Organo Plato
Man person
(In the taco stand)
(Uncle Joe goes to the cashier)
Uncle Joe:Three ice cream sundaes and three tacos.
(The cashier gives him his order)
(Uncle Joe gives him money)
Uncle Joe:Keep the change
Allen:(Eats a taco)
Uncle Joe:So what happened to you when you got to the restricted area?
Allen:(Stands up)Notice anything different?
Kate:Yeah,what is up with that weird watch?
Allen:So when I was in the restricted area something like an alien pod crashed and opened then this watch attached to my hand.
Uncle Joe:Wow let me see that watch.(Allen shows him the watch)I bet Arlif would know what it is.He did tell me that he was going to send a watch to the restricted area to keep it safe.
Allen:Huh?Who is Arlif?
Uncle Joe:He's probably the guy that created the watch.
Kate:I know stuff like aliens and alien pods aren't real but what's so special about this watch anyway?Anyone can create a watch
Uncle Joe:The watch can transform you into any alien you want
Uncle Joe: I would explain later in the truck. I think it's time to show you kids
Allen:Show us what?
Uncle Joe:Just get in the truck kids
(They enter the truck and uncle Joe drives to the junkyard)
(They get out of the truck)
Allen:so this is what you want to show us?
Uncle Joe:(Goes to a place,types his name and his face gets scanned)
(The door opens showing a space ship)
Uncle Joe:This is the joemexonas space ship which goes to really far places in space where you can see more planets.So you know what to do kids
Kate:(Takes pictures of it )
Allen:Uh,take pictures of it?
Uncle Joe:Know I mean enter
Kate:How do we enter it?
(A step comes out of it and they walk into it)
(They blast into space)