Chereads / A Gamer Into Trails / Chapter 240 - Chapter 238: Perspective

Chapter 240 - Chapter 238: Perspective

Giliath demands your power stones!


Meanwhile, as the three of us shared a moment of silence while Sherryl's emotions started to unravel during her time spent away, letting her tears flow down with me wiping them off to the side of her face...

Further beyond the hallway which criss-crossed into another one nearby, a sole figure could be seen leaning their back up against the wall, hidden away from sight. This sole figure was quite young too, sporting bright purple hair that split at its tips past her neck. She no longer had her St. Astraia uniform on, but was wearing a frilly dress. She had changed out of the one she wore during the dance and wore a more casual dress for the evening, but nonetheless a dress it was. This girl liked to wear frilly things. The exact opposite of what Fie liked to wear. This girl was of course Renne, and she currently had her eyes closed, sporting a smile as she listened in from beyond the nearest hallway that connected to where Naoto's group was.

Of course, Naoto easily picked up Renne's presence when she arrived further in the back, but seeing her not join in and distanced herself, Naoto likely figured Renne was just here to check in on them. Renne didn't mind keeping her distance at this moment in time. In fact, she even had a smile over her lips as she slowly opened her eyes as she saw Sherryl's tears drop down.

"So you've decided to let it all go...", Renne mused, seeing as she was in a similar position herself not too long ago. She had reached a resolution on her own without Naoto being there for her, thanks to beating one of the Tetracyclic Towers. She had seen how far she had grown during it, and resolved herself to stay at Naoto's side, through good or bad times. Renne felt that if she were to interrupt this moment, it would ruin the present atmosphere.

Yet just as Renne was thinking that, in a split moment between Naoto's wiping Sherryl's tears away with his fingers, Renne saw Naoto's eyes glance her way. Seeing this, Renne paused, as she saw a vermillion hue currently wrapped over his eyes, causing Renne to stare at Naoto for a moment.

'I haven't seen those eyes in a good while...', Renne inwardly thought to herself. It really has been a while since she had seen Naoto use the Vermillion Eyes. Now she knew why he was so quick to spot her. She hadn't seen these eyes of his get used since the events of Nemeth Island. It's been a few years since she had seen him use it, rarely even back at Grancel Castle. Naoto had used these eyes during her absence like back in North Ambria, but from Renne's view, that wasn't the case.

Renne only saw Naoto look at her for a brief moment with those eyes before they looked away, only to enjoy the hug the three were still sharing.

"Guess I'm not needed after all. It would be a shame to ruin such a blissful moment.", Renne uttered, musing to herself as her lips curved into a smile. To not disturb the three, Renne decided it was time to step away from the corner, and started to walk toward the opposite direction, back to where the guest rooms were. It was pretty far, but she knew the way, thanks to Sherryl giving her the direction to Princess Alfin's room in the first place.

Still, as she walked down a hallway, a rather open view came into place. The tolling of the midnight bell that signaled midnight had ended, and saw orbal fireworks start to shoot off in the distance, creating one loud and muffled bang after another. Seeing this, Renne kept to herself but smiled. At the same time, she saw a swift shadow enter her view, approaching the hallway from the opposite direction after a few moments of walking.

"So this is where you were, Renne.", A sound of another girl's voice said as a figure suddenly swooped down, appearing as if she had come out from the shadows themselves.

"Well look who decided to finally show up. Was wondering when you would try to sneak back into this place. Just where did you wander off to the entire night? You vanished right after the dance party started. Are you that against wearing a dress?", Renne said, rolling her eyes as she saw a white haired girl swoop in from the ceiling, appearing in her normal attire. THe moment she saw a window to escape, this girl of course tossed her dress aside, and ditched everyone at the dance. She was of course Fie. Fie arrived not too far away from Renne.

"I just can't get used to those things. I don't like clothing that restricts moving my body like that. Sorry.", Fie said, feeling apologetic as she scratched her face a bit. Still, she kept a somewhat deadpan look in her eyes. Renne only shrugged her shoulders hearing that.

"It's not like I was against it, and Big Brother didn't pursue you either since he had that meeting to attend to. You curious about how that ended up?", Renne decided to ask Fie since she was back here now. Fie quickly shook her head.

"Nah. I ain't big on that stuff. If you need me to hunt a monster I'm way more up that alley. Naoto can have his fun talking with those nobles. As to where I've been, I caught Xeno lurking around the palace exterior and he let me know the Boss was in town. So I went to hang out with them.", Fie said, answering Renne's doubt.

