Chereads / Life as a pencil / Chapter 2 - Chqpter 1 I didn't expect to die so soon : (

Chapter 2 - Chqpter 1 I didn't expect to die so soon : (

(Zalis)Ok time for bed I have a big day tomorrow hopefully I can get my life together already if not I don't think I could face my parents happily. (Narrator) as Zalis went to sleep he felt a throbbing pain in his neck however he figured it's just his nerves.

(Narrator) the next morning

(Zalis)Huh? why do I feel so light heh... I could probably fly now.

(Narrator)then Zalis noticed his point of view wasn't anywhere close to his bed it was in fact underneath his room in his kitchen.

(Zalis)What the heck?! W-W-W-When did I get here am I dreaming this can't be possible!

(Narrator)Then as Zalis is confused and contemplating his life...

(Zalis's mother)Its time to wake up and get ready for your big day it's finally time to look for a job you've finished school and everything! so no more excuses!

(Zalis)*Muttering to self*Heh yeah no excuses I would say this is quite the excuse while finally noticing his body still "sleeping"

(Zalis's mother) Ok seriously now! * she says angrily while opening door*

(Narrator) Zalis's mother notices her son seems to have a extremely dislocated neck to the point it's almost twisted into a pretzel and even a sharp nail was put through it and blood was dripping everywhere

(Zalis's mother) *shrieks in terror* T-This isn't possible!!! this can't be happening *she says while crumbling to the ground in tears*

(Narrator) Zalis seeing his mother crying like this figures this is just a nightmare or prank somehow

(Narrator) Ok let's just take a step forward now to the funeral

1 week later

(Zalis) I can't believe I get to see my own funeral on this very realistic dream of mine *he says trying to give himself reassurance*

(Zalis's family and friends) I can't believe he's gone *while crying somberly* it was just last week we seen each other.

(his crush) he told the funniest jokes A-And T-The T-Truth is I wanted to tell him my feelings today *she says while sobbing louder than a baby*

(Zalis)Hmm... what feelings *he says while pondering whether or not this is the best dream he's ever had just because of that alone*

(The Priest)If thats all everyone wanted to say about this clearly beloved boys death then I suppose we should lower him down into his grave now! * the Priest says loudly yet consideratly*

(Zalis) Welp this is a dumb dream when can I go back to my favorite Reincarnation story now *Zalis says slight peeved at this weird dream*

1 Year Later

(Author) See you next chapter sorry I haven't gotten to the point this chapter ; )