Alexander, Seeing the situation realises that a civil war is inevitable. Decides to speed up his plan and make a declaration. One that would rock europe to its core.
"In the name of God and by the grace vested in me as Tsar of All the Russias, I proclaim the emancipation of the serfs. From this day forward, all those bound by servitude shall be free men and women, possessing the right to travel and reside where they choose. They shall have the right to acquire and possess property, and shall be subject to the laws and responsibilities that govern all free subjects of the Empire."
This declaration is akin to declaring war not only on the nobility, but on the aristocracy of all of europe as well.
Safe to say that relations with austria and prussia will detiriorate.
"Also, from here on all grain exports must stop."
Russia is responsible for 1/2 or 1/3 of europes grain. If grain exports suddenly stop then the price of grain will shoot up.
With grain being more expensive, the already impovrished peasent of various european nations will not be able to endure and will turn to revolution. Distracting the various european powers, preventing them from interfering in the civil war, or at the very least, lowering the potential interference in the civil war.
Sadly this will cause the empires revenue to drop significantly but the steel exports as well as the money saved up should be able to keep the government afloat for a while, not to mention the various assets that will get seized from the nobility.
"What is the current situation?"
"Your Highness the territory under out control is around St.petersburg and moscow as well as some some small coties or towns. The "rebels" however control the rest.
Alexander, in thought then answers.
"Increase conscription as well as recruit commanders loyal to the crown and have them march to battle, and those that do exceptionally well will get rewarded with land (the size depends on the ability). Don't forget to make sure to spread the word that we come as liberators, and make the peasents under those nobles rise up."
The people, having been given orders by his highness start working.
The army under the command of Dimitry is marching towards the region of central novgorod, the territory controlled by the "rebels".
Capturing the various towns and villages along the way. While also uprooting the nobility there and taking away their land for re-distribution.
"Sir, according to the intelligence gathered by our scouts the Rebel armies aemies seem to be reinforcing the city of great novgorod, stationing somewhere around 80,000"
The city of great novgorod was the capital of the novgorod republic, although its importance has diminished over time its still an influential city in the region. Controlling the city would make it easier to take control of the entire region.
"That many troops? Its a significat portion of their army, even if its only conscripted peasents."
'Taking control of the area sorrounsing the city and starving it would work... but it would take a while, couple of months at least. Artillary bombarent can be tries. With the ships and ESPECIALLY the railways delivering supplies ammunition will not be an issue.'
So, Dimitry starts ordering his men to set up the cannons while also requesting ammunition from the capital.
"How dare he!?
Freeing the serves!? As well as accusing us of collaborating with the tsars assasination!?
"Indeed, its clear for all to see that the crown prince has gone crazy, declaring war on tbe entierety of russian as well as european aristocracy."
"By the way, How is the mobilization going?"
"We managed to recruit 200,000 men in half a month, having only held a gund for a few hours without any further training."
"And any news frim The city of great novgorod?"
"The russians are marching towards the city planning to capture it."
"Garissoning it with over 80,000 troops was indeed a great call, it would take months if not years to siege it, buying us time to request help from other european powers."
"Sir, the the 24 pound howtzers and heavy cannons are ready. The men are in position awaiting your orders."
Dimitry, hearing the news goes out and orders.
With that the area soon gets filled with the sound of cannons, but the enemy inside the city won't just stand still right?
"Your excellency! The traitors armies have set up Cannons decising to bombard the city!"
"Foolish! Even though it might look impressive the ammunition won't last more then 2 days with such rapid usage, leaving them nothing for battle"
-2 days later-
The general Semynkov, looking at the rounds of cannons still firing at full steem is nervous, why ahve they not slowed down? Where is the ammunition coming from? They should have ran out already.
"Just whats going on here! Where is their ammunition coming from dammnit!."
"Your excellency according to the intelligence gathered it seems to be delievered by these things called trains"
Trains, yes. Semynkov has heard about them. Apparently capable of transporting thousands of tons of cargo. He hadn't paid any attention to them seeing it as a waste of money. And now this entire situation seems to prove him wrong.
"Damn it! Why didn't you tell me earlier! The walls would crumble in a couple more days at the rate that they are firing!."
So, forgoing the plan of waiting for the enemy tk deplet their ammunition Semynkov decides to leave the city and confront the enemy
If he left 5,000 men in the city and took the rest to confront the enemy, he would outnumber them almost 2 to 1 given that by their estimations they have about 40,000 men.
Sadly he wasn't given any cavalry since they weren't even supposed to confront the enemy, just sit in the city. Else he would be a lot more confident.
The main problen that he faces is the artillary. If he straight up left he and his men would be bombarded.
So he decides to...