The two suddenly quickened their pace and caught up with Bernard a few seconds later.
When Bernard felt someone patting his shoulder from behind, he turned around and saw two unfamiliar Asians.
"Who are you?"
"Please come with us; we want to ask you about some matters."
"What a joke; stay away from me, please."
Bernard looked at the two men with disgust, his eyes filled with disdain.
"Since you're not cooperating, I'm sorry to say this."
The two men from Sunrise Land didn't waste any more words with Bernard and directly grabbed his arm, preparing to forcibly take him away.
Bernard cursed, and just at that moment, a black Mercedes-Benz van pulled up in front of him.
The car door opened, and four men got out, standing in front of Bernard.
Lin Yi and another person, who was standing not too far away, stopped in their tracks, not expecting Bernard's bodyguards to appear suddenly.
Even though it was a small country, one shouldn't take it lightly.