Gray understood that John was not in his right mind and so he brings out a bow and nocked an electrical arrow fitted to his bow string and drew back the string slowly until the bow moaned with strain.

Gray raised his right elbow slightly. Any deviation on proper angle would cause the arrow to go awry. A small correction to his form while he held the string back taut feeling the muscles in his arms and shoulders begin to strain. the sensation buoyed has made him aware of not only himself but also of everything around him. He aimed the arrrow across the hallway then release the arrow slipping from his fingers and flew straight a diabolical part that gray envisioned.

John running with rage like some monster mustering all the strength he could muster jumping into the air with his claws ready to rip any body apart however the arrow flew hitting close to his chest crashing him against the ground. The arrow begins to shock John with a thousand electrical volts however John rose up from the ground pulling the electric arrows from his body with pain and decide to run after them however three more arrows flew a diabolical part hitting his chest, and leg.

Gray shots more arrow hitting his head, legs and body and thousands electrical volts electrified John till John eyes blank out. He falls to the ground returning to his normal human form.

Jason holding his chest was suprise to see John on just Pants and couldn't believe John was a Werewolf.

"I can't believe these, you mean John was the one who tried to kill me and the same Werewolf who killed the others guys".

" Maybe but you can't be too sure. A Werewolf don't go rampaging like that. Why was he after you Jason, what did you do?".

"Hmmmp, I don't know, he is a bad guy, I only played with his girlfriend Abit. Nothing out of the ordinary".

"But you do know Jason killing and raping is not out of the ordinary. It was done intentionally and every decisions come with a price". A voice spoke out from the Hallway. Teejay begins walk in to the hall towards the duo. Their eyes widened.

"These is the worst case scenario to ever occur. An alpha and a Rampaging one at that to show here. These is going to be rough* said Gray adjusting his arrows while Teejay continous.

"John is after you because you are evil Jason. You kidnapped and raped my sister Mary and allowed your friends to do the same then use her as an hostage to get him. You destroying John's life was not enough but you tried to kill him also. He is a newly turned Werewolf turned by his father who was the son of the seventh Alpha of all Alpha's in the council of Alphas named Arnold Myles. John can't control his ability properly and need guardians but you triggered his taste for blood when my sister died in his arms. You are the cause of all these death and you and John will have to die for it".

"I can't have that Teejay, though he might be the reason but they have to go through the law for proper punishment and why does John have to die. If he is the grandson of Myles then it's the more reason you can't kill him" Gray stood in the hall facing Teejay a distance holding a bow and arrow.

"Who is going to stop me, you, he failed to save my sister, the council wants me to bring him alive but I won't forgive anyone who mess with my family and you Gray can't stop me". Teejay replied.