Chereads / Holy Arsenal / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 - Tough Grind

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 - Tough Grind

Axle deeply sleeps in his room and it's nearly 6 in the morning when suddenly a gunfire blasted near his bed. Stumbled but he can't see due to the darkness in his room so he wrapped his hands with a blanket and made an improvised strangling equipment ready to kill whoever makes that noise.

"Wake up it is time for your training."

The click of the on switch on his room made his eyes see everything. It's Jason Thorne, carrying an assault rifle and the one who made all the ruckus in his room.

"Do you really have to do that?"

As Axle scratches his hair while yawning, lacking of sleep.

Jason replied

"Rule number 1, always on alert while you asleep. But I am impressed because you made your own improvised garrote made out of a blanket, it's bigger in size but it can strangulate a person or an engkato."

Jason waited him as he washed his face, opened his cabinet changed his clothes and tied his shoes. Axle is getting ready to his first day of his training.

Axle noticed something as they walked to the corridors, every training room they passed by he watched other trainees like him sitting on the training floor listening to their trainer of what training they will experience. Everyone is looking at him as they walk to his training room and he asked Jason about it.

"Why are not in the special training room like me?"

Jason replied with him frankly,

"Like I said, you are one of the few trainees in this country that will access to the special training room. I am your only mentor and you are my only student. Everyone else you see had experienced tragedies like you but unlike them, you are more muscular, flexible, agile and alert just what you did the night before you little sister's birthday and earlier in your room. And that I am impressed.

Jason looks at him smiling knowing that he trusted him and will pass the training of becoming one of the Holy Arsenal.

They reached to his first training room, Axle looks suspicious in the training room, it is a one door 80 by 90 square meter room, no windows and has only one door. As they enter, there is no lights Axle thinks if he closes the door the room will be in complete darkness.

"Enter the room."

He sees Jason wearing his combat gloves looking at him giving a cold shoulder. By a sudden chill on Axle's spine, he followed his command.

Jason talks to his first training rule,

"In order to fight darkness, you must assume that you are part of the darkness."

Jason closes the door and make a screeching sound that made Axle felt a quick heartbeat. Complete darkness covers his eyes he stances himself in fighting position thinking himself how to deal a Holy Arsenal high rank officer in a complete darkness.

He can hear only his own high pitched bloodstream. He observes the place and he can't even hear Jason's breathing plus the feel of slight nervousness of himself that any moment Jason will attacked him. By a sudden whooping sound, he feels his face being punched in the right eye and a strong jab hitting his left jaw. Completely unaware he suddenly crouched down and starts to stand up covering his self with his both hands. He can hear his blood dripping to the floor coming from his nose. Taking a deep breath, thinking and observing the place. He thinks that if this is a 80 by 90 square meter room, which means Jason is possibly three or two meters either in front, back or on his both sides. He hears another whooping sound, Axle feels his right abdomen being kicked and due to impact he kneels down Jason grabs his hair and start punching him right in the face. Axle is nowhere to run but to either he beats Jason or Jason will stop the training for the day. He had no choice but to fight back, he grabbed Jason's arm and attempt to twist it to lose its grip. But Jason didn't fazed, he lifts him only his one hand grabbed his groin on the other and uses its strength to throw him at the wall like a two handed javelin. By his reflexes, Axle uses his back to balancing his one leg to the wall and the other on the floor leaving him open. He hears Jason's loud footsteps rushing towards him and landed a kick on his thigh. Axle hurts badly to that kicked so he grabbed his waist pushing him towards to the other end of the wall. While pushing, Jason elbows him in the back two times over, kicks him in the stomach with his right leg uses his both hands to lift him up and toss him at the back. Upon stumble, Axle stands up quickly and tried to punch Jason at his left neck but darkness all over him and none of his punches and kicks didn't hit him not even once as if he is the only person in the room. Axle deeply inhales and prepare for whatever Jason's attack will come next. He can hear a loud sound coming from his left ear, he leans and hit on his right eye completely knocked out.