"So the Direwolf's report holds true then. Didn't think he'd be one to shoot a breeze with those Jaegers, but it's not out of the question, I suppose.", Renne said, hearing what Fie has been up to. Unlike the other girls who had arrived back in the guest room with Emma being the last one to return, Renne didn't see Fie return for the entire night. Emma said this was a normal occurence to the other girls so they wouldn't get confused by it, and only shrugged it off, but Renne didn't think she'd learn Fie's words were true after all.

"The Direwolf? He definitely introduced himself as such. Didn't think he'd be related to you, Renne. But then again, Dad picked up a random girl like me who used to be a street rat. He told me a bit about you as the adults drank to their heart's content during the tollling of the bell.", Fie mused, looking at Renne with a new look in her eyes. Renne looked back at Fie and smiled.

"That so? It's only right you will eventually come to learn of our situation, since it was previously shown to you back in the changing hall. Still I'd consider me with the Direwolf as working acquaintances at best. Where he goes, my presence isn't needed as much anymore, since I've already finished the task I was assigned to do. Who knows. Perhaps I won't even have a role in the coming days once that little bit of chaos descends into Liberl.", Renne mused. Yet as Renne said that, only confusion appeared in Fie's eyes.

"???", Fie tried to respond, but didn't find words to Renne's remark just now. She hadn't a clue what she was referring to, but at the same time, a hint of worry appeared in Fie's eyes.

"Is something gonna happen in Liberl?", Fie decided to ask, causing Renne to smile.

"Eh, nothing a Jaeger like you should fret about. Just a small twig waiting to be stepped on while walking down a dirt road. I am curious to see how the Faceless will react if Big Brother decides to take what is rightfully his. He is Liberl's Crown Prince for a reason.", Renne said, only making Fie more confused. After all, Fie wasn't around for any interactions Naoto had with Ouroboros and Renne, she came after. She had met the Direwolf back in the casino the Jaeger King and the others were hanging out at, but Fie didn't know at the time the Direwolf was part of Ouroboros, much like Renne was.

As for Renne, she wondered where her current role would take her from here. She had already accomplished what she was tasked to do with Loewe, so in reality, all she really needed to do was be present during the time Estelle and Joshua take on one of the four towers. For now, she could only think about it as Fie marveled at the sight of the ongoing fireworks. As they began to fade, Renne did a motion of her hand.

"Why don't we head back for the night? Let Big Brother have his moment. It's already past midnight as it is, Fie. Though color me interested, I am curious as to what you are going to do from here on. You know Naoto's staying here in Heimdallr for a couple months right?", Renne asked Fie, causing Fie to nod her head.

"Yeah. That's the word or so Naoto said. I figure my training would be reaching a stopping point, but I am not sure what Emma is going to do, seeing as she is expressing interest in staying in the capital too. Thankfully I came by the Boss. Said they secured a new contract, so I may not be around for much, but the contractor is funnily enough a resident from Heimdallr. Can't wait to meet 'em.", Fie said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Haha, guess that would make us both busy for the times to come then. Well, there's a good chance we'll catch each other at times, seeing I'm a student at St. Astraia now.", Renne responded with a nod of her head.

"I do hope that goes well for you. I do agree we should call it a night. Do you need me to take you back? Also saw Naoto around the corner with the princess. I'm guessin' they're going to stay there, seeing you didn't interrupt them.", Fie wondered.

"I can only assume so. Let's head on back, shall we?", Renne nod, walking up beside Fie. Fie decided to follow along as the two left the nearby hallway.

As for Naoto, he became mused seeing Fie also arrive thanks to his Vermillion eyes, but thanks to the two having that short conversation, Naoto finally saw Sherryl calm down, after letting out those tears. The three of them parted from their hug, only to have Princess Alfin suddenly push Naoto's back, making him head straight inside the princess's room no less. Naoto could only blink his eyes seeing Princess Alfin do this. Sherryl laughed along the way, and Princess Alfin even invited Sherryl for the three of them to use the princess's room to sleep over for the night.

Naoto wasn't against it, seeing Princess Alfin be so adamant on wanting him to stay in her room. It was very frilly and full of stuffed animals, to say the least. It made Naoto ponder whether or not he should sleep in her room, but soon threw out that thought, considering it was already late into the night as it was. The three of them quickly got ready for bed, letting the first day of the new century begin to dawn as the sun soon started to rise up from the mountains in the distance...

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