At 2:46 the crew where outside looking calmly at their house burning.
"Who was in the kitchen".Scorpio said irritated as she looked around only to find Aries ,Pisces, Virgo and Libra 1 ( Taurus) raise their hands.
"What where you doing in there?". Scorpio asked once again but with a heavier voice.
"I was just in there for water".Libra 1 said.
"I was in there to get the utencils for the table to set up for lunch. Pisces said innocently.
"I was in there to cook but I went to my room for my apron first". Virgo said and since it was her turn to cook it made sense.
"How about you Aries, what where you doing in there".Leo asked as she saw Scorpio was annoyed and was afraid Scorpio would say something she shouldn't say.
"Ok fine I put on the stove but I did not know until I heard a sizzle sound and smelt gas". Aries confessed.
"Calm down guys I'll just take us back to the time Aries was about to put on the stove". Aquarius said with a weirdly calm face.
"How can you do that you master in wind magic".Libra 2 said with confusion.
"Well I can make extremely strong waves enough to re-rotate the earth". Aquarius said with confidence in her voice.
"You know, that's not how it works in reality you should really stop watching anime".Virgo said while looking at her weirdly.
" But she has done it before remember last year just 'cause she wanted to experience Christmas again". Leo said chuckling as she remembered what she did.
"Oh then go on".Virgo said.
"After saying that? I don't think so get another person". Aquarius said as she turned.
"How about for a cookie".Leo said waving a cookie she happened to have.
"Do l look Scooby Doo to you?!!". Aquarius said irritated already.
"How about a box of cookies".Leo said taking a box of cookies from a bag she brought out side.
"Make it two boxes and you got a deal". Aquarius said negotiating with leo.
"Sure here". Leo said as handed Aquarius two boxes of cookies.
"*Munch munch*, Ok hold on". Aquarius said with a cookie in her mouth.
Aquarius started twisting her hands in weird ways causing a twicth in the air and then everything was spinning until the house looked normal like it was never burnt.
"Ok so who will go in and fix the leak". Cancer said.
"NOT IT!!".They all said except Pisces.
"Darn it I always lose this game. Do I have to do it".Pisces complained.
"Yes". They all did to Pisces.
"But-..."Pisces tried to finish
"JUST DO IT!!!". They yelled at him and pushed him towards the door.
"Fine I'll go".He said as he opened the door.
"Guys you have to see this". Pisces said signaling them to come closer.
"What the heck". Cancer said looking at exact copies of them sitting on the couch not noticing that they entered.
"Aquarius what did you do " Leo asked.
"Looks like I forgot to remove them from this timeline". Aquarius said calmly.
"Whatever just take care of them".Scorpio said without an ounce of care.
"Sure do you prefer gun or katana". Aquarius asked as she pulled out a gun and a katana that 'happens' to be with her.
"No she meant like erase them from this timeline". Pieces said.
" 'Yeah that's exactly what I meant' ". Scorpio said as she scratched her neck.
"JUST DO IT ALREADY!!". They all yelled at Aquarius.
"Jeez no need to yell". Aquarius complained as they got out to the garden.