The sun shone brightly on the nameplate which read - Chakravyuh Institute of the Mystics. Bars of sunlight drove inside the freshly cut lawn and then reached the main entrance hall. Rudra was sitting in the headmaster's office with Aarav and Roohi who were interrogating him.
"All of that is consistent with a newly triggered wishwolf. It's normal."
"Thank you for that, Rudra. Roohi?" Aarav asked.
Aarav looked at Roohi. She knew what to do. She gave Rudra's hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Everything is going to be okay. Trust me," said Roohi. She stood, opening the door and calling out someone.
"We're ready."
Another student entered. It was Mayur, the narpishachi student dressed in his usual uniform.
"He is Mayur Gujjar. Rudra Chakravarti," said Aarav winking at him.
"C'mon, Prof. Aarav—" Mayur scowled.
"Right. "MG." Sorry. Take it from a guy named Aarav, I get it. Rudra, MG's my student aide."
"He's also a narpishach," Roohi said.
"Of course he is. I've meet him on the street when you rescued us. Y-You know, for a school with a secret to keep, you're kind of liberal with your information," Rudra complained.
"Well. We don't intend for you to actually remember any of it," Aarav teased.
MG stepped close to Rudra. The pupils of Mayur's eyes dilated into a greyish colour.
"Forget everything you've seen or learned since last night. All you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life. You'll miss him, but you know it's for the best," Mayur instructed him. It was almost same as a hypnosis session to Rudra. Rudra looked at them. He was confused and pissed this time.
"Are you two out of your minds? How could I forget any of this?"
"MG, did you do it wrong?" Roohi asked.
"No I didn't do it wrong. It's the easiest pishachi trick in the book," Mayur said.
"Well it didn't work. Obviously."
Suddenly, MG grabbed Rudra by the neck in a hyper-speed move. The veins under his eyes flaring red. He squeezed him until Rudra lost his consciousness.
"Careful—" Aarav suggested.
As Rudra fell to the ground, Aarav was there to catch him.
"Lock him in the cellar. We need to get rid of him, fast...," Aarav said.
MG dragged Rudra out, leaving them standing in shock.
Rudra's eyes slowly fluttered open. He sat up, taking in his surroundings. He's was in a dungeon of sorts. Chains. Bindings.
He leapt to the door. It was locked tight. He spun around. The room was small. Too small. His breathing was started to become more ragged.
He turned. Roohi was outside the door, peering through the bars.
"Roohi. Get me out of here," Rudra pleaded to her.
"I can't. Not yet. But you're not a prisoner, I swear."
"I'm in a real dungeon?" Rudra asked.
"It's a wishwolf's transition space," Roohi answered.
"We won't keep you here long. No one expected you couldn't be compelled."
"I don't know what that means," said Rudra.
"MG tried to erase your memories of this place, but it didn't work."
"So now I'm what—a hostage? Where's Bunty?" Rudra asked.
"He's fine. You're fine too."
"Sure. No big deal. I'll just sit there alone in the werewolf dungeon with my thoughts. Would you— I mean could you wait it out with me?"
She stared at him. Tempted. Beyond tempted. But her walls came up. There was a sadness in her eyes. A story.
"I'm really sorry about all this. But, it was good to see you again."
She left. Reluctantly tearing herself away. Rudra tried to sleep, but it was impossible. The moon shone in the night sky. The sky was clear. Rudra was leaning against the wall in the dungeon when he heard a familiar voice.
"Roohi?" Rudra said brightly.
"Can't sleep either?" Roohi asked.
"Small spaces. You?"
"Sometimes I get...restless," said Roohi.
"Busy brain?"
"Busy everything. My body...has a lot going on inside of it," Roohi mumbled.
"Which is an awesome technique into you telling me why you can move things with your mind," Rudra grinned.
"You ask a lot of questions."
"Wouldn't you too?"
She got it. But she was not ready to answer them.
"I'm gonna try for the sleep thing again...," Roohi announced.
She continued, "I can be...dangerous to people. It's better if I keep my distance."
She disappeared into the darkness, leaving Rudra alone again.
He sat back. Mind racing with the thoughts of her.
A noise outside the cell startled him. He grinned.
"Couldn't stay away, huh?"
He moved toward the door. The door flew open on its own and Rudra was yanked from the cell by an unseen force, his body slamming againstt he wall as he's pulled down the long hallway and hurled into the shadows — with no sign of his assailant whatsoever. Rudra landed on the ground outside, the breath knocked out of him. He pulled himself to his feet, as saw a midnight party was happening around him at the garage buried deep on institute's grounds. Bunty barreled in, grabbing Rudra in a bear hug. Rudra held on for dear life.
"Bunty, what the hell, bro?" Rudra asked.
"You all right? They helped me get you out."
"Summoning spell. Did I bruise you? I'm still working out on my magic," Jessica commented.
He didn't answer.
"C'mon. Let me show you something," said Bunty.
A group of teenagers were up on the second level of the garage.
"Watch this. They teach it in PT, " Bunty suggested.
Two of the teens took a run across the second level, parkouring across the rails, leaping to the stairs, then landing again on the ground in a full crouch, their eyes were yellowish.
"You seem good. I was worried," said Rudra.
"I've been talking to those guys back there, and all that stuff I've been feeling, everything that gets me into trouble? It's normal. I want you to meet them..."
"Honestly, I think it'd be smarter if I take this opportunity to jump the fence and disappear...," Rudra suggested.
Bunty took a look around, made the selfless move.
"Then I'll go with you."
"Bunty, no—" Rudra said.
Bunty placed his hands on Rudra's shoulders. He pulled him closer.
"Bro... It's you and me. Whatever we do, we do it together."
It was important to him that Rudra believed him. Rudra appreciated the gesture, but it broke his heart.
"You know what, how about we think on it over a drink. Want anything?" asked Rudra.
"I'm good."
Rudra walked away. When he reached a safe distance, he turned, watching Bunty as he quickly and easily mixed himself into the crowd of schoolmates. A natural fit. Rudra smiled. He was happy to see him in a good place. Then he turned and disappeared into the tree line leaving him behind. The party raged on. Jessica moved through the crowd. Across the way, Priya Prabhakar mingled. Their eyes meet. Their eyes lingered on each other's. But Jessica quickly broke their gaze. Whatever happened between these two, it hurt. Jessica moved to the firepit where MG held the order. A few drinks in and a little hyped up. She sat next to Bunty. Bunty turned to Jessica, "Thanks for your help with Rudra."
"The least I can do. I know my sister kind of put her foot in it, but we really are sorry about what happened to you," said Jessica.
"Thanks. I had gotten a scholarship. She was gonna follow me therea fter graduation. She was the best person I knew. I pretty much loved her in that way they say only exists in movies," Bunty said.
"The people who say that are the people who have never had their hearts crushed," Jessica mumbled.