Acheron: Can you two stop fighting for like a second? I don't know you two to know why it's like this but for the love of every god, stop.
Stella and Kenos turned their heads to look at Acheron. As he put one foot back, the two stopped arguing. Stella looked around to notice that Kitsune and Nahe weren't there but noticed a second later that they were outside talking.
Nichi: Also, can you explain what exactly is going on for once?
Kenos looked over at Stella. He stayed quiet for a second.
Stella: ... oh right.
He cleared his throat.
Stella: Let's start from the beginning shall we? 9 years ago as "I" was about to die, I had a vision. At first, I refused to believe that it was from the future but when I woke up from my near death state everything from that vision was happening exactly the same.
Yuzui: So it wasn't just a small vision?
Stella: Well...let me explain myself better for those who don't know how future vision works. You don't just see it like a movie, you live through everything until you reach the point in time that you want. The thing is in this vision, I started from when I woke up and live at least 8 years of my life, but suddenly I skipped the ninth year and was put into an unknown outcome. It's the current year right now, everything happened the same... Ken never listened to me, I killed the same people, I have the exact same powers, and I wasn't able to stray from that god forsaken path.
Kenos looked at the ground as Stella took a deep breath to relieve his frustration.
Stella: The vision ended with an army of some unknown creature, which I can one-hundred percent say wasn't a monstra, running towards me. I was alone, at least, I believe that... I never really looked back because I thought I could handle them myself. Before I could even activate any sort of power it just cut off and I woke up in that room from the beginning.
Yuzui: So we're relying on a vision you had years ago?
Nahe: Did it have to do with the things that attacked us in the castle?
Stella: They looked similar, but I can't confirm those were the things I saw.
Kenos: Wait, hold on a second. What happened to the castle?
Kitsune: It was, I assume, destroyed by something that he couldn't even hit
Stella: Let's just rest for tonight, I'll explain everything tomo-
Him and Kenos looked outside as if something had happened. Everyone else in the room looked at them confused.
Elias: Why'd you stop?
Kenos and Stella looked at each other and nodded in agreement.
Kenos: Stay inside.
Stella: There's a portal out of here in the attic, use it to get out if needed. Kit, keep them safe.
The two walked outside.
Elias: What...happened?
Nahe: Shouldn't we help with whatever it is?
Kitsune: Stella doesn't like help.
Yuzui: Neither does Ken.
Kitsune: Let's just stay in here.
She looked at her hand and closed her eyes. After taking a deep breath, she moved her hand up and motioned it down. This covered the house in a blue bubble and protected it. She then put her hands together and separated them creating a spirit in the shape of a bear.
Acheron: Yo, is that a fucking polar bear?!
Kitsune: Yes.
Acheron: Can I pet it?
Kitsune: Nah, it'll maul you.
Acheron: Wha-
Kitsune: Of course you can, I made it.
Acheron: Awesome.
Just outside, Stella and Kenos walked away from the house trying to spot the enemy. It was dark out, not a single light was in sight. Stella's eyes started glowing and giving off a faint light bright enough to see their surroundings while Kenos moved beside him.
Kenos: You heard that?
Stella: Yeah.
Stella moved forward a bit more and looked to the right. He put his hand on face for a second and then parted the hair that was blocking his vision. Kenos stayed behind him as he grabbed the air just a bit above him and with three fingers started ripping into reality itself. As he left a tear in reality, a screech was heard from in front of them. What followed was an amalgamation of screams and roars surrounding them.
Stella: Look at us, finally fighting side by side.
Kenos: Shut up.
Stella for once gave a warm smile and summoned his axe. Kenos, with his other hand, grabbed into the rift and spread some mist across his body. His entire body seemed transparent and gave off a strong glow. He moved forward to reveals the enemies in front of him.
Kenos: What the f-
He was looking at his mother. As she smiled at him, she stood still with a glow in her eyes.
Stella looked over at Kenos and noticed the person standing there. His eyes opened as if seeing a ghost who had haunted him before. He rubbed his eyes to confirm he was seeing right. He was indeed seeing right as he was looking straight at himself but slightly different.
Stella took a deep breath as he knew what this was. Other figures emerged from around them, all of them looking like someone from their lives. From lovers, to parents, to old enemies, they were surrounded by creatures taking the form of all of them. Stella was sick to his stomach when he saw someone he regretted killing. As Kenos' mother approached him, he was paralyzed.
Kenos: I-
He was impaled in the chest. As he lost his transparent form, he was sent back to the position the reality tear as in. Stella looked at his old friend in the eyes as he grabbed his axe once more to put an end to him.
Stella: Glad to see you again, old friend.
The figure looked directly at him, his pupils changed from dark yellow to pink.
Stella: If only it was the real you...
"Don't mistake me with them, Argos. I'm here to finish what my mother couldn't" said the person to him directly. Stella moved back as he realized it wasn't a fake. It was actually the person he had killed back then. "Maybe it wasn't personal, but I took it that way when you killed our friends." The person summoned a shield and a sledgehammer, as he looked directly into Stella's eyes.