I raised my gun and point it out to her. She then turned around, and took a deep breath while shaking her head.
"I even forgot we were on the different sides, too." She said as she slightly smiled.
"Who are you? Why are you all attacking us?" I asked. I prepared to pull the trigger and run closer to her if she decided to attack with a Magist spell.
"The names not important, just call me Phoenix, because I can transform to the phoenix side of me." She replied as she slowly walked closer to me. "And about the latter question, how about I just show it up now?"
She suddenly runs faster to me. I can't do anything than evade her sudden charge. When I tried to evade to the left, she wings her staff to my legs. Looks like she wants me to either jump off and evade or shoot her and make her take some steps back.
My leg reflexively jumps because of panic. But after she wings it, the fire comes out from where the staff wings onto. I was completely trapped, this is a fire Magist spell.
I aimed at her hand, which is holding her staff, and shoots it so the staff will fall down to the ground and the spell will be canceled.
With that sound let out from her mouth, she reflexively held her hand and drop her staff. The fire then disappeared, and I can safely land and step back from her a little bit far, even though now I am in the same amount of danger.
"Heh… Looks like I am a little bit underestimating this world's powers. Haha…" She slightly laughed as she held her wounded hand. In a second, that wound was closed, very fast.
"What kind of regeneration is that?" I asked my brain what the hell I just see.
With Magist, you can do some kind of regeneration spells, but it will take a little bit longer time to heal the wounds than this. Even the greatest Magist healer I ever heard can only do it in five seconds, not one second like this.
Now I am a little bit scared, as she now takes her staff again, and points it out at me. Is she gonna launch ranged attacks? Oh, hell, I regret ever being far away from her. Now I'll have a hard time getting closer and stop her.
She peeked a little bit to her back, hearing the sounds of courageous warriors and sword clanking sounds made her smile widens. She then looked back at me with a wider smile.
"That units commander and your head will be a great surprise to our Empress. It will be a glorious first step for us to conquer this dimension." She said as she laughed loudly.
"What? Conquer?" I get shocked by what she said.
She means… conquering this land, right? But they are actually destroy everything they come to. The buildings in this city are already collapsed, all of them.
If they decided to make this invasion their first step, why they do not decide to just kill the people here and take over their buildings as a base?
"Don't get too serious, little girl. Don't overthink everything, because you don't need it anymore." She exclaimed. "What you need now is… surviving!"
I was shocked when she shout like that, and already made an evasion. But that is what she wants. After I took my step to the left, she cast a fireball that quickly goes in my direction.
I sighed, and try to evade it again and succeed. When the fireball has been going out from my sight, I see her prepared to cast another fireball
Now is my chance.
I quickly charge her while shooting him to do some damage and cancel her Magist spell. I then successfully get closer to her, and she decides to wing her staff again, but this time she wings it to my face.
I managed to parry her attacks using my SMG muzzle. It's quite strong to do the tricks, but I then see her smile, that's when I released my parry and evade to the left. As I thought before, she starts to pull off again the spells from before, as my gun muzzle can't hold a Magist attack.
I keep doing that and push her off to the edges. When she was finally on the edge of the rooftop, I then pointed my gun with a small smile.
"Now, fly, if you want to retreat and cried to your Empress. You'll be defeated." I taunted.
"You all are already leaving this city, right? Why don't you give it to us?" She taunts me back. "Oh. And one thing, little kitty, I am not that kind of a crybaby." She said as she transforms again into her phoenix form, and fly to the ground.
She targets the defender units, who now get tired because of fighting. The enemy units too, now get tired. The two sides are now on low morale.
Now, this is dangerous. What I should gonna do? What will happen if I just jump, land on top of her, and change her direction so she will not harm our units?
I took a deep breath and some steps back. I then fall myself to the ground, and successfully landed on top of her. She peeked at her top, sees me, and start to move wobbly to make me fall straight to the ground and kill me.
"It's not that easy!" I shouted. I try to change her direction, and managed to get her to the middle, where no one stands there, not even the enemy troops.
I and her falls, make a few disturbances and smoke on the ground lane. I then got off from her back, and falls on the ground because of tired. She too, back to her human form and looks tired.
"Brave warrior indeed…" She said as she catch her breath and try to get up. "Looks like you're too dangerous to be kept alive." She lifts her staff again, and smiled widely at me.
"Haha…" I slightly laughed. "Very well… How about we end this now? Let's see who will win…"
"I agree…"
We prepared to release our final hit, when a smoke grenade suddenly passed by in front of me and separate our sights. I also heard someone shout, the voice sounds like the one from the anti-riots troop.
"The reinforcements have arrived!" That's what he shouted
I looked at my back, and when I turned again, someone stands in front of me, looking like he was casting something. At the same time, an earth wall comes up from the ground. After it finishes, he turned at me, the face that was very familiar to my memories.
"Our job now is accomplished here. Time for us to retreat too." He said.