Although Akira and Asahi were resolved to stop the pimp rig on their own, they are aware that they will have a better chance of succeeding with Musabori and the others' assistance. The children immediately become terrified upon arrival and cling to Musabori. Some pimps try to attack Musabori before they enter the ancient, rusted mansion, but Musabori sees them with crimson eyes and knocks them out.
Musabori: "Such a hassle to deal with these gremlins."
The air begins to become heavier as they all set off. As they proceed, the atmosphere is filled with the obscene smell of the mansion. Akira and Asahi investigate the rooms of the estate for their mother as Musabori follows closely behind as a proctor.
Arisa: "It seems like my cousin is a good person at heart, hm."
Katria: "It seems so."
Akira: "Let go of me!"
When Katria turns around, he notices Musabori chasing after the other pimp and shouting at him.
To get Asahi, Katria and Arisa chase the other pimp.
The team's main goal is to protect the two children, and as they diverge into separate directions, they are both aware of this.
Musabori casts a spell to seal the door as he enters the chamber where Akira is being taken.
Despite their best efforts, Katria and Arisa are unable to remove the spell, and they quickly come to the realization that they can no longer follow Musabori.
Musabori: "You think you're getting away from me?"
Pimp: "You are a strange one, Sir Lucifer will be pleased about this news."
Musabori: "I could give a rat's ass about Lucifer! Talk with your hands or don't talk at all."
Pimp: "It seems that I have no other choice."
The pimp tosses his cloak aside and his eyes glow a dark green. Musabori sees this and gets excited. Musabori goes to Akira to pick him up and take him to safety. Musabori was no stranger to danger, but even he was taken aback when he saw the mysterious figure from a distance. He saw the fear and terror in Akira's eyes as the mysterious figure approached, but Musabori knew he was there to save him. Musabori was determined to do whatever he could to keep Akira safe, and with an adrenaline-fueled courage, he stepped forward and confronted the mysterious figure.
Akira: "What are you doing?"
Musabori: "It won't be good if I just leave you here to be caught in the crossfire."
Akira: "But I can seal magic…"
Musabori: "Well shit, kid! Take my hand, I have an ability that lets me learn other peoples' power."
Musabori returns Akira to the mini area after Akira permits him to learn his sealing spell.
While Musabori goes to confront the pimps, Akira conjures a protective shield around himself to shield him from any additional intruders. Musabori rushes off to battle after realizing the seriousness of the situation. Musabori is not fighting alone because Akira has conjured a group of phoenixes to aid him. Musabori's eyes glow crimson red while his tone stays serious, he knows he has to take his opponents seriously now. The pimp looks at his crimson eyes and grows intrigued by them. Musabori was not intimidated by the pimp's gaze; he stared back, refusing to be cowed. The pimp then knew he was dealing with someone who had a great deal of courage and self-confidence, qualities that would be needed in order to take on the task ahead. It was clear to the pimp that Musabori was no ordinary person; he had strength and willpower that extended beyond the norm. Musabori's attitude was one of bravery and resilience, traits that the pimp admired.
Pimp: "The Son of Envy, hm?"
Musabori: "I'm my own person, don't call me by an irrelevant title. Enough talking, let's get down to business shall we?"
Musabori moves directly in the direction of the pimp before he has time to gather his thoughts.
A spell called Poison Spore: Area of Effect is cast by the pimp. The entire area, including the air itself, is poisoned by this spell. Musabori takes a breath of the air and instantly gains power.
He gained incredible strength and agility thanks to the boost, which helped him easily avoid the spell. Musabori was able to dodge the spell with agility and strength that would have been impossible without the unanticipated power surge. Musabori was able to channel the strength of the contaminated air into himself, enhancing his physical prowess in the process.
Musabori uses an attack he learned during his training with his mother, Yin Release: Devourer's Prey. He took the pimp and absorbed all of his magical strength. After he did that, he ate him. With Devourer's Prey, the user has to eat the opponent to gain full control of the magical power that was gained. After Musabori ate the pimp and burped out a few bones, he spotted Akira's mother in the distance. Akira's mother saw Musabori eat the pimp and backed away slowly. Musabori, now out of his Yin Release state, walks towards the deprived woman. Musabori, knowing that his Yin Release state had scared her, put on a soothing expression and stretched out his arms in a gesture of friendship.
Musabori: "Let me break you out of here. I know your kids are waiting."