As the outside room quiets, Jason opens his door and asks Axle.

"How's it feel to become in the darkness Axle?"

Axle barely getting himself up from lying on the floor completely beaten up as if Jason will kill him only his brute force. He was kicked in the upper right portion of his abdomen that would make a perfect target for the enemy because it is where the liver is located, a blackened eye on his face, his face and his shirt covered in blood, all wrecked up.

"So this is the special training room, first special training room. It only means that there are other training rooms that you will freely beat me until I give up? Is that it?

Jason replied with insult.

"What's wrong? Giving up already?" Don't worry, I will enjoy "killing you" until you will go home with no money and support to your little sister and you will live in anxiety that you friend died in your hands. Now I'll close the door again try hitting me will you?"

Jason replied with a smiling insult.

"Holy Arsenal special training, screw you."

As the first night on his special training passes, as he walked towards in his room everyone in the other training room looks at him, completely bathed in his own blood, barely walked, hardly recognized his face because of a blackened eye and a lot of bruises in his body while other trainees bathed in their own sweat and tired and their mentor said to them.

"He is the only person permitted to access the special training room directly. In short, he is strong compared to all of you. If you want to proceed the kind of training that he experienced, you must past all these training from top to bottom, Understand?

Everyone else replied,

"Sir yes sir!"

As Axle enters his room, he goes straight to be bathroom, cleans himself and changed his clothes ready to go to sleep. But on his mind, something was amused him that made him curious.

"What if I will learn shadow boxing?"

Shadowboxing is a combat sport or a type of training in which a person throws punches into the air as if he or she is fighting an opponent. It is typically utilized in boxing to prepare the muscles before the individual training engages in a more strenuous physical activity. He asks himself again,

"What martial arts will I use and train? Whatever, I'll decide that tomorrow."

Axle sleeps due to tiredness in his training.

It is nearly midnight and Jason was called by the D5 Council.

"Good evening Mr. Thorne or we should say good morning it is nearly midnight."

Jason replied,

"It is a pleasure to meet you leaders of this organization. May I know what is the reason that you called me?"

The member of D5 council asks him frankly,

"The trainee that we approved directly to the special training, is he developing?"

Jason replied,

"Not yet sir since he started his training earlier because I showed him first the places in the organization, the things that he should do and shouldn't do. But if he is making progress, I assure you he will be the best agent that we ever trained of."

The D5 council murmuring about Jason's in complete agreement.

"Very well, but trained him all the knowledge you can refer in a short of time because rampant killings wasn't decreasing in the country for the past 2 years. We killed a lot but the result doesn't change the same. We will do what we can to provide whatever you need but promise us to eliminate all those monsters to obtain peace and stop the killings."

"Will do sir."

Jason replied with assurance and dedication.

As he walks to his room ready to rest, he checked on Axle's room making sure if he is okay. He reminisced his old self into trainee, to an agent, and to become what he is right now. He smiles at him snoring.

"Get ready Axle, your training will be tougher in order for you to become one of us and to avenge your friend. Sleep well my student."

As he carefully closes the door and went to his room to rest.

Hours later, Jason prepares his rifle goes straight to Axle's room because it's his second day of training. Jason kicked Axle's door and he is big surprise that Axle is already up waiting him to open the door while wearing his combat gloves.

"Let's go."

Axle is now ready after he experienced yesterday's training.

On his second day, on the same dark room they enter. Axle focuses his mind, ready to counter whatever Jason's throwing at him. Punches, kicks everything he will be using his physical force against Axle. 5 hours has been passed, the door was opened by Jason and he was unscathed while Axle is the same as before he entered the room yesterday. But Jason didn't know that deep inside Axle's mind he has a plan on how to defeat him in a short span of time.

"That's it for today Axle."

