I ran as fast as possible, with all my might, I had to be able to escape from him. A strong wind made me unable to use my strength to fly. So I decided to run in a large area that was not visible on this end. I am alone, don't know why suddenly I am in this place now, a green grassland is so wide, stretches before me now.
I'm also confused, now I am because I can't explain that. In essence, I am now running, to escape from the giant figure who is after me now.
My breath was gasped as if I could not use the energy in my body to strengthen myself. And I have tried several times to change myself to Elf's form, but I could not do it. What happened to me now, why can't I use my strength?
Or is my strength disappearing?
I ran without looking back because I didn't want to see the terrible face of the giant figure.
[Sound of growl]