Woman: "My... kids?"
Musabori: "You forgot you had kids? Come on now."
Woman: "My apologies, my memories are quite hazy right now."
Musabori carries the woman to Akari. Akari welcomed the woman with open arms, and Musabori, relieved that he had been able to fulfill his promise of delivering her safely, stayed with Akari as his sister was still missing. Musabori looks around and sees that Arisa and Katria are also gone. Confused, Musabori and Akari set out to find them. Musabori and Akari ventured into the nearby forest, desperately searching for Arisa and Katria. As they trekked through the forest, their search became more frantic and urgent. When all hope seemed lost, a ray of light shone through an open field. In the distance, they spotted a silhouette of two figures standing off with another one in the distance. Musabori and Akari ran towards the figures and were relieved to find that it was Arisa and Katria, standing before another pimp who had Asashi in their hands.
Katria: "Arisa! I have an idea!"
Arisa: What are you thinking of?"
Katria: "Combination."
Arisa: "Like fusion? This isn't Dragon Ball Z!"
Katria: "You fucking dimwit, I'm talking about combining releases! Where the hell do you get DBZ from?"
Yin and Yang have their own separate forms of essence release. Yang is released through the human body's physical action, whereas Yin is released through its internal force. Every release contains magical essence, but many users utilize it in different ways. Yang is built through physical activities such as exercise, martial arts, and sports, while Yin is built through meditation and other calming activities. Many users of Yang utilize weapons, while Yin users have more long-range spells that are cast from their sources of essence. Both forms of magical essence have their own strengths and weaknesses, but many users have mastered a combination of both to create more powerful spells. This combination is known as the Ying-Yang, and it serves as the foundation for some of the most powerful forms of magic and can only be used by two users of opposite releases. Only the Most High utilizes Yin-Yang releases effectively by himself. Yin and Yang users must work together in order to create the most powerful spells.
Arisa: "Oh shit, my bad hehe. Well, let's try it! Yin Release-"
Katria: "Yang Release-"
Arisa and Katria in unison: "Dismay of the Future!"
Yin Yang Release: Dismay of the Future is a combo release that drops any status ailment and any spell dispelled on the field while massively buffing the users. Yin Yang Release: Dismay of the Future is a powerful release that allows users to turn the tide in a battle by removing any status ailments and spells cast on them while buffing their own stats at the same time. With the release done, Arisa's left eye and Katria's right eye glow a light gray color. The witch sees this and backs away in fear. This combo release is a testament to Arisa and Katria's determination in the face of adversity, showing that they will not back down and will rescue Asashi at all costs. As they release the spell, their gray colored eyes gush out blood. Yin-yang releases always require a sacrifice. In this case, it'll be their eyesight. Even with the knowledge of this possible consequence, the practitioners had faith in their practice, as it was often seen as a sacrifice that had to be made for a greater good.
Arisa: Let's get this over with!"
Katria: "Yeah, this witch has been such a hassle."
Arisa and Katria in unison: "Yin Yang Release, Astral Horizon!"
With this final attack, the witch disappears into tiny specs of magic. After the attack, Arisa and Katria both held their eyes in pain. Katria's right eye and Arisa's left eye started to bleed. Asahi rushes towards them, scared that they'll get hurt, and starts to use healing magic. Asahi had hoped her healing magic would be enough to stop their bleeding, but they had both been affected by a powerful magic, and it was beyond her power. Despite her efforts, she was unable to restore their vision. Katria and Arisa realized the power of the magic was too much for Asahi, but still felt grateful for her attempt to help them.
Asashi: "I'm... sorry. I thought my healing would fix it."
Katria: "Don't worry kiddo, as long as everyone's safe that's all that matters!"
As Katria and Arisa smile, Asashi's worries flew away like the breeze. Musabori walks towards Katria and Arisa.
Musabori: "So, what was that stunt about?"
Katria: "Listen Musa, all we saw was the witch going outside with Asashi. So, we followed closely behind them."
Arisa: "Still can't believe I'm half-blind now, oh well. Let's get back, Arino's probably worried sick."
Musabori: "Mission accomplished! Am I right?"
Everyone laughs as they return back to Vinlox. Meanwhile back in the cave, the hooded figure struggles to get up.
Hooded Figure: "This mortal seems interesting! Hehe! Hahaha! Well, I have found someone intriguing! I must inform Master about this!"