Jason amazed on how Axle's endurance, even though his force can kill a group of person but somehow he manages to stand up and ready to fight as if he is worthy to become a Holy Arsenal agent. Night passes to the headquarters. Some members, agents and trainees sleep. Axle went to the entertainment room, search some videos on what martial arts suited to him. From there, he finally found a perfect martial arts from him. On the third day, he makes a strict schedule. On the morning training they won't stop entering the dark room either Jason tell him that he passes the room or Axle can hurt him even once. After their training, Axle takes his meal and went straight to his room shadow boxing with a mix of his martial arts that he used. Jason walks the hallway to check Axle's room but he hears the movements of Axle. Every punch, every kick he heard it for as long he sticks his ear to the door.

"In just 8 days, he manages to strengthen himself to land a punch or kick on me even once. What an interesting kid. Well then I will bring my A game tomorrow, huh Axle?"

Jason's thought murmuring while he listens his shadow boxing. As carefully walks away warming himself for his 9th day.

While fighting in the dark room, Jason was in slight shock by Axle's fighting style. Every punch every kick he land on him, he counters and parried it. And Axle nearly delivers his punch to Jason but he dodged it. As sunset falls, he asks Axle.

"What did you do in just 8 days"?

Axle replied,

"Train of course to land a single punch on you. Why sir?

"In 9 days, you have been completely beaten up, most trainees will give up in 3 to 4 days but you want to still keep going. What drives you?"

Jason wants to know every detail and Axle spits his answer.

"For money."

Jason realizes it's all just for money for her little sister.

"Every person wants to become strong for them to be feared, for fame or to get a lot of girls and you just for money? That's why you got my attention kid."

Axle replied,

"Don't call me kid or sport or champ will you?"

Jason answered,

"Yeah sure slick anything you say."

Axle sighs knowing if he talks back, he will beat him up in the room again.

Sunset is coming and they are both hungry, they went to cafeteria to eat for dinner. While Jason orders for food and them suddenly, a bunch of trainees went to Axle's table started to make a scene.

"Oh look it's the new special child from the special training. Get it special child? Huh? Did everyone get that?

Everyone laughs at his joke but Axle ignores it and focuses on Jason ordering at the food court.

A huge guy sat to his table looking him in the eye, telling something intimidating.

"You think you're so tough, you think you can handle anyone here? Let's put it to the test. Come on, go!

Axle still ignoring the big guy.

"Oh! That's right you're from special training meaning someone taking your booboos because you are special huhuhuhu!"

Axle thinks that he is the leader of the group of people that, looking at him saying something.

"That's right I'm from the special training you know why?

Big guy replied,


Axle smiles,

"Because your mom is taking me special good care not once but for 9 days straight. Once I made a joke about her, wait until nine months she will get it."

Big guy's comrade was in hysterical laugh about Axle's joke and made him pissed. Rolling his shirt upwards.

"Want to do it now!?"

Jason stops the fight and say something strictly.

"If you want to beat him to a pulp, wait till you be called for a sparring match. If you manage to kill him, it's his fault. Same to you Axle.

Big guy replied,

"Sounds fair. I can't wait to beat you and make you feel embarrassed."

Axle replied,

"Yey! Someone I can kill with."

The group of guys Axle and peacefully eats his meal with Jason. Axle asked.

"How long will I have to suffer before I can hurt you?"

Jason replied,

"I don't know, feel your fists and feet into a kill mode especially your weapon that you want to be used in the future. Because true courage doesn't to take a life of someone, but to spare and save one. If you know what I mean, then you have the true courage of a Holy Arsenal agent."

Axle went to his room, thinking about what Jason's said, thinking his friend about what he did is a true courage or not?

On the ninth day, both of the enters the room Jason and closes the door. Jason feels a quiet presence and he didn't feel Axle was in the room even though they both entered it.


Jason's thoughts were on his head. Brining his A game, he won't stop beating Axle until he lands a blow on him and suddenly. He feels a vibrating wind coming from his side.

