My memory from long ago fades me still, but what I can remember is important to... a tale I once knew. Long ago, before Pyra was ever in power she was a young daughter of a kind father, but a terrible mother. Her mother would always try and find a way to get rid of her, but her father was always there to save her from her mother's wrath. The mother came close to killing the father by slashing his throat in the middle of the night. In the morning, he took his daughter far away from her mother into a small cabin with nothing but an old mule and dirty rags to look like poor folk. The girl began to grow older, and the father became ill. It didn't help that the mother had soon found their cottage in the woods. The father tried his best to take care of the mother. He told his daughter to run deep into the woods and the father trapped the mother inside the house. With a small spark of light, the cottage was gone, the mother and father both became nothing but ash. The little girl was forced to live alone... She was found by a kind soldier who would help heal her the best he could and taught her his ways. His worst mistake was taking her to battle. That is where we shall start our story.