Was he even serious? If he told the police what had really happened, it was surely going to get Alicia out of jail.
'It would change the fact that Alicia is in jail for what she didn't do. You have to talk to the police.' I said.
'No. Because of this, Pilar lost the baby and I know you; Kassy knew about it.' He pointed to me.
'Baby? Pilar was pregnant?' Mum asked.
I was uncomfortable there. I just wanted to leave the room and visit Amber, but I also didn't want it to seem like I was running away.
'What does that have to do with anything? And that baby wasn't yours. When last did you touch Pilar?' I held Kolin closer to me.
Like a sheet of unconsciousness was peeled from Eric's eyes, he exclaimed. He knew that Pilar had cheated, and she stabbed herself to escape from his anger but that was a stupid thing for her to do.
'You're right.' He turned around and walked away.
'Pilar was pregnant?' Mum asked in a whisper.