"Is that a kick?"

Another vibrating wind coming from his face, barely dodged. Jason is serious Axle wants to end his first special training. Jason landed a punch but it's not Axle, it's just a wall. Blow by blow every punch every kick Axle gives everything to make Jason off guard but in the end, was cornered. This is Axle's plan all along he memorizes every corner of the room, practiced shadow boxing to feel Jason that the every punch he try to land on will make Jason move but somehow Jason fights back. Axle parried it dodged it and even counter all his fighting style. As Jason walks backwards he suddenly feel the wall behind it. He realized that it is the corner of the room and he had a strong feeling that Axle was in front of him standing, ready to make a punch of him. What makes Jason more completely off guard is because of the quietness of the room. As if Axle didn't breath once when they enter the room. Jason was somehow amazed quite intimidate by Axle's performance. He heard footsteps walking towards him.

"I have to do something or else he will beat me and pass this test."

Jason's calmness turned into a complete turnover but he smiles happily with enjoy.

Strong punches hearing from the room kicks banging from the wall footsteps hearing barely even outside the dark room and it took 10 hours to end the noises.

"I thought I was a goner there."

Jason was again unscathed but he carried Axle in the back, completely tired.

"Tomorrow I'm going to beat you again, you hear me?

Axle murmurs him in the ear.

Jason replied,

"You already lost, so give up."

"No, I won't give up."

"Don't worry, you are passed. You've done a great job kid. Next two days you will have you rest and after that, it's time for phase two of your special training. Kid? Kid?"

Axle didn't hear it while he was carried back to his room.

Jason said to him calmly.

"I am so proud of you kid. I think you are the one who can the turn the tide of this killing spree world."

Jason puts him on the bed, watching his room full of asking himself.

"What kind of training did he used?"

Jason saw his mobile phone he watched some videos that Axle saved in viewtube in entertainment room. Jason as astonished as he found out that the fighting style he used in his room mixing with shadow boxing is Muay Thai.

Muay Thai, sometimes known as "kickboxing" is a martial art and combat sport that incorporates stand-up hitting and clinching techniques. Because of the simultaneous use of fists, elbows, knees.

"So that's why you have the upper hand earlier"

Jason looks at him as he sleeps smiling at him.

"Good job kid, get some rest."

Jason closes his door letting Axle rest until morning

As dawn rises, Axle was curious that 8 am in the morning Jason didn't appear in the outside of the front door. He went to the dark room but he wasn't there, the armory, the training room and he finally found him in the cafeteria. Waving at him casually.

He went to his table serving his breakfast talks about what he did in his room during after his training in the dark room. They talked a lot of how Jason was able to defeat him in his final training in the dark room. Giving insights of how Jason do it so Axle have knowledge about it.

Jason said to him,

"I congratulate you kid, you passed you didn't hear it last night because you were tired."

Axle replied straight,

"No, let's go to the dark room. I haven't land a single punch on you. You cheater. You liar. You scumbag, always win don't let others take the opportunity to win. Manipulator, sadist, freak."

Axle sees Jason's spoon cut in two looking at him intimidately.

Axle kneels down saying forgiveness.

"I'm sorry sir. Please let me win"

Jason replied,

"I told you, you passed you can now proceed the phase two of your special training. I am deeply impressed by your improvement for the last ten days. You are perfect to train in the special training of this headquarters. Now the next phase of your program will be in firing range, you will learn how to use different types of guns. If you pass, you will proceed to the melee training where will you be trained on how to use different types of melee weapons especially you favorite weapon that you will always want. My question is are you ready?"

Axle replied with confidence,

"Yes sir!"

Jason said something to him.

"I will be going my meeting will be in two hours take the rest of the day off wander except to the prohibited places Axle."

Jason leaves him and Axle was happy that he manages to survive first hellish special training in the dark room. What could awaits him in the next phase of his special training.