Chereads / Kara Cahill (The White Wolf) / Chapter 38 - In another time

Chapter 38 - In another time

Kara pushed away from the table, her heart beating fast. She collided with another table and saw that she had frozen it. Fear was creeping through her veins, making the marks on her back hurt. Wherever she touched or stepped, ice formed.

"Kara what happened?" "What is going on?" "Are you okay?"

She looked at the three faces in fear, trying to speak but something was lodged in her throat. Ryker tried to come forward but she stopped him.

"Stay back!" She screamed, ice spears coming from her palms, straight to him.

He dodged them in time. The rest hid behind tables.

"Kara are you there? Is that you?" He asked from a safe distance. Or is it Hera, she knew that was what he meant.

She whimpered. "It's me. It is all me. I did it. I did it. I'm sorry. It's all me."

She recoiled from the ice forming around her but they seemed to follow her around. She sobbed.

"No no no. I don't want it. Leave me alone." She waved her hands around but they kept shooting out.

"Kara I need you to calm down." Ryker took on a soothing tone.

She held her hand to her chest. "I'm trying."

Frederick stood up from where he was crouched. "Go wolf." He ordered.

"What?" Her white eyes turned to him, chilling him to the bones.

"Go wolf. The ice should go away when you take your wolf form."

Her scared eyes begged him for assurance.

"Trust me." But he wasn't sure.

How many times had she willingly gone wolf? Her mind was blank on that but that didn't matter now. She really needed to be a Cahill.

Kara fell to the floor at the first bone breaking. She scream resonated in the hall, making the windows shake. Ryker understood what she was going through. Deville against Cahill, each fighting for dominance. It hurt him to watch her suffer. It felt like hours. Soon her screams turned into painful growls and before him stood a beautiful white wolf.

She stepped forward cautiously, watching where her paws touched. No ice. She looked around at what she had done. Ice was everywhere, sizzling with the electricity in them. Frederick moved closer to touch one and felt a little zap.

"This is cool." He commented with an excited look.

Ryker nodded but his focus was on the white wolf. He beckoned her forward but she seemed scared of her own shadow.

"Hey hey hey... It's okay. You are okay." He said, taking slow steps forward.

He knelt in front of her and rubbed behind her ears with a chuckle.

"I don't suppose you can speak in this form."

She shook her head. At first she wanted to feel insulted that he was treating her like his pet dog but damn it, she was enjoying his touch. He put his palm out and she placed her paw in it, leaning her forehead on his.

"I think I prefer you like this." He grinned.

She growled and stepped back, obviously glaring at him. She turned and took off. With a laugh, he went after her.

"Well, that was a sight." Frederick commented with a smile.

"I don't suppose that is the madness you mean when she talked about renouncing the pack."

It wasn't much of a question but he responded anyway. "This is tame. Kara is still sane because, even though she is not with the pack or hasn't been fully accepted by them, she is still the current alpha's daughter and some of us have accepted her."

Destiny nodded. "I suppose we'll find out soon."

Frederick said nothing, hoping Alonzo could come up with what would work for them all. He didn't notice the frown on Destiny's face.

When they got outside, Kara turned all of a sudden and tackled him to the ground. Laughing, he wrestled her . They finally came apart, panting. She sat and placed her head on her paws, closing her eyes. He moved closer and rubbed her head.

"You'll only let me get this close when you are a wolf uh." He mused and admired her fur.

Looking closely, he could see faint marks on them. They were lines that spread from the middle of her back to her shoulders and her tail. He carefully studied it, faintly tracing it with his finger. The lines seemed to glow wherever his finger touch. He realised after some minutes what he had traced, a snowflake. The lines shimmered before they faded.

Slowly she shimmered back to her human self, luckily she still had her clothes on.

Kara jumped away from him and narrowed her eyes.

"Hello Kara." He chuckled and leaned back on his hands.

Kara glared at him. "Say nothing."

Her memory was fuzzy.

"Wanna talk about what happened back there?" Ryker asked.

Kara ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head. "I don't know. I can't remember. All I know is, the ice… it scared me."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know." She stared at her hands. "Something about the ice."

She was too distracted to notice Reginald, but Ryker did. He gave him a questioning look but Reginald's intense gaze was on Kara.

"You rejected us." He said.

Kara looked up, confused. "What?"

"You rejected who you are. You are Deville and you are Cahill but you rejected Deville." His eyes turned a stormy shade of blue.

Kara looked to Ryker then back to her uncle. "I could have killed someone back there."

"The more you fight it, the more your chances of killing. Stop fighting." He turned and walked into the forest.

She stood up, hurrying after him.

"What if I'm not the one fighting it? What if I can't be a Deville? I can't even stay as a wolf for long either!" She shot at him.

Reginald turned and glared at her. Kara returned the glare.

"I'm tired of trying to be a Deville. One minute it is working, the next it is not. Did you see how out of control I was back there?"


"Why didn't you help me?!" She screamed at him in shock. He'd watched her lose her mind.

"You need to accept every part of you."

Kara screamed and pulled at her hair. "You don't get it!"

He narrowed his eyes at her before turning and walking away. Something compelled her to keep following him. They soon got to the clearing. The smell of the water calmed her.

"Deep down, you are scared of what you'll become if you accept all of you. They all are. You can never fully understand everything about the Devilles, their powers are not something you can wrap your head around. Deep down you know it." He said finally with a sigh.

Kara moved towards the water. "I feel like if I let myself feel everything, I'm going to feel nothing. I don't know if that makes sense." A dry laugh escaped her lips.

Reginald said nothing. He felt himself get weaker by the day and there was nothing he could do.

"Like a faint pulsing in your heart." He said quietly.

She released a shaky breath. "Like a faint pulsing in my heart. I don't think I like being Kara Cahill."

She turned to him and found him watching her. He was seated on the floor. He gestured for her to join him.

"I don't like being Reginald Deville either, but it is the life the fates have given us."

"I don't like it very much."

She sat beside him and they both stared at the water.

"My full name is Reginald Karan Deville, your mother named you after me." He said suddenly. "I think in another time, you would have been happy to know that."

Kara said nothing.

"I'm the last male of my tribe. I felt my people burn and all I could do was watch my sister feel the same. I wanted revenge, yet I knew it wasn't mine to take." He raised his hand and balls of water rose. "In another time, you would have learnt the dance of the rain. You would have enjoyed our full moon festivals. You would have met mama and papa and they would have hugged you tight, smelling like flowers and earth."

The balls circled around her, making her smile.

"In another time, I would have had no problem calling you uncle Regi. In another time, maybe I would have had siblings. Maybe Hawk would have been my dad and he would still be alive." Her heart broke. "But we are in this time."

"And there is nothing we can do about it except to stay strong."

The balls floated back into the water.