Viola Santoro walked into her son's household with only one thing in mind; to cast out whatever demon that had her dear son in a chokehold. She was determined and vowed that not even God would help whoever tried to stop her.
Many years ago, she stumbled on the brothers in their common plight and immediately knew a day would come when connecting them with her beloved son would yield results. The junior brother was of no use to her.
Hector Was the one she knew she could easily manipulate. A man looking for any opportunity to escape the harshness of life and protect his younger brother would do anything. It was no surprise she capitalized on that. Her decision many years ago finally paid off.
Viola had begun that morning just like every other one. She woke up and crept to her husband's room. She pressed her ears to the door to ensure he was still breathing. You see, even in the reality of the fact that he would never love her, she still cared deeply for him.