chapter 1. Well it's gonna be okay .we fall we fail but we need to stand up again . That's life even how hard life it is we need to motivate ourself to continue dreaming
Chapter 2 Toxic people
In our life we encountered a toxic one. if someone trying destroy your character u only need to do is cut them off when they're not doing good well u don't need them to your life because they're trying to hinder your dream in life . don't stressed yourself .i hope u found the right circles of friends
Chapter 3: Don't stuck on the past
well we don't need to looking back to your past because it's done . You need to do is acceptance and learn from it . you'll never grow when u stuck on the past move on .get up and look to your present
Chapter 4: Happiness is your choice
There's a lot of going on to our life if you feel cry go cry for it .rember don't give up easily
we're all having a bad day but don't stuck your self from your comfort zone . even how many trials have been fought we still choose to be happy.