Azreal swiftly stood behind Cynthia who had just entered her bed chambers.
He took off the hood from her exposing her face. She had a delightful expression on. He was curious about what had made his master be in a good mood after such a long time. She was always bored and uninterested in everything but right now, she seemed pleased.
She did a little twirl to fall down on the couch. She let her whole body rest, laid her head back, and closed her eyes. Azreal stood there staring at his master and her apparent contentment. He couldn't hold back his curiosity anymore and asked,
"Did something extraordinary happen on your excursion?"
There was no movement, she still had her eyes closed. A few seconds went by in complete silence. But a smile had become evident on her face. A slight smirk that showed contentment.
It was clear to Azreal now, that his master has found something very exciting or perhaps someone very interesting. His head started filling with all the possible clues to where his master might have gone and his face suddenly hardened.
He remembered. It could only be him, Xavier Belfare. An almost unnoticeable frown knitted his eyebrows slightly and he asked her again,
"By any chance, Did you encounter the hero, master?
She finally opened her eyes but still no movement. She looked vacantly at the high ceiling. The small chandeliers emitting golden lights and the sculpted art of various mythical beats, the chamber was thousands of years old but it hadn't lost its beauty and elegance.
After a few minutes of silence, she finally stood up and walked around touching the old furniture. None of it had a single speck of dust. She finally stopped before the large mirror in the chamber. She gazed at her appearance.
Blood red eyes with a deadly sparkle, long black hair hanging down to her waist, and her body as if sculpted by nature itself were very alluring. She was a perfectly lethal beauty. One of a kind.
Azreal followed her and stood behind her. He looked at her reflection in the mirror and stared right into her eyes and that's when she suddenly turned back to face him.
"I couldn't see through his soul, but I could hear it." she leaned into him.
"I could hear his beating heart, wild and confused. He was wary of me but not scared. His eyes, Azreal. They were burning." she said with a newfound passion in her eyes. They were glinting with excitement.
Azreal felt like he got hit by a sudden storm. He was very good at concealing his emotions and he knew showing discontent with any actions of his master would end on a worse note. Even though he was seething with rage inside, he didn't let a single crease form on his face.
Cynthia then took a few steps back and examined Azreal. Her piercing gaze was making him uncomfortable and nervous yet his composure was flawless. He stood firm and unwavering. She continued studying him. After all, no one knew him better than her, not even he himself.
"You look like you have something to say." her lips curved into a sly smile.
Those words from her sent electrifying waves throughout his body but he knows better than to show any apparent signs so he smiled back at her.
"I'm just curious. Are there any secrets, Master?" He looked at her with the same smile he wears whenever he tries to conceal his emotions. Alas, his master knows him too well.
She didn't answer him right away instead walked towards the table set up in her chambers and sat down. Azreal followed her and with not a word spoken yet, he poured her a cup of tea. It was as if communication wasn't needed and he knew her habits naturally. It wasn't just her who knew him too well but he also knew her better than anyone else.
She stared at the bottom of the cup. The fragrant smell of chamomile tea entered her and calmed some of her nerves. Azreal stood there quietly, attentively, patiently waiting for an answer.
She finally spoke after taking a sip,
"Do you remember Abigail?"
Azreal was somewhat taken aback at the sudden mention of the name. His eyebrows knitted together visibly which signified the mix of emotions he felt rushing inside of him. He had heard and seen a fair amount of uncomfortably astonishing things tonight and this one added another huge pile to it. He looked at her perplexed.
She didn't spare him any glance or explanation. She simply looked like she was enjoying her tea. It was up to Azreal to look for any clues about the unforeseen question. He answered her without any delay,
"Yes. She was one of the many passers." He was still uncertain of the question but it was impossible to guess what was going on her mind unless she herself spoke of it.
This time she turned to look at him. Her face was completely devoid of any expression. It was one of her cold faces, the one she pulled off to conceal her inner thoughts.
"Correct.The passer who crossed the forest two decades ago. Bring me the sapphire she left behind." she ordered.
"Do you mean the one she always had tied on her neck?" Azreal was still confused.
"Yes. It must be somewhere in the castle. I have a feeling he'll come for me soon. It's a present for him." she smiled looking out the giant window frames.
"I'll immediately begin the search." No matter what doubts he had, Azreal will always follow his master's word. Because in the end, to him, nothing mattered more than her.
A new day was about to begin as the dawn was slowly turning into a bright morning. But little did anyone know how dangerous the night would become as the darkness caved in. The beneath of light is always dark.