The man named Sun Xueqiang had developed high blood pressure because he took the same medication as Ma Dehong.
At first glance, this might not seem like a clue.
After all, they were taking the same type of medicine called Betalek.
However, the situation was not as straightforward as it appeared.
In the detention center, only Ma Dehong and Sun Xueqiang were patients with high blood pressure.
So Wang Mei Jia had prepared their medicine in advance.
She would make up a dozen or more doses, pack them in sealed bags, and hand them over to the prison guards when they came by.
But there was a problem in the middle, Ma Dehong died from a cerebral hemorrhage so the medicine that had been prepared for him was no longer needed.
But it couldn't be said to be a waste, since it was all the same medicine.
Wang Mei Jia took the remaining medicine from Ma Dehong, replaced it with a label bearing Sun Xueqiang's name, and continued to administer it to him.